We All Know Yondu Has A Soft Spot For His Little Boy - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

Keepin' yer safe and warm

Due to an unexpected stopover, the Ravagers have to set up a camp on a unhabitated planet. And while everyone has laid down to rest, little Peter is shivering in the cold of the night and Yondu, sitting nearby, eventually hears the small Terran.

"What's up with ya, boy?"

A gruff voice called from nearby and Peter shifted his head, shivering and rubbing his shoulders. He looked up to the Centaurian with a sad expression, biting his lip in despair.

"I-i'm cold..."

The child had crossed his arms, in an attempt to warm himself, which didn't help much, though.

Yondu grumbled and let out a humorless laugh.

"Ain't my fault, I told ya to dress warm."

Sensitive Terrans...

Ignoring the child, he turned around again. Not his problem if the boy freezes his ass off. Serves him just right. This stupid brat didn't want to listen and that's what he gets now.

The Ravager grunted, closed his eyes again and tried to ignore the boy's chattering teeth and helpless whimpers in the cold. He waited to fall asleep again. Though, he had to admit that it was kinda chilly tonight, even for him.

Almost dangerously cold, especially for little Terrans - in fact, the boy only wore his thin leather jacket that barely contributed any warmth. Maybe he could...

Nah, he's gonna be fine. Don't care. Ravagers don't give a damn 'bout stupid Terrans.

Yondu still heard Peter shivering desperately under his breath, kinda glad that he at least made any noise by this cold. Admittedly, he had this uneasy gnawing in his chest, whenever he didn't hear any more noises from the kid but relaxed again as he was still breathing.

Great. Now he couldn't even sleep because of the brat.

The Centaurian turned around to the boy who by now had huddled to a bundle, pulled his legs close to his little trembling body. Rolling his eyes in annoyance, the man left out a reluctant grunt.


Peter immediately turned too, raising his head. The boy stared at him with a glazed sight, surprise written all over his face. He didn't need to be told twice and scrambled over to the man.

"Hurry up, before I'm changin' my mind, boy!"

The Ravager held up his arm, pulling the shivering child under his coat to warm him up. Peter snuggled up to his side, his lips of bluish color, cheeks burning red from the cold.

"And if ye tell anyone 'bout this, I'm gonna kill ya myself an' eat'cha then, got it, boy?!" He hissed down to the kid.

Peter already made himself comfortable and eventually stopped shivering, mumbling into Yondu's coat.


And he will deny it later on, say that he just couldn't stand the noise, boy was gonna damage his chompers from all the clatterin'.

Couldn't have let his best little thief freeze t'death, he'd be stupid if he did, now did he?

Hell, he couldn't care less. But when the little Terran lay that close to his body, cradled in big strong arms and buried his face in the warm chest, even the Ravager allowed himself to put his guard down.

There was a feeling in his chest, which he ignored. And he put his hand on the boy's shoulder, just so his coat isn't slipping off and the kid won't start annoying him again. No other reason for that.

And by the stars, Yondu will never ever admit it - even in the afterlife - but he held the boy a little closer that night, making sure he is secured from the cold weather, keeping him safe and warm.

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