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3 years ago

Okay okay

I know this page is dead but the new Children Record MV came out today and I want to talk about it

Apologies for any spelling errors

CW Warning though if your reading this you probably know what you’re getting into

Okay Okay

First thing I want to talk about is the replacement of IA with Miku, or at least that what it sounds like. I know that Jin switched record companies but this use is Miku makes this new era feel so, real. This is a re:boot. It’s a new age for the story, and the characters within. And just like with the first Children Record, this is its anthem. And I expect more changes with the songs and the stories they originally told as well.

The story is made to be interpreted, and I believe that there are two different stories on the same coin.

Okay now I want to talk about this

Okay Okay

The Stay and Go

Most likey speaking of Shintaro’s suicide. Deleting ENE leads to his death. Does he choose to stay and fight with the Dan or go, escape, run away.

Shintaro’s story is one of escapism. One of wanting to get out of their own head, escape the world and run away and hide.

It’s only when he can face his fears head on that the story can progress and an ending can be made.

Okay Okay

The video uses different landscapes and videos that project realism, going as far as actual footage of cities and buildings.

Kagerou Project is about characters and relationships. Characters meant to feel real. Strip away the eyes and they are people just like you and me. They aren’t meant to be idealized, they are supposed to be flawed. Supposed to make mistakes, do horrible things or do great things because they’re people.

They live in a world just like us and just want to survive just like us.

Okay Okay

A commonly mentioned part of the lore of the story is that these people were drawn together. Because of Marry’s decision, from birth these children were fated to come together, meet, and die.

We don’t really see them as kids that much. With the exception of the original Mekakushi Dan and Momo and Shintaro in some routes. Other than that, we are simply told what they were like as kids, or not told at all.

That’s why I find this imagery so fascinating. Before they knew one another. Before some had their powers, others unaware that anything was wrong after their deaths, they were still all called together. They can’t escape their friendship, they always will be the Mekadan, whether they choose it or not.

It’s the Children Record

A story of kids young and old who just want to feel normal again.

“Boys and girls, face forward! Hope we can be found even in this wavering heat.”

There’s more I want to talk about

Like how the use of Manga Searu gives clearing eyes a true face in the story instead of just associating him with Konoha, clearing eyes is the personification of not wanting to let go, let him be seen as that.

Or about the use of the different time lines being tied together, with references to other MV’s, manga, and novels

But this is getting long I can’t type and there’s a lot of things I want to say but don’t know how to say them so

Expect a sequel. But for now

This was amazing

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