We Need Our Freedom Back - Tumblr Posts
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The situation in Iran is getting worse and worse . If you don’t know what I’m talking about , a few days ago a young 22 year old mahsa amini was beaten by morality police in Iran she was transported to the hospital but unfortunately she died . The reason ? Not wearing her hijab properly. People started protesting and the police , Again like any other time , tried to calm the people with violence. They started beating the protesters to prove they didn’t kill mahsa . Many people are dying in this protests including a 10 year old girl who was shot in the head . This isn’t the first time protests like this happen in Iran . Another big protest like this happened in 2017_18 and if you search about it you see the people that were killed by those government. The problem in Iran isn’t just about the morality police , many filmmakers , poets and writers either were killed in this 40 years (it has been 40 years since the revolution of Iran ) or they are in prison in terrible condition. Their crimes ? Speaking about the crimes and trying to bring knowledge to people about this fucked up government .
Right now Irans whole internet is shut down by the government , and i am deeply worried about my friends and family’s back in Iran because they are literally tracking down people and arresting them just by checking their messages and calls .
Reblogs are deeply appreciated i need more people to hear about this situation . Thank you for reading this