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7 months ago
Image Credits: Pinterest

Image credits: pinterest

Hein, rawpixel

Rose tinted glasses

Your mind is bright and filled with colour, able to create scenes, scenarios and interpretations.

You step out into this new world

Maybe you created it in the space of your mind, maybe it always existed, maybe it was recent and you never noticed it before.

The ground cover is a curious shade of a pastel, soft green; and a slight rosy hue.

Other small plants and grasses are dotted around, some are bushes with small delicate flowers.

The grasses and rocks rise above you and you realise that as you’ve entered this special world you have shrunk down to the size of a fairy.

And so the dandelion clocks, usually small and not very noticeable are a gorgeous pastel pink and look like they could be made of candy floss; the stems reaching for centimetres above your head.

Around you are these coloured orbs and lights sparkling and in shades of pink and blue. Some are quite small and waft around you and away, others are slightly larger and as you reach up with both hands they hover slightly just above. You can see your reflection in them, and you study your features. They look almost different somehow, in a way that you can’t quite put your finger on. The orb the floats away and you continue walking, with widened eyes taking everything in.

You stop at a patch full of different flowers in all sorts of shapes and sizes, and there are other smaller leafy plants, some with round leaves, some are slightly pointy; some plants look like they’ve been around a fair while but have been diligently cared for and loved. None of the leaves are torn or brown, or sagging slightly, some of the plants are also very new and quite small, quite cute actually. Like they could have personalities and innocently look at you as you observe them and the way they almost reach out to touch your hands and learn who you are.

They’re very soft, and you’re almost sure you heard an adorable little noise of contentment, mixed with some curiosity and excitement.

You turn slightly and reach to the longer grasses. They have a coarser texture, that isn’t necessarily rough or sharp. It’s almost as if they have an air of wisdom and solemnity about them, but very graceful and elegant. They too, extend outwards to greet you, gently exploring the texture of your hair and the skin on your arms, their soft tendrils tracing around your arms and hands; very delicately. You reach out slowly and turn your forearms this way and that, curious about the sensations and how this plant is behaving, openly displaying an inquisitive nature. You wonder if it has a name, maybe its own, or maybe named by someone much loved.

On your other side the little flowers seem to fidget, in small movements from side to side. You smile softly, and extend an open upturned hand. One small flower in a cluster leans forward ever so slightly and rests its petals in your hand. With the other hand you extend a delicate finger like you would to a soft small cuddly creature, and stroke the tips of the petals gently. The small flower sinks in deeper into your hand and appears to invite the other flowers in the cluster to join; some move gracefully and precisely, others hang back a little and observe. One of the flowers is slightly bigger than the rest, not a significant difference but still noticeable. Unlike the others it is closed. As it approaches it begins to open and reveal a tiny baby bumblebee inside, soft and fluffy as it dreams away inside the heart of this flower. As you look closer you can see its chest rise and fall as it sleeps deeply, the filaments stretching over and the pollen creating a little night light inside the flower. Small very quiet music if you listen closely enough can be heard inside these little flowers. You smile and tilt your head slightly and slowly as a thank you to the flower and it dips its petals slowly in return and retracts away again in amongst the other flowers.

You walk through the plants, careful not to knock into or damage any of them as they move aside.

In front of you is one of the tall rocks you noticed earlier, with many layers. You wish dearly you could get to the top of it and view the landscape around you. A tiny little tendril pokes out, and gestures towards a path leading towards the top of the rock that you never noticed, or at least not earlier.

You step up onto the path, with a weightless feeling you’ve never had before, truly fitting the expression “light as a feather”. But more like the soft ones on a little baby bird. There’s a small shadow cast from the smaller orbs that have been moving around and you look down at the ground and see what looks like could be two delicate wings, like those on a butterfly, stretched out and spread from your back.

