Winx Wizards Of The Black Circle - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

POV: ogron and his wizards (friends)

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5 months ago

Imagine if the wizards are those types of guy that would have a "no girls allowed" rule somewhere in there base lol

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5 months ago

I have a thought (and would like to hear some rambles bc it's too quiet), what would Ogron/Gantlos react if Gantlos/Ogron confess to him?

There probably to versions of this so

gantlos version first because I like to think The person who'd confess is more likely to be gantlos

Ogrons reactions wouldn he well shocked obviously but I imagine ogron would be very confused because would have never predicted gantlos of all people to have some kind for romantic feelings for him (oblivouse ass)

I imagine ogron wouldn't know how to respond at first maybe asking gantlos to repeat what he just said before trying to proceeds all that and try to cover it up with a littl chuckle when in reality this man is confused as hell one thing for sure

I can imagine that it probably would take a small while before this confession would lead to anywhere mostly because I like to think ogron like I said is essential confused as fuck

But after all that confusion he's probably would wouldn't have a proper respond but I can ismgine that he's says something among the line of "I never thought you'd have these kinds of feelings for me" or smth

I'd also like to thing that the reaosk why ogorn could have never predicted gantlos to even hint of being romantically interested in him is because he generally doesn't think much about romance

Ogrons version

Ogrons version is probably the most UNLIKELY vit if it was than that would mean that wowie congratulations ogorn you finally realized your gay and you love gantlos and I imagine the confession was sorta a bit of a mess or ogrons attempt to still stay professional during his confession similar to gantlos I iamgien the confession was a sorta in the moment thing and it was ogron just addressing the feelings he's realizing he was now developing

Gantlos reaction is just shocked and a "well I've fancying you too ogron for this past few hundred years" probably

Shocked because well... It's ogron and I guess nonchalant about it because he's been having the feelings to for a while

Actually for me it generally doesn't matter who confesses first because I doubt there confession will change much outside of just shedding light and showing how aware they are of there romantic feelings for one another but I do imagine gantlos and ogorn now just having a talk about it now that BOTH of them understand they like each other and when the topic of dating comes up its either they actually do agreed to become boyfriends they probably wouldn't tell anyone and just let them find out them selves cus cus for them actions speak louder than words

Thanks for the question and I love rambling and if there's any grammar mistakes then you know it was sa ramble idk if I got all my points correctly cus this is my ramble in text which is something I'm shit at but yeah!

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5 months ago

POV: it's duman that cooked the food

Anagan and gantlos don't know what's worst explosive chicken or burnt mashed photatos

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5 months ago

Odette (twin sister of ogron)

Odette (twin Sister Of Ogron)
Odette (twin Sister Of Ogron)

First pic: normal version

Second pic: false ogron vers

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5 months ago


Basically, just me getting into more detail about Odette's Character, story, and details about her outfits in both versions, and a reminder: her lore isn't complete and she will change

I look forward to yapping more about ky other OCS in the cities cus I love my OCS

(Also edit here: I made a mistake and the cuffs in odettes ankles are suppose to he in the false ogron version not in the normal version so ignor that)

Normal vers: "witch of control"



Version where odette is around during the fourth season

Ogron asked odette for help in finding the last earth fairy

Odette joined the black circle and plays the role of the planner (or just the over all brains)

Odette forms a little connection with Roxy and basically acts as an adult figure to Roxy and is like Roxy's auntie figure in a way


Odette is a sadistic little shit to those who she personality dislikes or has a vendetta against (hinted at her side rivalry with Gantlos and her thing with bullying and messing with the specialist)

Outside of her sadistic and crazy persona she's very collected and pretty smart and cunning when she needs to be

Odette makes it obvious that she genuinely loves and cares about her brother and is very overprotective of him and his health

Design details:

She actually has hidden pockets in certain parts of her pants

Everything has a function or purpose including the tight straps which are for helping her hook anything in it for whatever purpose

