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No pardon.
Anyone who commits murder of women should just rot in prison where they do the same thing every day because that's our idea of hell on earth. An eternal repetition of meaningless rituals without even the opportunity to participate in the real world.

We are against the death penalty because it would be a mercy for every Perpetrator, the slow passing of time with one's own decay in isolation of boredom is a real punishment.
Undeveloped societies love the idea of retribution, revenge by the oh-so-good state. But revenge is too easy and only a one-time thing. No one should decide on the life and death of people by law. There are enough examples of abuse by the state known from history and from the present.
This shows what everyone knows: women are equal and sometimes even superior to men.
Equality means accepting that women can do everything men can do and even more.
Yes, dear pashas in this world who believe that on the basis of some religious theories women are subordinate to men because of their physicality we have to disappoint you, you are the weaker sex because equality is just too hard for you. Then you must openly acknowledge your weaknesses to every woman.
It is ridiculous to believe that you are superior to women if you have never had to compete with women.
The head of the family is laughable just because you provide for the family and then the oh-so-inferior woman does the rest.
Equality means recognising inequality on the basis of absolute equality.
What does that mean: simply put, the woman firefighter has the same rights as us, only she is stronger than us. We have to admit that she just has the cooler job.