What Is Wrong With The World Right Now? - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Something really shitty has just been passed by the UK goverment.

A new bill that is stripping out human rights has been passed and we need to fight it before it costs lives. The new Human Rights Bill has made nazi Germans esc changes that will effect you or somone you love.

The most notiable parts being:

-If you are admitted to hospital with a disability or chronic condition a doctor can put a DNR do not ressusatate on you and you can’t appeal it.

-They are stopping woman from being able to move fowards with assault charges

- They are making it impossible for victims of terrorism to get justice. They won’t let people like the victims of  the hillsborough disaster hold the people responsible

Please do your own research if you must but we can’t let this happen!

There a petition to sign that’s already half way there so please share it around and tell ppl in the UK what is happening.


Petition: Do not reform the Human Rights Act
Petitions - UK Government and Parliament
The proposed Human Rights Act reforms must be withdrawn. The Government must not make any changes to the Human Rights Act, especially ones t

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