World Powers - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

It’s kinda wild that the currency that runs the world isn’t the same as it used to be only a (relatively) short time ago. As you know, the dollars we have are paper, worthless in and of itself but is given value by the gold that backs it-the gold standard-you know this. Except that’s not how it is anymore.

Y’see, while gold still has value, and does still back at least /some/ of the money we spend, it could be compared more to diamonds now than actual, viable, currency. But you know what does make the majority of money, in-countries and spent between them, legit?


Oil companies and the people that own them are the richest motherfuckers that you’ll ever find. The famous, ‘richest people’ in the world that are plastered all over the media, who have billions and own space rockets, are not the ones with the most money. The people with the most money are the ones you’ll never know exist, because why would you?

They don’t need publicity, they essentially own the thing that makes the world go round—and they’re sure as fuck not living in the U.S. There’s not way in hell they would live somewhere with the IRS, somewhere where everything is monitored and any shady stuff they get up to would be more likely to be found out—and then they’d have to waste money with bribes so it stays quiet.

Also look up hydrogen engines along with why car companies stopped building their products with carburetors. I’ll give you a hint, with carburetors people figured out how to use fumes instead of the liquid fuel to stretch a gallon for three hundred miles, so of course they had to put a stop to that and came out with fuel injectors wich make it damn near impossible to modify your engine in the way that saves so much gas.

And hydrogen engines? You can do the same thing with hydrogen gas as you can with gasoline fumes while still keeping the ideal engine power. A little fun fact as well, the stuff that comes out of the exhaust pipe in a hydrogen powered vehicle is w a t e r. Well, water and oxygen. So when Oil companies are what keep the government’s of the world in an iron grip due to keeping everything going and making Jesus amounts of money while they do it, you can bet your ass they’ll never let hydrogen power become a widespread thing. Unless they can figure out how to monopolize it and still make the money they are now.

But until then, it’s oil all the way, and there’s nothing anybody can do about it until they say otherwise.

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