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Not with a bang but a whimper

It’s the end of the world, mostly because a large percentage of the population have mutated into hungry monsters. A human couple a man and a woman have managed to survive but they both know the reason for that survival is a double edged sword: one them (the man) is slowly turning into one of the very things they are trying to run away from. The only way he has managed to keep the one he loves safe is by tapping into that inhuman side more and more frequently. Inevitably he mutates completely, it happens with almost no warning in a time and place when the couple has managed to find some quiet safe house away from the monsters however briefly. The man just stops being human and the woman is alone with a hungry monster. Naturally she’s frightened, but the truth is there’s no where to run, both literally and in the sense that she has no where to run TO. It’s only been the two of them for so long, the only other traces of people they’d encountered are the dead. The truth is she’s known for a long time that this would be her fate. The monster looms over his prey and finds he is no less in love with the being trembling in front of him, no less capable of recognizing the one he adores. It’s simply that the time has come to stop pretending he doesn’t want all of her to himself, That fighting off the other predators is enough when it isn’t, there’s only one place his prey will ever truly be safe, he sees that clearly now, see the foolish way clinging to his humanity had simply put his prey in unnecessary danger. A black tongue unfurls from behind glistening teeth snaking out to caress the side of the humans cheek affectionately, enormous clawed hands tenderly but firmly rest upon narrow shoulders, while another pair of arms lower down reach around and press her back guiding her closer to the monsters broad chest, his stomach growls as if sensing the one it wants is close enough to hear it. Wide eyes stare in quiet terror and uncertain curiosity mesmerized by the way the unfamiliar threat has intertwined with familiar gentleness. The monster takes the humans hand and presses it against it’s stomach, he has no need for words anymore but he remembers distantly that she does, he cups her face in his enormous hands, tilting her two eyes up to meet many more staring back tender yet ravenous. He utters the word that to his mind explains exactly what’s going to happen and why “Mine”

She swallows nervously eyes taking in the creature she’s certain she can’t reach but knows she needs to try to. “[name] C-could we maybe talk about thi-hhoooookay that’s a mouth! Please don’t bite my head off!” She tries to lean away as his jaws come forward, gently he playfully nips at his prey, trying to demonstrate that he does not in fact, intend to bite her head off. Unfortunately his teeth are enormous and sharp and being poked however gently with knives does not exactly send a comforting message to human instincts. Eventually however his preys heart stops hammering to the point where she can recognize she’s not being crunched or torn to pieces. Merely nipped, licked and more concerning sucked on. Her eyes widen as his intentions click. “You dick! That’s even worse!” her guess is correct, once he finishes tasting and “reassuring” his prey he curls his long tongue around her, his jaws open wide and he envelops her head and shoulders with a low and excited purr.

The monster tilts his head back, one claw gently tracing her progress as a squirming bulge down his throat. Meanwhile feet and legs kick in response to being lifted away from proper purchase, though the amount of earnest struggling she can do is severely hampered by the sheer danger of squirming on the deadly knives that surround her. This fact is driven home very clearly when she accidentally slices open her palm trying to push back against his jaws. The approving sound he makes as her blood pools onto his tongue is both disturbing and vexing but he does not bite down intentionally even if his tongue lingers and writhes pretty obviously on her cut palm.

But I digress, the monster has tilted his head back tracing his preys progress as his muscles pull and guide his beloved down into his waiting belly. Two hands rub his swelling gut as she slips past the ring separating the esophagus from the stomach. Meanwhile a fourth hand helps to gently feed the humans legs and feet inside, pushing firmly at the kicking appendages here and there to keep her from accidentally killing herself on his teeth. Finally her feet find the way to the back of his throat, safe from the hazard of sharp teeth. He gulps firmly, sealing the fate of the woman he loves with just that simple horrendously easy action.

She can’t see inside the claustrophobic darkness of his belly, but that doesn’t make the reality of where she is any less apparent, the slimy undulating walls, the heart beat pounding above, the way the body around her breathes in and out. The heat is crushing when compared to the world she’s left behind, she feels a pressure from outside and it’s mind-bending to know that she can identify it as his hands pressing in and down from outside this new and permanent prison of flesh.

A low crass belch eases out of the monster as he leans back and admires the way his prey fills him. A callous declaration of the monsters place on the food chain and her own. At least that’s what most would believe, but the monster sees nothing callous in his actions. The human inside him is in her proper place, this much is true, but why should that be seen as a bad thing? Surely this is the way things must be? If the two of them are to stay together. Surely the human will also understand that necessity if not now, then once all boundaries have been broken down between body and soul and the two become one.   

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Aysel blushed as the anthropomorphic wolf across from her swallowed her burger whole, hands toying with the straw of her shake. Red eyes met her own across the table and Hati's expression turned playful "Careful Aysel, keep staring like that I might think your volunteering for dessert" The petite human blonde in the red hoodie visibly shuddered cheeks reddening cheeks puffing up as she pouted at her companion. "You shouldn't tease me like that Hati" She complained green blue eyes warring between faux and genuine outrage. A large fanged grin appeared on Hati's black furred muzzle "Whose teasing?" She asked playfully "If you'll recall the only reason your even sitting across from me is our parents discovered us in time back when we were kids" Aysel rolled her eyes before reaching over and stealing a chip from her girlfriends strangely untouched plate and popping it in her mouth "And here I thought you'd grown somewhat fonder of me since then." Hati's teasing face melted into unmistakable fondness. "Indeed I have, damn I was a total brat back then" She noted wistfully before her expression turned teasing once more and she pointed an imperious claw at Aysel. "But if you think I've forgotten how good you taste your wrong" Aysel snorted "You said I tasted terrible" She pointed out, reaching out and poking the extending claw with her own delicate finger. "I was lying" Hati admittedly so serious and matter of fact that Aysel began turning pink all over again. Aysel looked very cute like that Hati noted, the she-wolf knew that despite the fact that they had been dating for nearly a year and a half now, Aysel still nursed a massive prey-like self-destructive crush on her, one that Hati in all truthfulness returned albeit from the more predatory side of things. Aysel was torn between not wanting to die and wanting Hati to kill her and Hati was torn between wanting to keep things as they were and wanting to devour the woman she loved in both body and soul. This was the problem with living in a world built on fairy tales, it was the reason no human strayed from The Path alone in The Woods District and why when they did,no one came looking for them. It was why even millenia after the official family lines had lost track of their direct descendants, you could still make a very educated guess about who was related to who at a glance and why Aysel and Hati had only been allowed to hang out without a chaperone after they finished high school. The Fairy Tale Kingdoms had come a long way from those ancient days in order to get to something approaching true civilisation. But there was a part of them that would always be wild, that longed for something simpler, the part of each of them that yearned to find and fulfil their stories irregardless of the cost. "Aysel..." Hati began carefully looking directly into her girlfriends eyes "Do you want to come home with me?" Off The Path into The Woods was left unsaid but she knew Aysel understood just what she was asking. For a moment the silence was deafening and Hati prepared to start kicking herself for crossing that unspoken line between them. Aysel's cool hands came to rest on Hati's cheeks cupping them, the smaller woman had leaned almost comically over the dining table in order to do so. Resolute blue green eyes looked into hers as Aysel muttered a soft but firm "Yes"

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