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Dagger with gold inlay and jade handle. India, Mughal Empire, 18th century.
an introduction to the five major houses that make up the world of my wip.

House Lahari, the first house of the Noon dynasty, held the ports. Mounted in a castle that sat atop a lone hill overlooking Sand Bay, House Lahari manned all ships and overlooked all trade that concerned their sacred land.
Descended from Karamat Lahari, a sailor who was said to have won the Goddess Phauzia’s favour by presenting her with a lithe snake that sung and danced and coiled around her arm like a bracelet, House Lahari was the first of the Fated Five upon whom befell tragedy.

House Pirzada, the second house of the Noon dynasty, overlooked infrastructure. Great temples with open roofs were built for the Goddess Phauzia, lest her rays miss all who came seeking her counsel. The Pirzadas were a simple people, more devout than most, and quiet in a way that left one wondering indeed if they were more foe than friend.
Their descendent, Sefa Pirzada, was said to have been a close companion of Phauzia, and one of her most trusted advisors and friends. It was a bond her blood refused to forgo.

House Laal, the third house, were masters of swordsmanship. From the forging of steel to its expert wielding, House Laal dominated all. They sired the greatest warriors the Sol had ever known, including Ramineh Laal the Ruthless, their descendant who ensured a name for all that would share her blood.
Many whispered that she had been the one to aid Phauzia in the carving of the throne, that it had been Laal hands that welded the seat that now housed foreign and—some would argue—unworthy inhabitants.

House Jafari, the fourth, knew more of matters of expenditure than gold itself. Calculated and sharp, they sat the council of every Noon King and Queen to come into power as the doyen of funds. They worked closely with every house to ensure funds were equally distributed, for the betterment of the realm.
Yanik Jafari had been witty enough to yield the Goddess’ interests. It was his knowledge and quick calculations that kept them there, however, and no more quickly was she impressed by him than she had him placed at the head of her own council so that all matters of outlay pass to him.

Lastly, House Noon, the fifth and final house of the Noon dynasty, and the house that brought about its shining glory. House Noon yielded the greatest power of them all, one that irrefutably trumped all others: the blood of Phauzia. For while the Fated Five possessed the blessing of the Goddess, her very being flowed in House Noon’s veins.
The work of Phauzia’s carving rested beneath their fingertips, their bones, and its power was conclusive. Their blood was worthy; picked by the shining Phauzia herself when she fell in love with a comely village man by the name of Mumtaz Noon. Their love was one that singers and merchants alike prattled of on the shores of Sand Bay to ensure commerce. A man with no inheritance to ensure the great Phauzia even a semblance of luxury nor comfort, Mumtaz had only a slight ring, thin as wisps and dispensable for the likes of the Goddess. But she loved him for his character, not his glory, and they lived a life of prosperous rule, during which they sired multiple children and grandchildren to inherit the kingdom after them.
It was said that when a Noon sat atop the throne it glowed with sunbeams sent from the sky lands above, a boon from the long-departed Phauzia and her consort Mumtaz as a mark of their favour.
sometimes i look at my characters and it’s like woah this person truly is a Mess and it’s like well. yeah being forced to flee ur home after ur family all die at the age of twenty will do that to a person
hey, if anyone is interested in being added to a tag list for my wip just reply to this post :D
wip: hand of the caged

genre: new adult. high fantasy.
tw: violence, misogyny, forced/child marriage, murder, major character death, incest.
But the concept of pure birthright seemed to dwindle as more moons arrived and fled since the Golden Age. Illegitimacy festered in the swells of Adilistan and the houses grew restless. Gone were the days of prideful founders and come were the days of unsatisfied descendants who itched and yearned for more. The validity of the Goddess and mortal’s union was a greatly disputed matter, and factions rose that rejected the Faith, and the throne with it.
A Noon upon the throne was no longer a sign of stability for the realm, rather a mockery of those who kept it alight with no reward. Crimson rivulets trickled into Adilistan, carrying with them whispers of illegitimacy and caucuses that disputed behind closed doors the claims and rights of House Noon.
character list:
Sabah Noon: Princess of Adilistan and rightful heir after the murder of her older sister at the hands of her uncle. Flees the palace with her mother’s handmaiden.
Rayan Lahari: known as ‘the runaway heir’. Fled his family and life after witnessing the cruel realities of power and how it changes people. Now lives a life of crime by stealing to help provide for his people.
Kiran: handmaiden to the Queen. Companion to the King. Tasked with aiding Sabah in her fight for the throne.
Fatimah Noon: Princess of Adilistan and older sister to Sabah. Assassinated by orders of her uncle, who usurps the throne after her and her father’s deaths.
Junaid Noon: King of Adilistan. Assassinated by his brother in law.
Bandagi Laal: Queen Consort of Adilistan. Taken captive by her brother upon the deaths of her husband and daughter.
Waqas Laal: brother to the Queen. Son is married to Princess Fatimah Noon. Plots the murder of his son’s wife and his own brother in law. Installs his son upon the throne.
Zayn Laal: husband to Princess Fatimah Noon. Made King after her and the King’s deaths.
tag-list (lmk if u want to be added or removed): @lil-stark @wipsbymor @anonymousfoz @thesoftestofpetals