Warden Nobori - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

wip for the phantom hall au! having fun writing ghostly banter ^^

melli’s reaction to the twins’ approach was nothing short of a wheeze, the ghostly warden turning to his companion leaning against the base of the display case. half sprawled out across the top of the glass, he rolled flat on his stomach, peering over the top to look at nobori with a smug look.

“ never knew you got any action back then, old man. those two are practically your spitting image. ”

“ i do not have any descendants, melli, if that is what you are accusing me of. ”

“ no descendants my ass. what’s the likelihood of someone else having your little knife hair and everything, huh? they’ve even got your hat! well, one of them does at least. twins…didn’t you always talk about having a twin brother? ever remember his name? ”

“ his name was- ”

“ emmet, we do not need to redesign our uniforms. they’re fine. ”

“ but it is the same hat and coat! i will not stand for this! ”

nobori seemed to almost click to attention as the two begun to volley back and forth in conversation, earning another snort of contempt from the purple haired man lying on top of the case at his quick distraction.

nobori had been spacey in life, sure, but by almighty sinnoh he was worse in death. snapping his fingers a few times above the silver haired man’s head, melli’s expression resembled that of a grimace. ( or perhaps closer to a pout. ) at the noise, nobori seemed even less focused on what he had to say, getting up from his spot on the floor.

“ hey! i was asking you something, why bother pay attention to their gibberish you- ”

“ sh. could you do that again? ”

“ do what again? ”

“ snapping your fingers. i need to make sure i saw that correctly. ”

brows furrowed, melli responded with an emphasized sigh, rolling his eyes, before sitting up.

“ fine, fine. ”

holding one hand up, he begun snapping his fingers again, glaring over to nobori with annoyance practically plastered onto his face.

“ what exactly is the point of this? ”

“ just look at their faces. watch. ”

the two men standing in front of the case seemed to carry on with their conversation for a bit. not even paying a glance over. the smiley one; ‘emmet’, if he had heard his name right, had continued talking without a care.

the frowning one, who’s name eluded both wardens, seemed rather intent on listening, but for a few moments, his gaze seemed to just

shift as to where melli was sitting

before quickly looking away.

the two ghosts sat stunned in silence, before melli threw his hands up in the air in exasperation.


“ hear us? yes. understand us? likely not. ”

“ and why is that, since you’re apparently a paranormal expert now? ”

craning his head to look at nobori, melli responded with a cross armed gesture, still lying on top of the glass display case with a scowl.

“ they’re speaking galarian, melli. whether he can hear us or not, we sound like gibberish. ”

“ oh, great. first person to acknowledge us in three centuries, and he doesn’t even UNDERSTAND us. ”

“ …you do know i speak galarian, corre-”

“ oh, so NOW you bring that up!? ”

“ i thought you knew that already. that, and the fact i would have told you had you not interrupted me. ”

brows furrowed, nobori cleared his throat, cupping one hand by his mouth.

“ hello? the young man with the black hat? can you hear us over here? ”

clearly he did; the man sharply turned himself towards their direction and away from who they presumed to be his brother, squinting at the wall before shaking his head, pinching the bridge of his nose, and beginning to trod off, seemingly to ‘emmet’s’ surprise.

the pair’s expressions seemed to hold a mild sense of triumph, before quickly melting into that of a collective franticness as the man begun to walk away. they weren’t loosing this opportunity, not now.

“ ingo? where are you going? it is not wise to become uncoupled on unfamiliar tracks- ingo! ”

‘emmet’ seemed to quickly jog after him alongside a black haired woman, leaving the space in front of the case empty once again.

melli quickly scrabbled up to a more sitting position, almost considering hopping down from the case. but that didn’t really matter. wasn’t like they could leave, anyways. they had tried that a few times over; it was like they were in their own glass case.

rather, his gaze shifted to nobori, wildly so, quickly attempting to snap the other back to attention. sauntering off the case, he shook the other warden by the shoulders, snapping his fingers again.

( while he wasn’t facing ‘ingo’ now, the man had stopped once again, staring intently at the case for the source of the noise. )

“ shit, shit, he’s leaving- call at him again! ingo- that’s what the other guy called him! yell that at him, why don’t you! ”

“ alright, alright, no need to shout at me- ingo! may i ask you return over here! we are requesting your assistance! ”

melli’s expression shifted from desperation to absolute panic and bewilderment as nobori begun stepping forward, shrugging him off and moving as if he was trying to follow the man.

they had tried that a few times since they had been stuck here for…sinnoh knows how long. always ended horribly. melli dove to drag the other back by the collar of his jacket, but his hand missed and he fell over entirely, hat falling over his face.

with an exasperated shout, he lifted the brim from over his eyes, jaw falling slack once he realized nobori had, in fact, somehow made it a few steps further from the case, still shouting out with that booming voice of his with his hands cupped by his mouth.

“ …nobori. ”

“ melli, i am attempting to concentrate here, could you please- ”

“ nobori look at where the hell you’re standing you absolute fool! ”

the man paused, tense. slowly turning around, nobori seemed to realize what he had done, silver eyes flitting between where melli was propping himself up back to a standing position, and his own shoes.

( that of which he could see the floor through; ghosts weren’t completely tangible, anyway. )

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