She wears gloves because she handled with certain dangerouse types it materials which if handled incorrectly or in contact with skin can cause damage and Odettes sleeves are rolled up for the similar reasons

She has a held pocuh for storing all of her personal stuff and knicknacs

The cuffs around her wrist are for her control ability when she summons her strings

Her boots aren't heels due to her combat style being meow on the physical combat and she get every physical with her opponents

The cuffs are red-pinkish, her top is similar to Ogorn and the the over Al Silhouette is similar to the other wizards because it shows she is associated with ogron and/or the black circle

False ogron vers: the red witch/witch of deception



It happens during the event sof the fight season and begins after fourth season

Odette found ogorn, gantlos and anagan in the Omega demension and freed them only to find out that due to the state of the blskc circle ogorn was Comatosed

Odette after being filled in on all the vanets that accured Odette will would proceed to start planning on how to being back ogron fork his comatose and remove the black circle for good without harming her brother and in this plan she proceeds to pretend to be ogron


She's more cunning, deceitful and merciless

She known as "the night mare of a man's dreams" because of her infamoise history fo tormenting many gorups of people before

She somtimes feel an imposter because she's basically pretending to he her comatosed brother and doesn't feel great about it

Odettes obsession with the passed is worse now because she basically is threatened that her brother who she hadnt contacted in so long is basically could he gone forever if she does nothing about it

Odettes doesn't trust ANYONE like how no one trusts her (especially gantlos)

Odette control abilities are more potant/powerful due to her more violently and aggressiveness in combat

While yes she can come off as a sadistic mad woman who'd be willing to kill jus for fun she genuinely does still have a good heart and genuinely doesn't mind having a little fun in many battles Afton even fighting fair by nholsing back when fighting the winx and specialist

Like in the normal vers Odette is genuinely very considerate and caring to those who she genuinely cares about and mean alot to her

Design details:

Because her combat is mostly magic she wears heels but also for intimidation factor because can ausne that she probably owild stabb a man's skull with her heel if she wanted too

Odettes wears a hat to further show her "witch" title

The cape is for more kysteripuse vibes

The green in the cuffs (her magic) hints her disconnations to her brother because green is a opposite color to red and pinkish

The pouches are the same thing but because or magic is more broader and uses magic for her inventory

Odette wears gloves and covers her fulle arms because of the fact she handles much more dangerous magical materials and she's more experienced with it

The cuffs are to represent how she has more control in her own power and how frequently she is Abel to take full contoel of her victims

Her over all silhouette shows how she is disconnected or not associated with the blskc circle aka making her a over al seperate entity and this does include the color scheme and top

Some funfacts:

Odette knew that if she destorywd the black circle to bring back ogoen he would have lost all of his memories of thevhslck circle and his actions which she gatekept from anagan and gantlos because she didn't trust them and knew gantlos and anagam can double cross her (false ogorn vers)

Odette actually keeps a bunch of hair ties so she can keep her hair up when in battle so she can avoid her hair becoming a weakness in physical combat

Odette actually has a girlfriend named Eveline a dark sirenix fairy (she's a prominent character in the False Ogron version)

Darcy is odettes ex girlfriend

Odette has a rivarly with gantlos mostly because of their mutual dislike towards each other

Odette had always had a tomboyish lady

Odette "flirted" with morgana at one point

Odette has a very large venomous snake she adores very much its name is "Phonmy" and it's kept in a pocket dimension if Odette ever needs to call it over to wherever shes currently in

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5 months ago

POV; once duman and Odette became besties

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5 months ago

Human wizards of the black circle au

Context: they do not know the winx and they basically are a group of friends (found family) who all live in the same apartment and live normal human lives and any magical things are substituted and the names they are given is actually nicknames

Oscar Morgan (ogron):

The oldest one (he owns the apartment)

Confused gay man (he still in denial)

Is the de facto leader if the group (mom of the family)

He's an online writer of a decently popular fantasy book he made

Had a strain relationship with his dad and left his parents to pursue writing and took an apartment so he could have someone to stay and work after graduating

