Writerofstuff - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

For @ultram0th2 hope you enjoy it. 💙

"Derek, this is insane. Are we really going to break into a gym owner's office in broad daylight?" Stiles asked.

"No we aren't." Derek told the younger man.

"Good, because seriously you had me worried you were losing it dude."

"I'm going to be breaking in while you stand guard." Derek cuts Stiles off.

"I retract my previous comment." Stiles muttered. 

"Derek, I get you're suspicious of this guy, but this isn't an excuse to break into the guy's office." Stiles went on to say only for Derek to ignore him and head towards the gym owner's office.

Derek can hear Stiles whispering insults and curses at him, but the werewolf ignores them. He knows this looks crazy, but he swore he smelt magic on this guy when he walked by him. The scent of magic was strong enough to make Derek worried the guy would be up to something. Since when someone's magical aura is that strong to sense it means they have casted a powerful spell recently. 

So Derek had followed the guy to this gym, the one he realized opened up recently. Derek had called Stiles for back up to keep watch while Derek checked the guy's office out when he left. 

Normally he would do this at night, but Derek felt the strange nagging feeling within him that told him he needed to check out this guy now. 

Picking the lock to the guy's office was simple, Derek looking around to make sure no one was watching him. Glancing back at Sfiles who gave Derek the middle finger, to switch Derek rolled his eyes at the gesture before he steps inside the office.

A few minutes later Derek found nothing. No strong magic auras, no spellbound, no artifacts filled with magic, nothing but mundane office supplies. Derek was confused, he was so sure this man smelt of magic. He must have been mistaken and feels embarrassed over how rash he acted.

"Well, Stiles is going to enjoy being right." Derek murmurs to himself while he heads for the door. 

"Or maybe you were right to suspect something." A deep voice says and Derek turns around to see the gym owner standing there against the back wall of the office he eyes Derek with an amused look as he pushes himself from the wall and stalks towards Derek.

"How did you get in here?" Derek asked.

"Are you really asking me how I got into my own office?" The guy asked. "The question is why are you in my office."

"Not that I'm complaining. I do love seeing a handsome young man like you in here." The older man says while he checks Derek out shamelessly. 

Derek can smell magic on the older man and he asks him why that is.

"Ooh a werewolf. I haven't come across one of you in some time." He says, sounding excited.

"But to ease your worries I'm not up to any evil doing. I'm simply using my magic to help create loyal employees to work for me. Nothing nefarious about a man wanting to make sure he gets good employees is there?" He asked.

Derek stares at the man with a look of disbelief. Surely this man wasn't serious was he? By the way the guy was looking at Derek and Derek can tell he was telling the truth.

"You can't just mess with people with magic." Derek says.

"Sure I can, it's so easy." The man says smugly.

"Here, how about a demonstration." He adds and grins wider. Derek feels a cold chill go down his spine and he groans. His eyes go wide when his torso suddenly erupts with solid pounds of pure muscle that force his shirt to tear apart at the seams.

His pecs balloon outwards into a set of large muscle tits that already feel so sensitive to touch and bounce when he walks.

"Bro, the fuck ya doin to me?!" Derek shouts. His voice sounds different. Deeper than it was just a few moments ago. 

"You wanted to snoop around my office to uncover my dark secret, so I'm just rewarding you by making you one of my modeled employees."

"You're going to be such a hot fucking personal trainer. Aren't you Devon?" The man says.

"Of course I am boss." Derek blurts out to reply without wanting to. He wanted to tell the guy his name was Derek, but instead he cradles his head in hisnhands and moans when his head aches. He can feel a thick cloudy haze fog his mind, he can feel his memories flicker in his mind. Seeing flashes of foreign memories fill his mind. 

Derek's hair grows a little longer and turns blond. His face ripples with his features sharpening and becoming more defined till Derek now looks like the kind of guy someone can expect to find working at a gym.

Derek holds onto his last fragments of his former self, refusing to let them fade from his mind. But when the man he called boss comes up to him. Gently touching Derek's shoulder and making him feel a spark of warmth traverse through him does that last part of Derek get locked away in the dark corners of his own mind. 

"Ready to get put there and put our new clients to work?" The boss asked.

"I'll be sure to work them real good for ya boss." Devon says proudly. When he turns away to leave he doesn't notice his torn and tattered clothes repair into a yellow tank top that shows off his impressive bulk fairly well. Along with sweatpants that hug his large ass and outline his fat cock for all to see.

Devon walks out of the office and takes a few steps when a skinny man approaches him.

"Hey, did you happen to see a dark haired guy with a scowl in there?" The smaller man asked.

"Sorry Broski." Devon tells him and bumps his shoulder into the smaller guys when he walks by. Not aware of the confused look he gets from the smaller man who watches Devon head out to the gym's main floor while he rubs his tingling shoulder from where Devon touched it. 

For @ultram0th2 Hope You Enjoy It.

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