What If They Actually Did That - Tumblr Posts
I had a weird dream about pokemon legends: arceus™ having a bizarre DLC where ingo time travels to the future (but like the really distant future) and you had to convince him to go back to his own time line but he's like "no screw you >:(". Palkia and Dialga were fighting for some reason, lavender town was absolutely abandoned, like, no one was there but a single cubone, Groudon, Kyogre, and Rayquaza were also fighting and caused serious weather in some areas...oh and I'm pretty sure Red and Blue were there, and they were married and adopted a kid, idk the kid's name.
Oh yeah, you have to go to every reigon (paldea inculded) to hunt ingo down and convince him to go back.
This was a very weird dream because I never even played legends: arceus.
But yeah it was basically super mario odyssey but Pokémon