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America's Prolonged Slumber
Our nation has not become diverse unexpectedly, we have always been diverse. That’s our nation’s problem. Over countless years disagreeing over varying affairs that has extended over time, ( e.g., be it race, class, political status, religion, gender, sexual orientation, etc.), we will never see eye to eye fully and this will never be resolved. One thing, however, is clearly certain. Until we are able to overlook the “differences” and actually behave rationally (for some - behave maturely) by seeing each individual as a person, then we will continue to stray away from what’s important. What’s the point in disrespecting those around us by the color of their skin, by the party they support, or by having people express their true sexuality? Every one of us has to wake up and truthfully say that each of us are the problem. Whether we are the ones who verbally express our opinions or not, we think about it. We choose to tolerate such behaviors by believing that it’s someone else’s problem when in all actuality it is our own regardless of how far away it’s happening from us. Resolving the issue in how we all see each other in such varying degrees is the biggest form of change that our country needs more improvement on. Why add more to the list of problems that we all have to face? Posting about these problems for the shear publicity regardless of the issue at hand, is not going to make one bit of difference - I’m fully aware that this post may be considered, but I have reached my boiling point. I’m done wasting my breath and voicing my concerns to those who need more than just a good talking to realizing that what I’m addressing is probably going in one ear and out of the other anyway. Granted our diversity may not be our biggest issue, but I am completely baffled by the fact that this issue is tolerable to some and still an issue. When can we look passed the “differences?” Yes! The bloody word has been in quotations because each human being on the face of the earth is different and let’s face it, we are all not going to agree on every possible issue because none of us are alike - big surprise - so why the hell do we insist on conforming others to a particular need or belief as if we have the right to do so to begin with? If you’re the one who looks at others as if you had just sucked a lemon out of the shear disgust or disapproval that you have toward them, then you are the problem! Here is to one day where each life truly matters. A day where we each can stand resolutely with as much love and respect for one another as our own family members, secure in the knowledge that we are all Americans and all want what is best for our country. A day when each citizen can contribute in making life better, not for ourselves, but for future generations to come. Only then will we achieve great things and actually resolve issues that, like our “diversity,” should not have been an issue to begin with. America is great in that we can voice our concerns freely but it’s 2016 and we are still behaving like we are decades in the past with the exception that we now abuse the privilege of modern day advances and use the technology as a weapon to voice our opinions about those who happen to disagree with a value or belief from the ones we have chosen to believe for ourselves. God willing - I hope I can bare witness to a country filled with respect, honor, thoughtful conversation, and mature debates to ultimately reach compromise in order to surpass the immature discord that we as a society have allowed to persist for too long.