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Spotted Hyenas are siege specialists, Anti-fortification, and heavy support Aardwolves are fanatical tyranid hunters willing to do whatever it takes to completely eliminate that threat... even working with craftworld eldar and the Tau... oh and part of their initiation involves killing 'nids Striped Hyenas use a lot of bikes and chain halberds, oh and are the best void-pilots. these fellows have no homeworld they kinda just recruit from whatever imperial world they happen to be nearest to Strandwolves are a more punchy generalist chapter, and use extended bolter magazines (no pictured do to the limitations of the template and my lacking skill with MSpaint) Space Hyenas (classic) are a mixture of all of the above, but averaged out... The original Space Hyenas splintered into the above 4 chapters Neo Space Hyenas are the newest of they hyenas and are a generalist chapter that favors close-quarters with their chainaxes Oh, and all of these chapters use(d) the same geneseed as the warhounds the original Space hyenas were a 8th founding chapter, as an experiment to see if the geneseed itself was flawed or not... the only Space hyena told who their gene-daddy is, was the chaptermaster: Asbeel Rarovo the 4 splinters of the Space hyenas are 19th founding chapters... and obvious fact is obvious, the Neo space hyenas are part of the ultima founding... with only Belisarius, Roboute, and the Neo space Hyena chaptermaster knowing the little secret thought i give the foundings of the hyena-chapters
Khârn is the hottest marine. Stfu, this is not negotiable or even subjective to taste. Khârn is THE HOTTEST MARINE, hands down, no contests, cigars, dice or even horses in the fucking race, no other space marine compares. I haven't even read all his books yet but whenever he's on screen I can feel every one of my ancestors raise their eyebrows in shame at the thoughts I have about this man. My mother would be disappointed if she knew what goes through my mind whenever he comes up. Fuck, Jesus looks away and preists burst into flame around me when Khârn is even MENTIONED just because of how hard I imagine--
*I am yanked off the stage by a wooden cane and dragged kicking and screaming to the exit*