William Afton X Henry Emily - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

—something is deeply wrong with these mfers.

hilliam; cw: murder, stabbing, child murder, typical fnaf shenanigans, out of context roleplay replies. this can honestly be read platonically or romantically.

word count: 663


It's strange, this all started out normally—just curiosity making its rounds. But it never did go away, it stayed, festered in his hidden desires until one thought was left: just once.

Just once he had to try it, just to see how it felt, how it would go. Would he be able to get away with it? What would their blood taste like? What would their last expressions be? Would they refuse to look at him or—

The first kill is always the messiest, you're an amateur who's hungry for experience. But William Afton strived for perfection, and besides, it wasn't like he was in this alone. Looking back it really felt like a dream come true, his friend—best friend; childhood friend—has always been there for him.

Henry in some ways was a fool, thinking he could have both; his life and their life. But in the end he had to choose, and it seemed as if he chose himself. Far gone was his previous life, William made the choice for him.

As William bled out the voice of Henry rang out in his head, there's so much emotion in his voice yet it all muddied together to rid William of any understanding. He couldn't help to find this funny, he always thought—dreamt—of killing Henry. Seeing his blood paint the floor a beautiful red, how would Henry look? How would he feel?

Similar were his thoughts with Charlotte, it's why he had to do it, you understand, don't you? Curiosity had a hold on him at first, but now—now—he doesn't think he can live without it.

"What I... remember of... her? Charlotte? Or perhaps... your wife?" William chuckled, thinking of all the expressions Charlotte made during her death. "Your wife... would've been... next and then... and then you."


William grinned, it was vicious and victorious. Even as his body was falling apart, even as Henry had him pushed against the desk; even as his best friend drove the knife into him.

"Don't you see? Dear Henry, you think... you think you're getting rid of me?" A dark chuckle echoed around the room, but their eyes never left each other. There's a certain type of love that felt like hatred in your bones, perhaps this is what described them; perhaps there was no love at all. "I'll always come back, whenever thoughts... thoughts of your daughter, of sweet little Charlotte, come to you—I'll be tied to them. You can't think of Charlotte without me."

There's a heavy feeling in the air, the words of William ringing true. Every thought Henry will have, every action moving forward William will be there for. Dead as he may be the ghost of his memories will forever haunt Henry.

"Don't you... don't you see? Dear Henry, if you really didn't want her dead... you simply had to stop me the first time it happened. But you didn't... and here we are." Red splattered across Henry's face, not unlike what countless children's faces looked like the day they died. There's something so exciting, so... enticing about blood on Henry's face—it suits him.

Now Henry was going on a path much like his own, finding his own sins, and bathing in them. Allowing them to cleanse your body, tuck inside every crevice of your very being until you're nothing but the sin you've created. William's only regret is that he won't be able to watch it with his own eyes, but at least he knows one thing.

"Don't you see, dear Henry? I've won."


Counterroute for dialogue:

"Oh? Did you want me to say I regretted it? That within the depth of my very being I feel ashamed? Is that what you wanted to hear?" William chuckled, distorted and slurred from the blood trying to choke him. "I wonder, what would you have done if I said I regretted it? Would you have tried to work things out? Feel hesitant killing me... or feel even better about killing me?"

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Michael finds his father but William is partially blind, he can tell when the lights are on but can't see.

Using fic William and Michael.. my beloveds...

Unless you want something different, in which case you can send another ask

I don't think this one is so bad, but you can ask me to tag it for whatever

When Michael awoke that morning, he noticed something strange: the lack of noise his father usually brought to their small apartment. It wasn't like William to sleep in, or to sleep much at all for that matter, but it was even more uncharacteristic for him to be so quiet. Leaving his room, Michael can see the kitchen light is already on, signaling that someone was awake already. He knew Henry was already away at work, and it was unlikely that he would leave the house without turning the lights off. That of course only left his father as the culprit.

Entering the adjoining living room, Michael's suspicions were correct about that at least. Sitting at the kitchen table was his father, an empty mug sitting a couple inches to his left. Upon first glance this looked pretty normal, but as he got closer he began to notice a few things. For starters, the mug was empty, as in it didn't look like it had anything in it at all yet. His father always had a cup of coffee as soon as he woke up every morning. The next thing he noticed of course was the state of disarray the kitchen seemed to be in. Various items were knocked over on the countertops, miraculously nothing was broken, but it was certainly out of place when William worked hard to maintain a clean and precise living space.

