We Had Later Apologized As Did The Persecutor - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
bstroobery - Blue Strawberry System

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♡ reblog ♡ we were in a discord server that claimed to be DID friendly we got triggered and a protector lashed out because of it we attempted to explain that we were triggered by someone else in the server and that they were emotionally abusing us at one point a persecutor had lashed out at them because of the emotional abuse that persecutor purposefully triggered our abuser abuser kept record of that we had later apologized as did the persecutor however we were stupid and never kept any physical record of the emotional and social abuse happening to us our abuser made it so that our host didn’t trust any of us even though we were well aware of the emotional abuse happening to us but because we were showing the actual trauma signs of dissociative identity disorder they kicked us out nothing was done to our abuser in that server they got away Scott free and then we were basically kicked from the fandom the server was linked to pisses me off daily we’re better off without those people but now there’s a link between our trauma and that fandom we can no longer enjoy that fandom because a vast majority supports our abuser there are plenty of amazing people in the fandom that weren’t in the server and are absolutely amazing people love them to death we still follow and like those people’s posts but it sucks that a lot of people support our abuser because they’re said to have more trauma than us which supports their emotional abuse of us and another system we showed the trauma side of this TRAUMA DISSORDER and were promptly removed from the server and vast majority of the fandom :) oh well better off without those people anyway it just sucks that our abuser never got punishment for what they did because they’re more traumatized than us also sucks because my s/o was the one who suffered most of this emotional abuse