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Found You (Reincarnation!AU Yandere!Diavolo x Reader) Chapter 1
Hi guys! Update: I’m still alive and kicking, and so are my friends and family, thank goodness. I’m sorry for the infrequent updates.
Anyway, there are not enough Diavolo x MC fics out there but uh, I’m here to change that. I may be on the minority with this but I really like composed, down-to-earth (older) men so Diavolo really appealed to me. Technically, all of the Obey Me boys are older than me but Diavolo is the only one who actually acts like a (more or less) mature gentleman. He has that “been there, done that” vibe, you know? And he remains chill, which is a big turn on for me.
Okay, that’s enough about my type of guy, moving on to the story, this multi-chaptered fic was loosely inspired by retreat house horror stories in the Philippines. If you are not familiar with them basically retreat houses, especially in Baguio, are often prone to getting haunted by demons, ghosts, or dwende (malicious goblins). I’m a scaredy cat, but I love a good horror story. I also like rescue romances, sue me.
You’ve been wandering around the woods for what felt like hours. No matter how many times you told yourself to calm down, you couldn’t help but worry. Your phone had died way too early from all the otome games you played during the entire trip to this place and every tree looked too similar to retrace your steps back to the path. Perhaps this was punishment for ignoring the buddy system.
“Crap,” you uttered, seeing the sky turn a clear blue, the kind of soft blue right after sunset. You tried to pull yourself together but it seemed that every time you closed your eyes to take a deep breath, the forest got a whole shade darker. You felt your knees shake beneath you.
With clenched fists you repeated in your mind: “Nothing can hurt you, nothing can hurt you, nothing can hurt you.”
Something rustled–you didn’t know what it was, your entire body burst into a sprint before you could even wonder. You had no idea where you were going, but eventually the adrenaline spike wore off and you collapsed on a random tree. You heaved shallow breaths, begging your hammering heart to stop before you die of cardiac arrest.
You leaned against the trunk and looked up. Through the dense foliage and fat branches you could make out tiny bright dots in the sky.
It was officially night time. Lovely.
You pulled your knees to your chest. Everybody was probably worried sick right now, hopefully they would find you tomorrow. Slicked with sweat and out of breath, you passed out cradled between the thick Balete roots,[1] hoping to wake up on a gurney in the clinic.
Tough luck.
Forced into awakening, you blinked once, twice, thinking that it must have been sunrise. However, it didn’t take long to realize that the orange glow that you believe to be the break of dawn was actually a fire. It was huge bonfire that was too bright and too close. Finally snapping into alertness, you discovered your hands and feet bond to an upright pole in the middle of the fire, in the middle of a crudely painted pentagram. Whispering incoherent nonsense around you were figures cloaked in black hoods.
This was officially the worst class retreat in history.
You opened your mouth to scream, to beg, but their chanting grew louder and they took off their hoods to reveal ordinary-looking citizens with malicious glares. Tears and snot and sweat mixed as you struggled against your restraints, but the more you moved, the tighter the chains wrapped around your skin.
You threw back your head as the flames licked closer. to your feet. Tears stung your eyes but you fought to look at the sky. It was a full moon tonight, the biggest you’ve ever seen your entire life, and if this was the end, you wanted to carve that sight in your memory.
You bit down on your lip, refusing to yell and acknowledge the burning by your toes. The heat reached a point of unbearable but before a whimper could escape your lips, however, something in the air shifted and you bent your neck back down. Like magic, the heat had vanished from your feet but you could still see the bright amber flames as they engulfed a big, strong figure in front of you. It towered over you like a bear, its broad back boasted two pairs of black wings that could break through storms. Slowly, the creature reared its head towards you. Your heart that had been beating a thousand miles per second suddenly slowed, almost to a stop. Gold eyes fell over yours, but instead of yelling for mercy or out of fear, you found yourself sighing. Those inhuman eyes reached out to something inside you and lulled you into a sense of security.
A gentle palm cradled your cheek, a calloused thumb ran down your lips and like a song whose lyrics you couldn’t remember but with a tone you knew by heart, a single name left your tongue, “Diavolo … ?”
The creature gave you a small smile and you felt your consciousness begin to leave you again. The kind hand pulled away, but your sudden fatigue made it impossible to speak. A mass of black, red and gold dashed across your field of vision. Ugly sounds of crunching and cries from men and women echoed in your ears.
The chains that bound you to the wooden pole were gone, you fell into familiar arms. In an instant, you forgot the pain and fear from the previous events.
The fingers caressed your face and with what little strength you had left, you held onto the hand tightly.
“Don’t leave me,” you breathed into the palm. “Please … ”
However, your savior said nothing and soon you fell back into sleep.
When you woke again, you were in a cold, hard gurney. The clinic physician called for your adviser, and then the room was crowded with your professor and blockmates.
“Where have you been?”
“We were worried sick!”
“I told you to ask me if you wanted to walk around!”
You grinned weakly, unable to defend against their justifiable anger. You could only mutter a few words in between the questions and scolding: “How did you find me? I was walking for an entire night and couldn’t find my way back to the retreat house.”
Everybody shared confused looks before one of your friends explained that you were found only a few meters away from the main path.
“It’s weird,” she commented. “There was some heavy rain last night. It was only for a few minutes but you would’ve definitely been soaked.” It was odd that they found you lying on the grass, mostly unharmed and completely dry.
“What happened?” She asked.
“I was hoping you could tell me,” you replied. You remembered getting lost and wandering aimlessly in the woods, but that was it. You had no idea when or where you fell asleep or how you remained untouched by the rain.
“Anyway, we’re having breakfast in ten minutes, want us to bring you something?”
You shook your head. “I can go, let me just take a shower."
After the physician cleared you of any injuries, you went to the communal showers. The others were already lining up for breakfast so you had the place all to yourself. As you stripped, you couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched, and when you washed the feeling only grew stronger. You finished up and quickly stepped out of the shower. You quickly moved to put on your underwear, but then you caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. You rubbed your eyes, thinking that it was just a hallucination or something, but no. You stepped closer and saw that it was real.
A black symbol was etched across your skin, right above your heart was a tiny pentagram.
to be continued …
[1] For a visual of the tree, look here.