They seem to know what you want them to do and with a tiny little flap you move upwards a tiny bit and you can glide up the path as it follows you from behind, curious about the little creature now gliding above and along it. As you get higher and higher like going up a small mountain, you can see more and more of this pink tinted landscape, and some other small creatures you never noticed before. All going about their lives peacefully and calmly each at their own pace. Some of them are more excitable and zip around darting from place to place, others take their time and live more in the every day moments and their movements through the grasses, plants and flowers.

You get to the peak and this soft pink cloud billows around you, but with neither force nor intent. It tells you about some of the creatures and the plants, and a mixture of stories, some are funny, others are kind and touch your heart and you feel a little soft glow inside you. You learn which ones like to create mischief to make others laugh, which ones look after the others, and which ones love to look after everyone and make sure they have what they need and anything they could ever want. Some of them love new experiences and meeting some of the beings that come through this land. You talk about your own experiences, the funny ones, the nice ones, the kind ones and even the sad ones. The larger clouds’ presence is comforting and secure, fitting right into your mind like it was always meant to be there. Little younger clouds of various colours and tones and sizes peek out from behind this big cloud. They haven’t seen as much yet but they share their little stories too and what they like to do, some of them like to be super busy and really creative, and other enjoy resting and viewing, some of these ones discuss with others and some of them view quietly and soak it all up. All the experiences and stories. Others dream about what they want to do and where they want to go, and getting to see the stars and dance around the moon or the trees and the plants.

Even the rock joins in and shares, the many colours of beings that have travelled up its path. Some are vibrant, others are sparkly and glittery, and some of them are soft. Others are very different and can only be described with soft impressions of colour on the mind.

A long long time passes, not that the amount of time is of great importance but until the feelings felt are satisfied and the sharing or stories and tales are satisfied, with both many tears much laughter and much pondering.

Three large butterflies descend elegantly into the middle of the gathering. Their colours are beyond gorgeous and seem to change depending on the angle you view them from. The clouds bid farewell and you feel you will see them again, so although it is sad for now to say goodbye, the memories will stay with you and become sweeter again when you all see each other and can share, either the same stories again or new ones.

You step up onto one of the great butterflies and one of the little clouds takes another. The last one has no guest but says they are there to hold the memories of this voyage. You swoop up gently above the clouds and into the sky, you see and meet the stars you heard all about and exchange and share messages, greetings and invitations, you see the many colours the stars have and what they like to do, where they like to see.

And you hear even more stories and some of them make you laugh and your laughter, the stars they love this sound, they say it brings them much joy and they laugh with you too. Even the butterflies and the little cloud joins in who sits on the butterfly and stares round in amazement and wonder taking everything in to tell to the other little clouds and share all the stories.

One of the stars wants to come with you so you gesture to the butterfly who makes space for the little star to soar with you across this world as you explore it.

When it’s time to leave you say your goodbyes again, and like last time it is sad but you know you will be with them again soon and you will visit them and share stories again.

On the butterflies away you go, you the little cloud and the star sitting with the memories.

You glide over the landscape and see waterfalls and pools, trees, forests and glades, and what looks like could be entrances to other worlds. But it is not quite time to see and explore them yet so you glide on and marvel and everything and it’s beauty, its uniqueness and how it all fits together so well, even the things you would’ve thought to be out of place or maybe not needed.

And you sit and listen and learn from the little cloud the star and the butterflies about everything you can see and hear, one day there will time enough to see everything and spend as long as you could possibly want.

And then it’s time to go back but the memories you made when you first visited the rose tinted world and the stories you heard and shared from all the beings from creatures to clouds plants flowers and butterflies stay with you forever and all the sights you were see or able to picture do too; and so you can long to go back and wish and believe that one day it will come again and you can live in this rose tinted world and share stories with pink and various coloured flowers and clouds forever.

And that whenever you need or want to the entrance is always open and you can come back and visit your being friends, some old and some new.

And as you drift off to sleep in your dreams like the little baby bumble bee

You’re fairly certain you’re there already

At least in your mind anyway…

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