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4 years ago

Hello Sir, I was wondering if you could help me out. I’m an average 36 year old 3/4 white 1/4 Mexican guy. I’ve always been jealous of my adopted Japanese 24 year old twink brother. Is there a way you can make me more like him or understand things from his point of view better? Thank you for your assistance!

Becoming A Younger Twin

It had always been a struggle for you to relate to your brother, especially given your older age of 36 while your youngest brother was only 24. The level of disconnect only furthered as you realized that you both grew up in different cultures and thus lost the ability to bond over similar life experience. You were close with your middle sibling, a 34-year-old biological brother named Dave, so you desperately wanted to form that same brotherly bond with your new sibling. However, after your family adopted Johnny, you found every attempt of yours to grow close to him failed. You guys were both very different in terms of personality and those previously discussed differences didn’t help at all in terms of mending the bridge between you and your adopted brother. 

However, after several years of attempting to grow close, you eventually gave up on forming that brotherly bond. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to grow close to him, the problem was that you never knew how to approach it so you could help relate with him. I could understand your annoyance with this problem, so it definitely makes sense why you reached out to me to help you out. Luckily, I’ve come up with a great idea on how to fulfill your wish… 

It seemed to me that the best idea to allow you to grow closer to your brother would be to turn you into his twin. No longer would you have to worry about the dynamic of being older or younger than him. Now, you’d both be on equal footing and have to go through the same experiences together in life.

As I declared my wish for you, the changes in your body quickly began. Moving away from your computer, you were left speechless at just how quickly I granted your wish. Looking into your wall mirror, you were happy to see your older body quickly youthened down to your new age of 24. Wrinkles quickly dissolved from your body as your skin began to radiate in its newfound youth. With your body finishing up the final stages of growing younger, any excess flab due to being a working adult quickly dissolved off of your body and left you with the same twinkish body type as your brother.

With your age changes completed, your body continued to tingle with magical influence, making you realize that my changes weren’t quite finished. Taking off your clothes due to the combination of the tingle and a radiating heat, you could only watch in excitement as your body began to inflate with muscle. A toned stomach quickly reformed as a six-pack of cobblestone abs pushed out and your frail arms buffed up into a decent yet intimidating set of biceps. You felt a searing pain radiate off your chest, and you could only look down and groan in pain as a large tattoo faded into existence on top of your growing pectorals.

Now, cosmetic changes continued as your hair grew shades darker from a brownish hue to a jet black color. Your hair then restyled itself into a more youthful style as well, which caused you to smile while running your thinner hands through the thick hair you now had. To complete your transition into Johnny’s twin, you stared in the mirror as your white complexion rapidly disappeared and was replaced into an identical complexion as your now-biological Asian brother.

The tingling sensation quickly dissipated from your body as you realized the physical changes had finally completed. Your eyes begin to look around the room and you stare in wonder as reality begins to rewrite itself and change to make it seem as though you’d always been Johnny’s twin. Your decor changes to better match your new life, with decorations popping into existence which celebrates your new heritage and just further showcases your new younger life. Unknown to you, your clothes begin to change as well to become better accommodating for your new life.

As I finish rearranging your room, you feel a slight static shock shoot through your brain when I send in tons of new memories that detail your journey to becoming the adopted child of the parents who used to be your biological ones. Although you were Johnny’s twin, memories inform you that you were now the youngest twin, being born just a few minutes after Johnny. I couldn’t help but add a little twist to your wish and make it so now you’re both a twin and the youngest sibling in the family now. With new memories also informing you of your new relationship with your once-biological brother Dave, you couldn’t help but smile as my reality rewrite made it so now you’re close with both of your siblings now. 

With my mental changes, I decided to leave in the memories of your old life this time so you’d always know who you used to be. Given your desire to become close to Johnny, I figured it would be a good idea to keep those old memories, so you could remember all of the brotherly things you never got the chance to do with him. It was my way of reminding you and encouraging you to do those things you’ve always dreamed of. 

Leaving you alone to fully comprehend your new life after finishing my changes, you couldn’t help but smile as you realize that your wish has finally been fulfilled. You had now been given the ability to become closer to him than ever before. By becoming his twin, you now could relate to him on a whole new level and thus form that brotherly bond you had spent years desiring.

As if on cue, you hear a knock on the door and Johnny’s voice is heard from the other side of the door. “Are you ready?” he asks, which causes you to dive deep into your memories and figure out what he’s referring to. Within no time, you remember your plans with him to go to the beach to be horny young men and try to pick up some potential suitors.

Wasting no time, you quickly tell him you’ll be down in a second and you look around in your new wardrobe to find the perfect bathing suit to pick up some lovers. Fumbling around in your dresser drawers, you eventually find a blue-striped speedo and decide this was the perfect choice. Putting on a pair of athletic shorts and a snug tank top that shows off your impressive build, you quickly bound down the stairs and head out with Johnny towards the beach.

During the trek to the beach, you felt so happy as you and Johnny naturally engaged in conversation and playfully treated each other as brothers like you’d always wanted. Time passed so seamlessly that you didn’t even notice as you traversed from the grassy pathway into the sandy beach. The only time when it was made clear to you was the moment when your flip-flops immediately allowed your toes to become engulfed in the hot sand. 

Heading into the changing room with Johnny, you quickly take off your shorts and tank top and shower off after Johnny finishes. As you head back towards the beach, your face permanently has a wide grin plastered over it as you can’t help but feel so happy about your new life. Not only could you be closer to your brother, you now had a rocking body and a new chance at enjoying your youth. And based on how great you both looked, it seemed like a no brainer that you both were going to have a great night as well...


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