Yandere Final Fantasy - Tumblr Posts
Final Fantasy Yandere.
What king of yandere come form Final Fantasy? Well, for starters…

Cloud is a soft yandere, one that can best be described as a protective type. This world is hard and cold and no one can deny that Cloud has suffered his share of it. He’s loved, he’s lost, and this point, he’s tired of the whole damn thing. But then he meets you and suddenly…suddenly he’s feeling something again.
A long forgotten feeling that slowly takes him over…until he can only think of you.
He’s not the kind of yandere that hurts you (though he will hurt others) or takes you (unless something happens to make him think that he has to). He does stalk you, though and, if he doesn’t like someone in your life, he’s bound to convince himself that they’re no good and scare them off. In the end, he just…wants you. And is that really so bad?
He’s scared to get close to you at first, in fear of something happening, but at the same time, he can’t resist you. For a long time, Cloud will only watch you from afar and sneak little moments with you. He’ll watch over you, dreaming of the day you’ll smile at him and love him and one day…his dreams will come true.
He’ll win you over. He’ll make you his. He’ll find a way to do it. And once Cloud has your heart, he won’t ever let it go.
“I love you.”
Little Details:
He won’t ever force you into anything, especially sex. If you’re not ready or not in the mood, well then, that’s that. But if you want him…oh, is you want him! Cloud is a mix of rough and gentle. Depending on his mood, he’ll either take his time and make it sweet and slow…or he’ll pound you so hard you’ll be screaming his name all night.
Punishments aren’t such a thing with Cloud. The worst he’ll ever do is isolate you, lock you up and keep you there for a while. Not to hurt you! To keep you safe! That’s all he’s trying to do at all and he just needs you to see that.
All Cloud wants is to be happy. And he’s certain that you’re the key to everything he’s ever wanted. So he’s not going to let you go…ever.

Vincent doesn’t realize he’s a yandere. In fact, he doesn’t even realize that he’s obsessed with you until it’s far too late. He’s always been a loner and he thought that he always would be. But after finding you, something inside of him shifts.
Something dark. Something lonely and hungry.
The truth of the matter is, Vincent is love and touch starved. And, though his loner tendencies have always been in control, something new is going to be born Vincent is a very similar yandere to Cloud, only he is much more desperate. He’s more willing to take his stalking and “protection” of you to another level and, unlike his friend, he will kidnap you.
“I won’t ever hurt you, Y/N.”
But he’ll do so with a lot of shame, wondering why he’s like this and struggling deeply with his yandere tendencies. But his struggles and shame won’t stop him in the end. No one and nothing can stop Vincent from taking you. No force on earth can keep fate from bringing you together. And once Vincent has you in his grasp, he won’t ever let you go.
“I love you too much to do that.”
Little Details:
He won’t ever force himself on you. He will touch you but that’s not so much of a sexual thing. Rather, it’s the closeness of it. Caressing your skin, kissing your neck, playing with your hair…Vincent loves the way you taste and feel and smell, he thinks you’re…perfect. But he won’t make you do anything you don’t want to do though. But if you do want him…Vincent will give you anything that you want, just ask him.
Vincent’s punishments are harsh but not terribly so. He’s willing to lock you up and chain you up to keep you with him, if that’s what he needs to do. But he won’t leave you alone. Vincent will stay by your side and talk to you quietly, trying to get you to see things his way.
Sometimes, Vincent just likes to hold you. He just likes having you close and keeping you that way. He’s not one for words but his actions speak loud enough. Vincent is the kind of yandere that just loves you desperately, even if he never says it.

