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"Was it for redemption? Was it for revenge?" (from that ROCKISDEAD album sentence starter meme)
the meme in question!
Anne doesn’t need to ask for clarification. As is the way with dreams, she somehow understands perfectly that the woman before her is a goddess, and that she’s being put on trial for transgressions against that goddess’ domain. In understanding these things, Anne further finds that she understands that she’s in a dream but, despite this, cannot seem to change it. Someone else is in control of her dream tonight.
And it doesn’t take a genius to figure out how that might be.
Tears flow silently down Anne’s cheeks, further cementing that she and the divine judge before her are in a dream: Anne Bonny never cries. It’s an oft-reinforced part of her image, her reputation amongst the crew, and she would never let it give way without one hell of a fight first. The freedom that comes in finally shedding the weight of her tears is bittersweet at best. Anne reaches around her neck and pulls the thin leather cord of her necklace off. She offers it to the goddess, not as tribute but as proof. Three rings dangle on the worn old leather, two dull, plain gold bands and a grimy ring that might bear a signet beneath the necklace obfuscating filth. Thrice a runaway: two marriages and a family.
She wonders, distantly, which exact one it is she’s on trial for.
“The first time, it was love. Puppy love, and drunk on it asides, but still love. The second time, it was revenge.” The memory sparks like flint behind her eyes, drying her tears in the blaze of fires both metaphorical and remembered. She won’t apologize for that one, because it was earned, and there’s not a cautionary tale against defying the gods out there that would convince her to bend from that truth. “The last time….”
The last time. Jack.
“I…don’t know. Both, or maybe neither.”