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4 Inch Window: Chapter 13
In which I pay to tribute to @cesperanza's 4 Minute Window in a slightly different way.
See intro here for more explanation. Chapter One here. Chapter Two. Chapter Three. Chapter Four. Chapter Five. Chapter Six. Chapter Seven. Chapter Eight. Chapter Nine. Chapter Ten. Chapter Eleven. Chapter Twelve.
And while I am at it, allow me to thank you all so much for being so excited alongside me! Especially @albymangroves, @revolutionaryjo, @monicawoe and of course... @cesperanza
Today, an interlude:
While the structure and the furniture get all the attention, the accessories are what make a project like this. So, today, let me show you how I am making some important accessories for Steve and Bucky's apartment, such as books.
A low bookcase was filled with the same sort of books Steve had had in his DC apartment—history, political biography—but there was a new element here, too. Fiction: stacks of cheap, colorful paperbacks—well, hello there, Sergeant Barnes. - Scenes from a Marriage: The Kandinsky

So, to make dollhouse-sized books, I decided to do something I really don't like to do: purposefully damage books.
Still, sometimes books have Been Through It and need to retire. For example, this 2005 Let's Go Guide to New Zealand was 1) out of date and 2) had no cover, making it the perfect piece to gain a little new life.
(Also, this took me back, both to my LOTR fandom days and to the trip to Australia and New Zealand that I took my grandmother on in 2005, which is why I have the book. A very happy memory.)
So. Let's make books.
Find yourself a paperback book that has seen better days, as well as a craft knife, some tweezers, some glue, and some colored cardstock.
Carefully remove any remaining cover.
Take a thin section of the book that fits your desired specs, and carefully pull it away, while maintaining the binding in the small section.

4. Using a ruler and craft knife, cut off a miniature book-width piece.
5. Use the glue and cardstock to put a cover on it.

My cutting board is a holy mess after everything I have put it through the last several months. I like it that way. Creation is messy.

And worth it! Sometime next week I'll talk about how I made the lamp, too. I love how it looks with the bookcase made darker.
And the framed photo...well, that's all @albymangroves! (fun fact: my photo printer refused to go any smaller, so it's big for the space. Which is fine, because it's SO PRETTY.)