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6 years ago

Seventeen Reaction! to their child asking why there are so many Santas



He and his daughter were walking in the mall, hand in hand when they stopped infront of a small stage with a big stool a man dressed as Santa was sitting on. Passig by they got to see the not so well hidden backstage with at least two more men dressed as Santa. His little daughter was pointing there with a cute little shocking gasp and asking her dad:

“Daddy why are there so many Santas?”

And Daddy kneeled down to hold her cheek and simply tell her: “Santa needs some help my baby. Even he can’t do everything!“



He was driving home with his four years old daughter and his 9 months old son after meeting Santa to tell him their christmas wishes. His daughter was silently playing with a doll and his son was sleeping. She had a concerned look on her face and Jeonghan noticed so he asked her what is up.

“Daddy why was there a different Santa than last year? Can he change his looks?”

Jeonghan kept a straight face and told her: “You know my angel... years ago there weren’t that many kids on earth so Santa could handle to give presents to the children all alone. Now that there are so many children he really needs help”.

Satisfied with that answer his daughters eyes went to her doll again.



Joshuas son was playing with his Dads phone while Joshua was cooking in the kitchen. The 3 years old boy clicked on a video and to be seen were Seventeen. All of them wearing Santa costumes. His son then screamed: “Daddy why are you wearing Santas costume when you are not Santa?”. Joshua came out of the kitchen seeing the video that was being played and took the phone away. “No no we were just helping Santa! You can help Santa too one day if you want...”. His son just got really excited loool.



Jun and his two sons were eating Pizza while watching TV and as it should be there were played many christmas advertisements. His sons here and there stopped eating to watch them but ate again when Jun reminded them of eating. One of his sons then asked why in every advertisement Santa looked different. Jun smiled and said: “This isn’t the real Santa. Santa is way too busy to be starring on TV”. Not happy about that the two boys looked at their food, one of them nearly started crying. Jun then added: “He is too busy with choosing your presents but you will only get presents when you are good boys and eat up your food” and as every kid wants a present they pushed the Pizza in their mouth.



His 4 year old son kept pulling on his dads shirt because he was curious about the amount of Santas he saw down the street the day before and shyly asked: “Daddy is Santa real? You can tell me. I saw many of them yesterday.”

Soonyoung laughed and told his son with a certain look: “Of course Santa is real my son! It’s just that everyone can be Santa if they really want to make other children happy!”

His son told him that he wanted to make other children happy and Soonyoung patted his head: “I want that too buddy. Next year we will be Santa too!”



Wonwoo and his little daughter were sitting on her little table with paper and pens. They were both drawing on one big paper and the paper was full with Santas. His daughter was a bit confused about what her Dad drew so she asked: “Daddy why would you draw so many of them?”. Wonwoo then asked her: “One Santa makes many people happy right?”. His daughter nod. “Then many Santas make even more people happy”. That wasn’t really a helpful answer but it got her to think about it for a long time.



He was waiting in the line with his daughter to see Santa and she was very excited. Her eyes were glued on that big man sitting on that big red chair but suddenly he stood up and went behind the stage. A new Santa came out that looked smaller than the other one and Woozis daughter noticed. She tapped his leg with her small hand and said: “Dad that is not Santa! Where did Santa go?”. Woozi shook his head and strocked her small back. “No honey that is Santa. You must be seing things my sweety”. Accepting that answer because daddy must be right she got excited again.



Minghao was blasting christmas music and him and his son were dancing to it. The music got interrupted by a phone call that Minghao accepted. He was talking with Jun about some christmas presents and Minghao might have said a bit too loudly: “No I don’t know what I will buy my son as a christmas present. I still didn’t even talk about it with my wife-” and then his son started crying. Telling Jun he had to hang up he threw his phone on the couch and hugged his son. Trying to calm him down he said: “My boy you will get a christmas present from Santa if you are a good boy ok? It’s just that there are many children that Santa wants to get some presents for because they are poor and that makes him very very busy!”. As his boy stopped crying he asked: “Daddy? Other boys and girls don’t have toys? I want them to have my toys then!”. Mingao kissed his sons head and smiled proudly.



Mingyu and his little daughter were making a mess in the kitchen by baking christmas cookies and there was a cookie cutter that looked like Santa. Mingyu was going to use it twice but his daughter stopped him: “Daddy you can’t do that! There is only one Santa”. Mingyu laughed: “But there are many Santas my dear”. His daughter was a bit angry and asked why there wasn’t just one Santa? Mingyu told her that since the real Santa is very old he needs to educate new Santas to help him. His daughter was very confused but took the cookie cutter from him anyways and put it to the side. Mingyu was laughing and put some flour on her chubby cheek to make her smile again.



Dokyeoms son was sitting on his lap and he constantly mentioned how happy he would be to see Santa again. Dokyeom got out a little photobook to look at some christmas photos. There were already two photos where his son was sitting on Santas leg. His son was now old enough to notice some differences so he asked daddy why Santa looked different. Dokyeom smiled and held the book close to his face. “I can’t see a difference. I guess I need glasses don’t you think so?”. His son didn’t even think about it again and laughed with his father. Like father, like son!



His daughter was crying for five minutes now because she pulled on Santas beard when they were in the mall to visit him. She cried so much that Seungkwan didn’t even get to explain why there wasn’t sitting Santa himself. After some time he brought her candies and a teddy bear so she would not cry again. Then she finally asked: “Daddy why did I not get to see the real santa? I was a good girl I promise!”. It made Seungkwan really sad to see her like this with a runny nose and red eyes so the best thing he thought about was to tell her that even Santa can get sick. “My pumpkin...When every child wishes for something big, Santas back hurts very much so he has to rest”. His daughter got concerned and told him: “I don’t want Santa to be sick because of me. I won’t be wishing for something big anymore”. Seungkwan almost cried because of how sweet hearted his child is. Besides he was kinda relieved since he wouldn't have to buy her something that is really expensive.



Him and his son went to Santaland twice and it was the same Santa for these two years so when they went to another mall this year his son asked why Santa wasn’t there to write down his wish. Vernon told him that Santa is really busy this year so he got a friend for help. And he might have said that this year the only really cool kids get to see Santa. His son asked: “I want to be cool so I can see Santa!”. Vernon held his sons hand and told him: “Well cool kids have to be listening to their parents and be very well-behaved”. His son already created a checklist for things he'd have to do for being well-behaved in his head.


Seventeen Reaction! To Their Child Asking Why There Are So Many Santas

Ok so I feel like when his child would ask why there were so many Santas going down the street when they were watching a parade Dino told them they should ask Mommy. He never thought about a good answer for that question. He didn’t even think it would pop up that soon when his child was only two years old. When you (their mom) told them these people were dressed as Santa because they wanna cherish his work by wearing the same clothes. Dino would ask you later what you told them.

First reaction of mine. Hope you like it.


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