What Caused Nexus To Go Rouge?! Did He Really Just Flip A Switch? - Tumblr Posts
WELP. I guess we know what would have happened if Nexus' plan had worked. Sadness would have happened.
Bloodsolar/Solarstorm <-(What I like to call him)
Is just as horrifying as regular Bloodmoon, and that episode was a horrifying peek into what might have been, but it does make me question something... New Moon/Nexus actually killed Solar in the simulation, and that kinda surprised me. I thought he would just like lock down the island or something so it would just be him and Solar on that island and they would become something of a urban legend, the island haunted by a cannibalistic robot and his moon servant who occasionally leaves the island to get him some fresh meat... but no! Nexus actually killed Solar! It's makes me wonder if Nexus still cares for the family?
I know! I know! He tried to kill Earth and that what we saw was just a simulation and not what actually happened, but I think this might have given us a glimpse into Nexus/New Moon's mind. I like to think maybe just maybe a small part of Nexus still loves his family maybe he is being influenced by the Wither shards or a chip in his head or something. Maybe New Moon is still in there and still loves them all.
We can only hope.