"Father?" Michael asks, not missing the way his father startles slightly at the sudden sound, "Is everything alright?"

William doesn't respond at first, and the longer he looks at his father, the more Michael starts to notice something is off. While his gaze is trained at the table in front of him, William's stare seems to be anywhere but there, like he wasn't looking at all.

William sets his hands down on the table in front of him, knocking over the empty mug beside him in the process. That seems to startle him as well, as if he wasn't expecting it to be exactly where it was sitting.

Carefully, Michael approaches his father, picking up the mug and moving it to the counter beside him. William still hasn't looked at him yet this morning, which again was pretty strange considering how he greeted his son every morning rather enthusiastically. This morning however it seemed as if his father wasn't even aware that he was in the same room.

"Dad?" Michael tries again, although this time William doesn't startle at all.

"I can't see shit." Comes his simple reply, though the tremor in his voice all but shatters his carefree facade. The man sounded afraid, more afraid than Michael had heard him in quite some time, which was really saying something, all things considered.

"What do you mean you can't see anything? Did something happen?"

"It means I can't see shit, Michael. I woke up, it was dark, turned on a light and it was brighter but I still couldn't see anything in the room. It's a miracle I managed to make it here at all." He explains, now nervously wringing his hands together as he speaks.

Michael freezes for a moment, then raises his hand in front of his father's face, moving it back and forth as if trying for a reaction. He moves his hand closer then, knowing how much his father hates having anything come close to his face. When William doesn't react at all, Michael feels his suspicions are confirmed. His father was blind. Honestly it was a possibility they all considered, but the conversation never lasted very long once William made his fears on the matter perfectly clear.

"Dad," Michael says, a slight tremor entering his voice as well, "I think-"

"I know." The tremor hasn't yet left his voice either as he continues to anxiously wring his fingers.

"Should I call Henry? Maybe he can come home and-"

"And do what, Michael?" He snaps, quietly uttering an apology as soon as his tone changes.

Michael doesn't hold it against him. His father is scared, and for good reason too. In just a few hours his world had gone completely dark, and there wasn't a single thing anyone could do about it.

"I'm going to hold your hand now, is that okay?"

William only nods, and Michael's hand quickly finds his father's as soon as he's given permission. Immediately, William squeezes his hand tightly, as if hearing him wasn't enough to ease his mind. William hated being alone, he hated not knowing where he was or if anyone was beside him. All that time he spent rotting away in the back of Freddy's had ruined him, but normally he was fine so long as he could see Michael sitting across from him, or roll over at night and see Henry sleeping peacefully beside him. What was he supposed to do now? How was he supposed to know he hadn't been abandoned again?

"I don't like this, Michael..." he finally says after an eternity of silence, his voice cracking as tears begin to form.

Michael only squeezed his hand again, offering a soft "I know" in response. He hated knowing there was nothing he could do for his father. Hadn't they all suffered enough? Everyone was finally starting to feel normal again, they were happy again, and now it seemed like the world just wasn't done taking from them. How much more did William even have left to give? Not enough, not anything he could bounce back from.

Eventually, Michael did call Henry to let him know what was going on, that William was fine if he said he couldn't come home right away, that hed understand entirely. Henry merely told him to shut up, and quickly made his way home to help Michael comfort him as best they could. This might have had the opposite effect though, as it only served to remind William that he'd never again get to see the smile on Henry's face he was so used to seeing every morning. Never again would he watch Michael roll his eyes at his stupid jokes. He'd become a burden for them to take care of, at least in his mind, something he tried so desperately to avoid.

No matter how many times they assured him the exact opposite, William couldn't help but feel as if he was more trouble than he was worth

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4 years ago

What if Henry had stopped William before anything bad truely happened? If Henry had seen that William’s target was his daughter but he still cared about this man enough to try and stop him.

He corners William on the night he was planning to take Charlie’s life and stops him before he gets to his daughter. He tries to get through to William and succeeds, now having to deal with a crying 3 year old girl and a crying 27 year old man as it pours rain on them.


Please note a few things:

- This would be WillRy, or the ship between Henry and William

- I will be playing to role of William.

- This will take place in PMs

- This is before even Charlie got killed, so William’s hands are still clean

- No this is not OC friendly. I feel like I don’t have to say this, but I know someone will ask. Human, animatronic, nothing. Sorry.

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1 year ago

So I had a fun AU idea, a FNAF x ATA crossover!!

A golden bear and golden bunny greet the viewer, the Bunny adventurous and cheerful and the Bear nervous and scared.

Based off this song:

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