Reno is the yandere nobody sees coming. His dark side is hidden behind his sarcastic, cocky personality and it’s hidden well. Secretly, Reno wants very much to love and to be loved in return and his heart has always searched for his darling. He’s a delusional yandere through and through. And it’s your first meeting that tells Reno that he’s found just that:
He saves you.
The second Reno whisks you out of danger, he takes a moment to make sure you’re okay. You are. And you’re so grateful to him, something that makes his heart swell. And just like that, he’s set on you. And suddenly, you’re seeing him everywhere. Not that you mind. He’s funny and cool and handsome…
“Come here, babe!”
And totally obsessed with you! It won’t be long until Reno has taken over your life. He’s likely to work his way into your heart, charming you and secretly controlling everything else. Reno will push away everything and everyone until…it’s just you and him. Maybe you’re seeing him for what he is now, maybe you’re still lost in the fantasy. But it doesn’t matter…wither way, you belong to Reno.
“I want a kiss!”
Little Details:
Reno is all over you! Always touching, always kissing, always whispering on and on about how much he wants you. He won’t ever take it too far but…he’ll still touch you constantly. And he’ll touch himself too telling you to look at what you’re doing to him and begging for more. He’s a little on the rough side but if you let him…he’ devote himself to your pleasure (he’s a big fan of oral to sooo…).
His punishments are more akin to fighting. Because that’s what he sees it as: a fight, a couple’s spat, a lover’s quarrel and all that. He’ll be yelling and yelling, asking why you can’t just give him what he wants. Then he’ll lock you up tight and storm out. He’ll come back. He’ll always come back, feeling sorry and telling you that he forgives you.
He likes it when you wear his clothes. His jacket, his shirts, his hoodies, anything. When you do, your scents linger and mix together and, good god, he just loves that so much. Reno’s mood always greatly improves when you wear his clothing, a smirk spreading across his face.

Rude doesn’t even know that he’s yandere. He’s always been too busy to deal with that kind of thing but maybe Reno’s ramblings about his own darling have rubbed off on him. Still, his yandere side will go unnoticed until he finally finds you. And suddenly, his yandere side comes to light: he’s protective and he’s lightly possessive.
Like Reno, you’re meeting is simply an accident. And Rude can’t deny it…you’re beautiful. And smart. And so, so…perfect. Oh, you’re so perfect! And just like that, Rude’s yandere side start to come out.
It’ll start small. Studying you, using his connections to find out EVERYTHING about you…but soon, that’s just not enough. His connections can’t tell him the more personal side of you, the little things. And his need for this will pull him into stalking. You’ll notice something of course. The feeling of eyes upon you at all times, like you’re never really alone.
You aren’t. And once Rude can’t take it anymore, he’ll take you. And once he does, that’s that. He’s not a cruel yandere by any means but he is a stubborn one. Rude’s never ever going to let you go once he’s got you…he loves you too much for that!
“I don’t think I’ve ever felt this way before…I love you!”
Little Details:
Rude won’t have sex until you’re good and ready. And when you are, well…he knows what he’s doing, that’s for sure. He’s a dedicated lover and always, always makes sure that you finish. If anything, he takes pride in it! Rude’s not a kinky guy but, if you want something, he’ll do his best to please you.
He doesn’t have punishments. At all. Like Reno, he sees most “fights” as nothing more then that. You could be begging for him to let you go, crying and pleading, but to Rude…it’s just a fight. A phase that’s soon to blow over into nothing.
Rude’s a gentle giant. He loves cuddling, spooning, kissing, and all that. He loves for you to cuddle by his side or sit on his lap…even if he has to hold you tight in order to make you do it, he doesn’t care at all. You’re here and he’s happy!

