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3 years ago

Tex Kogane ain't Dead Au 1/?

Texas Kogane was not a man to live in the past; he found little use if it. But when your wife and unborn child leave you behind to fight a space war and leave you in charge of a lion machine thing? You have your regrets.

But still, Tex found himself living day by day. Hunting small lizards, making conspiracy boards, and being the center of several urban legends.

"Lord all mighty, it's hot as balls today," he griped as he put on a worn pair of leather boots. He cracked his back as he stood from his old couch, "Christ! I'm gettin' too old for this."

He rushed through his normal morning routine, nicking himself on at razor and putting his shirt on wrong twice in his hurry. As he dressed he wondered to himself what exactly was going to happen today.

The cave that Krolia had shown to him before leaving and taking his heart with her had a date inscribed countless times on its walls. For the first few years, Tex had held onto the hope that be wasn't going to have to wait sixteen years to see hide or hair of his family. He had been counting on the fact that some other schmuck would have to deal with...whatever would crash on earth.

Now, nearly seventeen years since he had last seen his family, this was feeling like his last hope. He had been preparing for this day ever since it became clear that Krolia wasn't just taking a short joyride. He had thought of every possible scenario, from joyful reunion to terrifying conquest and had prepared for each possibility in between.

The town's grocer probably thought he was a domestic terrorist with the supplies he had been buying (luckily, being a local cryptid curbed questions).

Text figured the first thing he should do was set up a few distractions, to confuse hostile aliens and alert the government or to confuse hostile government and help the aliens that were hopefully also family.

The Arizona heat made the task of setting bombs and traps near unbearable and the amount of water breaks he was forced to take meant that it was nearing dark before he was done. "Dammit!" he scuffed the ground as he looked at the rapidly setting sun. He had wanted to make it to the blue lion before the day was over just to double check that everything was okay. After all, Krolia had entrusted him to watch it and it wouldn't do to have her return onky to see he had failed.

He was thrown out of his disappointment when he saw a bright light rapidly approaching earth. A ship.

He shook himself out of his stupor and staggered down the path he was on. In his haste, he temporarily lost sight of the ship but that didn't matter when a deafening boom was heard and dust flew up from the impact sight.

He was all but running praying to anything and everything that this was it. That he would see his wife and finally meet his child. He was close to the ship which was still hidden in the crash-made crater when he heard choppers and vehicles rapidly approaching. Not for the first time in his life, Tex cursed the Garrison.

He was too close to give up, he had to see. To make sure that it truly was hos family. He crouched as he ran the last few yards, reaching the crater just as the Garrison did. It was a Galra ship. Two people were being pulled out by Garrison doctors and scientists in labcoats.

Tex couldn't see the people's features due to the dust in the air and his distance but one had the slim, fit figure Krolia had had and the other was a hulking, beast of a man. Something supposedly common in Galra.

It was his family. It had to be. If the ship and two figures wasn't proof enough, the reactions of the Garrison scientists were. There were exclamations of shock that Tex could hear even from his great distance. They were acting as if they were seeing something never seen by man before (discounting himself).

His happiness at his family's return was put on the back burner as he watched the scientists. He almost saw red when they roughly restrained the figure that must have been Krolia and when they approached his child, his son, like he was a wild animal. Tex wanted to throat punch someone when he watched them tranq his family but he took a deep breath.

"I'm comin' for y'all. I love you." He had a shotgun to grab.

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Paladins Finding Out Youre Part Galra (Voltron X Reader)

Paladins Finding out You’re Part Galra (Voltron x Reader)

Paladins Finding Out Youre Part Galra (Voltron X Reader)

Ok so I accidentally read this request wrong the first time and wrote the REACTIONS of each of the paladins to reader being part Galra, so lmk if y’all wanna see that💀

but this is @jello-jellyzz request, I REALLY like this one AAHHHH!!! Also I am SO sorry for taking so long to write bro😭😭🙏🙏💔💔💔💔

Paladins Finding Out Youre Part Galra (Voltron X Reader)

Pidge narrowed her eyes at you from across the room.

She stared as you continued talking with Shiro and Allura, probably about visiting another planet that was nearby to see if they needed some assistance. But Pidge wasn’t concerned about that.

