With The Latter But I Think He Deserves The Solid Gold Wingcases!! As A More Final Note I Love The Tarsi + Claws + Segments And Especially - Tumblr Posts
1 year ago

bugified gabe joins the party
inspired by @peridots-pixiwolf beetle gabe cuz that idea couldnt leave my head since then
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think I caught this pretty early for someone who hasn't had wifi in 48 hours + am Going to ramble after i get the categorization tags done
gabriel ultrakill
i am So very glad you enjoyed the being-tagged and so glad to be tagged!!! your own art was really the basis for an onslaught of buggified
ultrakill characters so it's very cool i've somehow inspired you in turn :] i think seeing all the ways our interpretations differ is
really fun! ex. i did the halo as antennae obviously cause i love the silliness of lamellate antennae but i think i've seen a mandibular
halo somewhere and the stag jaws look awesome... my own elytra were kind of vaguely fitted in as the runes since i don't know what to do
with the latter but i think he deserves the solid gold wingcases!! as a more final note i love the tarsi + claws + segments and especially
all the pointiness!! on the pauldrons and skirt and greaves and vambraces and cuirass and even the horns! it's fun!!
all in all i'd say you've done an excellent job of turning him into some sort of weird bug :]