Kadaj is utterly apathetic and cruel. He’s the kind of yandere that sees you as HIS little darling and nothing else. Your hopes, your feelings, your wants and needs, none of it matters to Kadaj. In his mind, you were born only to serve him. He’s a possessive and sadistic mix of a yandere.
He wants you for purely selfish reasons and he’ll take you for those reasons too.
You won’t have any warning, not even a chance to run. Kadaj will take you quickly, whisking you away somewhere far away. And then your nightmare truly begins. Kadaj loves to make you cry. He loves nothing more then making you scream in fear and pain, laughing as you cry out.
“Go on, darling!”
The crazy thing is…Kadaj does it all out of love. The cruelty, the pain, the torture, it’s his twisted way of expressing his love for you. Covered in bruises and marks and crying pitifully, he’ll be smiling down at you. To Kadaj, this is the ultimate expression of love. To you…it’s pure terror.
“You make such pretty sounds.”
Little Details:
He will force himself on you. Kadaj is going to make you both hate and love sex with him. He can make you cry in shame and beg for more at the same time, something he’s quite proud of. Needless to say, he’s rather rough and kinky.
Kadaj’s punishments are so terribly cruel. They’ll be anything from painful, to sexual, to straight up torture. He’ll use your fears and limits against you if he can and, once he figures out once you hate the most, those will become his primary punishments.
He’s going to tattoo you. All the remnants will tattoo their darlings. Kadaj will tattoo his name in neat black letters along your collar bone and, no, you can’t ever cover it up. He’ll even move your hair out of the way if so much as a strand gets in the way.

Yazoo seems so cool and calm. You won’t even think for a moment that he’s obsessed with you but, oh, he is. Yazoo has never really be interested in…well, just about everything. But the moment he meets you, an interest grows. Interest becomes a need and a need becomes obsession. He’s an obsessive yandere, the kind that needs you terribly.
He’ll follow you around for a while. Stalk you, study you, and watch you until he gets bored…and then he takes you.
Yazoo doesn’t take you to hurt you. He will if he has to but, unlike Kadaj, that’s not what he wants. He wants to look at you. Yazoo wants to gaze at you and touch you and have you all for himself. That’s why he took you and it’s why he’ll never let you go.
“You’re mine, darling…”
Yazoo will take you quickly and quietly and in the dead of night, dragging you away from everything thing you know. And then…you’re his. His to keep, to kiss, to caress, to do whatever pleases him. You’ll be his pretty little doll and now that he has you…Yazoo is perfectly happy. He aims to make you his perfect, pretty darling and he’ll do just that. Yazoo won’t hurt you (unless he has to), he has…other means of making you his.
“And you always will be.”
Little Details:
Yazoo won’t force himself on you. In fact, sex will only ever be initiated by you. Even though Yazoo is almost always touching you, it’s not a sexual thing. He just likes your soft skin and pretty hair and everything. Yazoo would be gentle in bed, slow and sweet.
His punishments are isolation and shame. He’ll lock you up and leave you alone for what feels like forever…but not before telling you how horrible you’re being to someone who loves you so much. Yazoo prefers to use words to break you down, not violence.
He wants you to be pretty. Yazoo will keep you clean and lovely, dressed up with perfect hair and makeup and everything. Simple yet lovely. Once you “know better” you’ll sit there quietly as he dresses you up, Yazoo proudly smiling all the while.

Loz is a needy and childish, that much is clear. And his yandere side is the most obvious out of all of his brothers. The moment he meets you he just…WANTS you. Loz wants you all to himself, he doesn’t WANT to share you with anybody. He’s a needy, obsessive-possessive yandere mix, with a touch of delusion.
The thing is, Loz doesn’t realize that he’s yandere and he doesn’t think for a moment that he’s doing anything wrong.
In his mind, you’re happier with him. He protects you and is sweet to you and all he wants in return is…love. Affection, kindness, attention, and love. To be honest, he’ll almost seem more like an overbearing friend but that’s because he doesn’t quite understand romance. He’ll try though. Loz, in his childish way, will try to romance you. After all, you’re “dating” (he kidnapped you and calls himself your boyfriend) so he ought to!
Mostly though, he just likes to be with you. Which is why he took you in the first place. Loz barely waits at all before stealing you off to a place where he can keep you and play with you and kiss you all day long!
“Come play with me!”
Little Details:
Loz will never get sexual. It’s just not in his nature. Oh, he does like to touch you and kiss you and look at you! But that’s just because you’re so pretty! No, sex isn’t something Loz wants, though he is very affectionate with you.
His punishments are one. That’s because they are always intertwined, one always follows the other: screaming at you and hurting you. It’ll be hard but Loz can be sent into a rage. He’ll yell and scream in anger before beating you into submission. He feels horrible afterwards though and will cuddle and clean you up, all while apologizing.