Her intense one sided staring contest was soon broken though at the sound of Lance’s voice, causing her to jump.

“You okay Pidge? If you keep thinking too hard, I think your head might explode!”

Scoffing, said girl turned around and glared at Lance and then at Hunk after he let out a laugh of his own. She then turned her attention back to you, where you began walking back to your chair in the control room.

“Have you guys ever noticed that Y/N might be… different?”

“Different as in how?” Lance narrowed his eyes at the short girl, leaning his body against the back of her chair. Hunk moved to stand next to Pidge, leaning on the side while now staring at you too.

“Like how they aren’t exactly like us.”

Lance scratched his head. “Continuuueee.”

“Have you ever noticed how fast they are? How much strength they have? I know Shiro has some fast reflexes, but their’s is crazy. It’s really similar to how Keith is.”

Hunk turned his head towards Pidge, eyebrows furrowing. He began remembering all the times where you had narrowly avoided a flying sword/dagger just by moving to the side.

“What are you trying to say?”

“I think Y/N might by half Galra, like Keith.”

A beat of silence rolled between the group before Lance bursted out laughing.

“What?! That’s like totally not possible!” Lance yelled out, causing you, Allura, and Shiro to glance back at him. He waved them off awkwardly. Hunk on the other hand nodded his head.

“No, no that totally makes sense! Maybe that’s why Keith and Y/N fight so good together! They’re able to match each others speed and keep up with each other.”

At the mention of him, the black haired boy walked into the control room with Coran following behind. He squinted his eyes at the small ground staring at him, Coran bumping into his back at his abrupt stop.

“What? Is there something on my face?”

Quickly, they ushered Keith and Coran towards them and explained the situation, watching as their eyes slowly widened. Keith looked towards you while Coran rubbed his chin thoughtfully while nodding.

“I mean it would explain why you both are awfully similar to each other, physically of course!” Slowly the group shuffled towards Allura and Shiro, trying not to appear suspicious as you continued tapping away on the hologram screen in front of you.

Again explaining their theory, the two looked at each other, then you, back to Keith, and finally settling on your figure once again.

“I mean, I’ve thought the same thing. Y/No’s reflexes are kind of the same to yours, Keith. And since we know you’re part Galra, there could be a possible chance that they might be too.”

Keith unconsciously shifted his hand to where his blade was secured nicely near his belt. He unsheathed it, admiring the purple accents littered across the blade.

The blade apparently only responded to those who had galra blood in them, so this was the best possible way to confirm their theories.

“Only one way to find out,” Keith said while walking towards you, the group quickly following after as you lifted your head to see what the commotion’s all about.

“Hey Keith! Whachu guys doing?” You asked skeptically.

“Can you try holding this? We want to see if something’s true.” Puzzled, you awkwardly take the blade from his hand, shifting it to have a better grip on it. The second you had it in your hands though, something inside of you shifted. You didn’t know what it was but it made you feel weird. Almost like you knew something was going to happen.

Just after that thought, everyone watched with wide eyes as Keith’s blade shifted into a new form, one that was longer and sharper. It gleamed in the light as you held the blade away from you in order to avoid getting cut.

“That’s not supposed to happen, right?” Your hands shook as you handed back the blade, rubbing your hands together anxiously. Well this just created more questions for you.

“I feel like I have even more questions about my own life now haha!” You awkwardly laughed out as you fet everyone’s eyes on you.

“It’s okay Y/N, we’ll figure this out together.” Keith placed a reassuring hand on your should, smiling as everyone nodded their head in agreement.

“We’ll try our best to support you. Both of you.” Shiro smiled as you wiped your eyes, feeing overwhelmed by at this new information about yourself. The group slowly enclosed themselves around you, forcing you into a hug as you laughed out loud.

“Thanks guys. This is honestly so crazy, is this how you felt like?” You looked to the side and made eye contact with Keith.

“Kinda.” Everyone chuckled as they released each other slowly going back to what they were originally doing.

“How’d you guys know, by the way?”

Pidge, Lance, Hunk, and Keith looked at each other and smiled.

“We had our reasons.”

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Just galra Keith- omg he's so beautiful like god !

(Not my art)

Just Galra Keith- Omg He's So Beautiful Like God !
Just Galra Keith- Omg He's So Beautiful Like God !

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