Wordgirl Headcanons - Tumblr Posts
Hey I know I said that one post was the masterlist but tumblr has a character limit so there were just TWO things I couldn’t fit. One of em is basically the Lexiconian triathlon and olympics mashed up into one thing and it’s long so more under cut.
(The short thing): In order to grow in more insulting hair faster, Lexiconians adapted high levels of keratin.
2. The Specialist Championship. This is the globally most anticipated event on Lexicon, competitors begin training at the start of each year, often auditioning only a week prior. Massive professional crews help prepare the event in such a short span of time to be ready directly at the start of the new year. The announcer only speaks before and between events, staying silent all throughout the events. Every year only two teams are chosen, each with six competitors, three with diurnal primary eyes and three with nocturnal primary eyes to a team. No more, no less. No live audience is present as the potential collateral damage is deemed too dangerous.
The first event is daytime flight racing, it begins the moment dawn breaks, all of both teams’ diurnal members will be sent to fly ten laps around the perimeter of the event area before dusk, followed by nighttime flight racing.
The second event is nighttime fly racing, which requires satellites to broadcast the competition and to mark where the boundaries of the course are, seeing as the nighttime flight routes go throughout space back to the starting point on Lexicon. The point totaling for the night flying event works the same as for the daytime flying one.
Daytime fliers have to be back before dusk or they are disqualified, Nighttime fliers are disqualified if they fail to get back before dawn. For both fliers it is disallowed to cause permanent or fatal injury, but any other tactics to try and inhibit the other team’s performance are allowed.
The third event is daytime frost usage. The aim of the daytime frost usage competition is to build structure(s) with ice that the judges rank most impressive in the time given. Both teams have their own field to work with.
Judging takes place during the dusk and the team has all day to build, but also has to maintain their structures under the sun until then.
Sabotage of the other team's structures are allowed for both teams, but likewise defense is allowed.
Lethal or permanent injury is still prohibited here.
The fourth event is nighttime frost usage. The competitors in this event will work on different fields as the daytime competitors did, but these fields have lights underneath them. The goal is to use their frost breath to create the maximum amount of illumination from the under-field lights.
Sabotage is entirely prohibited in nighttime frost breath usage.
For the first four events, communication is allowed and completely unrestricted except for smoke signals after the one time they were used went horribly wrong. Besides that if your team has learned Morse code you can bring flashlights! Learn a dead language together! Go crazy!
The other team is 100% allowed to eavesdrop though, which leads to teams going out of their way to try and learn the most obscure and difficult languages before the competition, to try and make any eavesdropping attempts useless.
The fifth and final event is sparring. No communication to teammates is allowed during this. Each team picks one designated fighter, puts them out against the other team's designated fighter, and then they fight until one of them is knocked out. No lethal or deliberately permanent injuries are allowed. Both fighters are properly fitted in armor and given a day to rest before being put in the arena against each other. No breaks happen during this event despite the fact that it usually lasts multiple days on end.