Works in a part time job as a waiter in the fruity music bar and sometimes helps with drinks and online tutoring

Grant jianni (gantlos):

Same age as ogron only younger by a week

Bi sexual

Him and ogron had known each other since college

Likes playing the guitar

He helps with paying for the apartment bills and works as an office employee

Had an ex girlfriend before but broke up after

Has actually had a crush on ogron for a while now but hadnt been able to confess his feelings yet

Antonio orman(anagan):

Second youngest (just got out of highschool)

Straight probably tried to get a girlfriend before but failed miserably

A sporty guy and the most social one out of the four

Has many friends both in and out of campus

Likes to take long jogs around guardinia as a hobby

Wants to have a successful athletic career in the future

Helps with the chores and cooking in the apartment

Damian evangelista (duman):

The youngest of the four (5-9 younger at least)

Gay and non-binary

Got disowned/kicked out of his crazy religious household when he was 15

Has a younger brother named Daniel he had to leave behind (he misses him a lot)

works multiple side jobs and even in the fruity music bar (introduced by oscar) on week ends just to get some money

He genuinely sees Ogron and Gantlos has his dad's figures

Very cheeky with a sassy attitude gets in anagans nerves sometimes

Fun fact!:

They all have family dinners and curfews all around by 8pm

Duman being the youngest is treated like the kid

They all actually have some interest in wizards and fantasy roleplays and sometimes do move nights together mostly of fantasy (Harry Potter, Lord of the rings, etc)

The nicknames they have are actually from the characters they'd like to play as in there little roleplays

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5 months ago

What if ogron proceeded to date klause and they got together at some point during mid season 4 probably not gunna happen but it would he funny

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5 months ago

Ogron hcs I got

Ogron doesn't usually smoke or drink unless he's really stressed or is coaxed into it

As a kid ogron probably learned how to hide in small cabinets to avoid hearing the nasty things his father would say about him when he was REALLY mad

From a young age ogron use to have some kind of artistic dream but this ended in his teenage years when ogron begna to become more and more insecure about his talents and capabilities and it didn't help that there were other far more talented people making him quit in frustration

Ogrons a shitty drawer and hates talking about it

At one point ogron didn't actually want to share the black circle with other people but as time went on ogorn began to get attached and formed bonds with the wizards into a family like dynamic

Ogron doesn't speak much about his family (not like anyone asks anyway) and doesn't prefer to dwell on the abuse or harsh discipline his father had inflicted on him

Ogrons discomfort of the idea of hypnosis comes from his own fear of not being in control and the idea of being forced to do something that will humiliate you

Ogron has a opera voice he can basically sing in very high vocals but he hates singing

It's very rare for ogron to genuinely smile or laugh

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5 months ago

Randome hcs I got about the wizards of the black circle I conjured up in my sleep

There usual hangout spots are in abandoned spots around the town or certain restricted areas

Ogron had personally been the one to memorize the layouts of the town including the sewers

Somtimes whenever they were in public Duman liked scare nearby kids who happen to be staring at him

Anagan and gantlos are the ones who keep there supplies of alcohol and cigarettes

The wizards all smoke (gantlos is the biggest smoker)

They probably share the same bed or place to rest

Anagan likes to use the more open spots around the town at night to have some midnight laps (it's his good stress reliever)

Duman probably shapshifted into characters he saw on a TV and copy what they said a few times

They use to have a TV where they'd watch randome channels until it broke one day and no one bothered to fix it

Anagan secretly likes watching those corny ass teen dramas while the other wizards aren't around

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5 months ago

(TWINS AU) Odette and ogron switched clothes for a day:

(TWINS AU) Odette And Ogron Switched Clothes For A Day:
(TWINS AU) Odette And Ogron Switched Clothes For A Day:



Likes the top more

"Just admit it looks better on me!"

