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3 years ago

hear me out

it’s spider-man but not. it’s a normal world: no superheroes, no nonsense

peter bentham loves to read spider-man comics and he loves to pretend that he can be spider-man, just like peter parker

what he doesn’t know is that there’s a maniac in his hometown of Los Anghami who’s also nuts about spider-man, but in a less sane way, and that the maniac literally changed his last name to octavius, and also happens to be unfortunately smart about biological engineering (and making mechanical octopus arms, for that matter)

petey’s in for a real trip (in more ways than one) and if you want to see what wacky adventures he and his pals get into, scroll around for more~

oh. by the way. it’s not spider-man. it’s ~web-spinner~ totally different

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3 years ago
Wow Look Its My Son Petey Aka Peter Bentham Aka Web-spinner (not Spider-man)

wow look it’s my son petey aka peter bentham aka web-spinner (not spider-man)

he loves juice, and no i don’t know how his feet stick to the walls through those big ol’ boots

please don’t repost my art

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3 years ago
Wow This One Is Long
Wow This One Is Long
Wow This One Is Long

wow this one is long

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3 years ago
Iiits Genevieve! Who Used To Have A Last Name But I Have Forgotten It
Iiits Genevieve! Who Used To Have A Last Name But I Have Forgotten It

iiit’s genevieve! who used to have a last name but I have forgotten it

she’s a pretty normal girl, who unfortunately is in the same year as our plucky hero and just so happens to remind him of the comic book character Gwen Stacy (no resemblance whatsoever, he’s just crazy amirite)

so she’ll try and avoid him. she’s pretty good at staying under the radar. sticks with her friends, isn’t too popular, not too unpopular. it’s not a bad way to get through high school

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3 years ago
Wow Look Its My Son Petey Aka Peter Bentham Aka Web-spinner (not Spider-man)

wow look it’s my son petey aka peter bentham aka web-spinner (not spider-man)

he loves juice, and no i don’t know how his feet stick to the walls through those big ol’ boots

please don’t repost my art

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3 years ago
Wow This One Is Long
Wow This One Is Long
Wow This One Is Long

wow this one is long

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