Wish More Ppl Were Aware Of This - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

The light/dark split is literally determined by the parts of himself thomas does and doesnt like and I feel like not everyone understands that??

Like,, Thomas does want his mental illness to define him. Okay Virgil goes in the dark. Thomas wants being a good person to define him and wants to be sure of what that means. Okay Patton goes in the light. Like it's literally just determined by what Character Thomas does and doesnt want to be known for. WHICH CHANGES AS YOU GROW!!!!! both as a person and in general. He wants to bring mental health into more content? Cool, now Virgil isnt being shunned and can come into the light. Being selfish has a time and a place? Okay Janus can join the party too. Like its not a question of whether or not the sides are good people bc they are not,, actually,,,, people. It's just a matter of whether Thomas wants to consider that an important part of himself.

Everyone has a dark side. Personally mine is I'm selfish and can get angry at times. But I dont want to be known for those things so that makes them my "dark sides." Even though I could stand to be selfish when it comes to my limits and theres things worth being angry about. They arent inherently bad traits they're just parts of me I dont want to be known by or give too much of a foothold to.

That's what the dark sides are. That's what makes a dark side. I'd like to see more of that around here.

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