Yandere Albert Wesker - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Pleasee Yandere Albert Wesker!

Pleasee Yandere Albert Wesker!

When your boyfriend (?) injects (unwillingly) a virus in you <3

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2 years ago


I'm so normal for him

Omg OMG omg omg

Yandere! Albert Wesker x reader


The only sound in RPD was your footsteps. You were heavily breathing from running away from him. You turned a corner in a dark office and hid in a corner under a desk. You were trying to catch your breath. You covered your mouth with your hand once you heard his footsteps. You were trembling, he killed all your teammates and now he was looking for you. You thought it was safe because his footsteps disappeared and so you crawled out. You slowly got out and only took a step before you his voice. "There you are dearheart" his arms wrapped around your body.

You whimpered and didn't bother looking behind you. "I missed you so much..." He mumbled, burying his face into your neck. He let go of you to turn you around and thats when you bolted. You knew it was probably useless but you had to try. If you couldn't find hatch you would have to try to let the timer run out so the Entity would take you. You just needed to get away from him. You heard his desperate calls for you. He sounded hurt and distressed. "Dearheart please come back I need you please don't do this to me!" He cried out. He just wanted to feel your embrace he needed the warmth you provided. You were on the second floor of the building and you heard hatch close by.

You grinned, the timer was ticking and you bolted to the hatch. You were by the opening about to jump in. "Dearheart! Please get away and just stay with me for the last few moments.." he smiled and slowly walked towards, lifting his hand up and slowly uroboros came out. That's when you jumped in hatch before he could grab you. He cried out curses and your name. You sighed and relief washed over you. You were lucky this round but what about the next and the other ones after that? You didn't want to think about it.

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1 year ago

I need a part two of eve Wester chasing us. But this time he caught us? Where will he keep his dear-heart and what will he do when he catches them at last; after escaping him last time

Warnings:rape, yandere, SA, obsession,just not okay shit, tentacles I guess?

I do not support anything in this fic. None of this is okay and I do not condone. Please please do not read of you are sensitive to this stuff. Also sorry if this isn't what you wanted but this is what I think would be the most likely scenario.

Yandere!Albert Wesker x reader

Alternative ending...

I Need A Part Two Of Eve Wester Chasing Us. But This Time He Caught Us? Where Will He Keep His Dear-heart

You ran like hell through the halls trying to find the hatch quick. Or at least try to waste time so the Entity would take you. Of course the Entity had to put you in another match with him. After you literally just got out of one with him.

You barely escaped him last time now you have to do it again. The Entity is probably laughing and enjoying this. Your breathes were ragged and heavy. Your legs burned with every step but you couldn't give up.

He was right behind you with Uroboros at he ready. You eventually heard the hatch but before you could do anything you tripped over rubble that was lying around. Your eyes widened and stung with tears. You hit the concrete hard and your vision blurred.

"Tsk Dearheart you gotta be more careful" he said and out Uroboros away. He left the room and you heard him slam hatch shut. You let out a small sob as hoped the Entity would take you now. But after seconds passed and nothing happened you realized that the Entity wasn't going to end the match so soon.

You immediately tried to get up and run away but a wave of vertigo hit you. You braced yourself for impact and shut your eyes. But instead you felt arms around you and looked up at the blonde. You trembled in his grasp and twas flowed down your face.

He brought a hand to your face and wiped tears away. "Your not escaping me this time Dearheart..." He lowered his head towards your face and planted a soft kiss in your lips. Your breath hitched and you started to squirm which caused him to grip you tighter.

"What did I just say? Your staying with me, your mine" he said lowly in your ear. His eyes glowed and he held you tightly against him. "Somehow I'll make the Entity have a place just for us...Of course I'll still go to trials but you.. you'll stay there not able to escape and be my good little dearheart.." he spoke in a raspy voice

You felt something poking you and after a while you realized what it was. You gasped and started to try and wriggle out of his arms. He groaned at the friction and he picked you up. "Let me go!" You screeched "Now now dearheart just be my good little pet and everything will be okay" he said and laid you on a table.

You kicked but it was pointless he was stronger than you. He undid his pants and freed himself. "Your gonna be good and let me breed you, okay dearheart?" He wasn't expecting and answer because you didn't have a choice. You noticed his face was all flushed and red and his breathes were heavy. You thought at this point he would drool but surprisingly he didn't.

You didn't bother screaming because it was pointless. Nobody was there to help and Wesker always gets what he wants. He got rid of your bottoms. He immediately thrusted in causing you to let out a pained scream.

You gripped the table and let out a sob. Wesker moaned and threw his head back. "Hah..your gripping me so tight.." he growled, you started squirming but his grip on you was tight. He brought out Uroboros and it slithered around your body. It tore off your shirt and now you were fully exposed. You let out a gas as your nipples were exposed to the cold air. The immediately hardened and Uroboros wrapped around your breasts and started playing with them.

They pulled and tweaked with your nipples and you hid your face in shame. Wesker's pace was rough and fast. His hips stuttered and your eyes widened and you cried out "Wait please!-" you begged but it was to late. Wesker buried himself in your and his cum shot in you.

"Sorry dearheart but no cum is going to waste...I'm going to breed you wether your like it or not" he said and the started thrusting again. The pain of his thrust's stated to turn pleasurable. Your face heated up and subconsciously you let out a moan. Your eyes widened at what you did and looked at Wesker who smirked.

"Are you finally enjoying it?" He picked up the pace causing your moans to become louder. You clenched your eyes and you came hard. Wesker soon followed after, he let out a loud harsh groan. Uroboros wrapped around your throat startling you. You let out a gasp and the it thrusted the appendage in your mouth. You mumbled and tried to protest but it was useless.

Wesker looked at you with lust and started to fuck you again. The appendage thrusted in your throat at a medium pace. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head and your body shook. "Aw are you gonna come soon dearheart..?" He teased soon a liquid shit down your throat and you had no other choice but to swallow.

You came a second time after one last thrust of Weskers hips slammed against yours. He grinned at your messy state. "Don't pass out on me dearheart we're still not done"

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