First time she didn't wear her gloves


Wanted to smack the crap out of ogron for making most of the details in it practically USELESS

No pockets and was very pissy about it

Couldn't get to kick ass with the skirt on



Has to give credit to his sister that the clothes actually are pretty functional in battle

Pretty comfy once you wear it longer

A big breezy

Would keep on finding pockets


"Where the hell did you get all the pixie dust from?!"

Never understood the thigh strap

The cuffs kept on falling off

Too tight leggings

the corset

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5 months ago

Just throwing bs here because I got intimated by your bio do you think ogron likes horses or no, like in a special interest way

I never imagined him as someone who's interested in horses but I imagine he has experience with riding them he probably had a horse during the fairy hunt until it died of old age

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5 months ago

Ogron x gantlos hcs

Ogron at some point in his life lied to himself that he couldn't possibly love a man (until gantlos confessed his feelings)

Gantlos can and has lift up ogorn bridal style and ogron was emberassed

Ogron secretly goes to gantlos bed to cuddle in his arms and hug his chest (intimate shit ogrons ashamed about) and gantlos would usually wake up to an drowsy ogrons head in his chest (gantlos had been pretending that he didn't know of this hobby)

Ogron and gantlos probably snuck holding hands

They both were pretty physical with each other during there first kiss

Gantlos has called ogron "sweetheart" or "darlin" by accident

Ogron once called gantlos "babe" by accident

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5 months ago

If the wizards of the black circle were the seven deadly sings what do you think they would be?

For me:



Gantlos= wrath and greed

Anagan = envy(?) &/or pride

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5 months ago

If Roxy befriended the wizards first she'd probably be considered the youngest of the group (second youngest is duman) p

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5 months ago



Acts as a parent to you

Is protective over you but does acknowledge your probably old ekoguh to handle things yourself

Will probably give your future boyfriend/girlfriend the stink eye

Can sometimes come off as overbearing as best and controlling at worst

He would put you first over (almost) everything they

Would get angry when you skip one meal and then he himself proceeds to not eat for a week or two

Ogron definitely helps you with your studies and homework

Would ask if you brought your EpiPen(if you have allergies)

The wizards probably didn't even know you exist because ogorn rarely talks about you

He would likely prefer to keep you out of the black circles business

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5 months ago



Likes to annoy/tease you 24/7

Your his partner in crime when it comes to his silly schemes

Likes to mess with you but will eat your bullies alive if they touched a single hair of you

Calls you "pup" as a joke

You tried to copy his hair style before and it went horribly wrong

Duman let's you play (mess) with his mojawk

Has probably taught you how to pickpocket somebody

He would sometimes shapshift as you just to mess with you more

He probably calls you shortie a lot

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5 months ago



Has prefered to stay away from you to mostly avoid hurting you with his powers

You called him a cowboy once

Only let's you take his hat and wear it for long periods of time

He'd be the first person you can trust to see your grades

Thought you self defense

You practice meditating with him before

You had sometimes tugged him by his hair as a joke

He probably keeps your baby photos and old toys as a sentiment kinda thing

Still likes to carry you on his back sometimes like before

Being the oldest he feels a sort of responsibility over you

Is very over protective of you and of your heart was broken then the culprit will probably be dead

He can be chill under the right circumstances

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5 months ago



The most chill man you have ever known

Your second best friend in the world

You both would try to race against against each other (anagan always won)

sometimes lets you win in races

Anagan gets skeptical of your boyfriend/girlfriend but warms up to them after a few days

He would sometimes literally pick you up from school and run back home

Has invite dyou to run laps before

He isn't that helpful when it comes to homework and studies but he does try his best to comfort you whenever your feeling overwhelmed

He likes to talk about you to the other wizards

Likes to call you a snail as a joke

Snatches your stuff and runs away very fast just to mess with you

You Afton can ask him to grab something or run a small stand for you if you need it

Anagan and you watch cartoons and random corny teen dramas

You both binge-watch DreamWorks movies

You and Anagan used to play Hopscotch as kids

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