Sephiroth is the yandere of all yandere’s. In his madness, Sephiroth has decided something: a leader needs someone by his side. Someone who’s sole purpose on this earth is him and him alone…and that someone, he’s decided, is you. There’s no way to properly describe him as a yandere, just that he’s a walking nightmare.
One you’ll never wake up from.
Sephiroth will take his time choosing a darling and the fact that he’s chosen you should be, in his mind, quite the honor. He choose you because your strength and beauty and skills were unmatched. Of course, he sees you as his lesser…but the only lesser worthy of him. After your first unexpected meeting, Sephiroth becomes obsessed and it won’t be long until he takes you.
“Oh, darling…don’t you realize?”
You’ll never have a chance of escaping him. The nightmare begins as soon as he has you safe and secured where no one can ever find you. Sephiroth’s main goal is to make you perfect. There’s a million things he needs to teach before you become a perfect darling and he’s willing to use any means necessary in order to do just that. Pain, humiliation, all forms of cruelty are options for him.
By the end of it, you’ll be broken and beautiful and you’ll belong to him.
“You can never escape me.”
Little Details:
He will force himself on you. Happily and often. This is where you can see a lot of Sephiroth in Kadaj. Because he too will have you screaming in both pain and passion all at the same time. He’s rough, he’s kinky, but he always makes sure you finish…not because he cares, mind you, but because he loves to shame you for it.
His punishments vary depending on what you did. Try and hurt him? Well, he’ll hurt you back. Try to run? He’ll just have to chain you up…or break your legs if you do it again. There’s nothing he won’t do to put you in your place: at his feet.
You’ll never be safe from him. You’ll never be free. Sephiroth locked in a large, hidden compound and, while you can easily survive on your own…you can’t ever leave. Even when he’s gone, you’ll always belong to him.

Angeal wants to protect. This world is dark and dangerous and from the moment you meet, he knows that he has a new mission: to keep you safe. And he’ll to just that, watching over you from the shadows and protecting you. Like Cloud, he’s the protective type of yandere.
This world is dark and dangerous and you…you’re so sweet! So gentle and soft! This world will hurt you and Angeal won’t let that happen.
At first, staying in the shadows is enough for him. Knowing that you’re safe, even if you don’t know it’s because of him, suits him just fine. But then you’ll have a moment. One small, sweet moment. And it’s so perfect for him and Angeal will be left wanting more.
“You have to understand, darling.”
He’ll kidnap you. Angeal will convince himself that it’ll be better this way. You’ll be much safer at his side. He’ll watch over you and love you forever and ever. You’ll never be hurt or mistreated, only ever loved. Angela will tell you all of this as he cradles you’re sobbing body, quieting your fearful cries sweetly.
“I’m doing this because I love you.”
Little Details:
He won’t ever force you to have sex with him. That would be taking things too far in his mind! But…if you want him…then he’ll make your wildest dreams come true. You’ll just about drown in passion and, oh, he will too. Angeal wants sex to be a hundred percent a loving thing…
Angeal’s worst punsihment is locking you in a room for a while. He only ever does it if you’re being too difficult or trying to leave him, the idea of which terrifies him. He hates having to do it but…he tells himself that it’s for your own good.
He loves the quiet, more domestic moments with you. Cuddling together, cooking dinner for you, staying in bed and just kissing all morning. It’s the little sweet stuff that really makes it all worthwhile to Angeal.

Zack just wants a few things: adventure, friendship, and love. And if you ask him, that’s not really too much to ask! He can be a bit of a flirt (all in his quest to find the one, of course) but when he meets you…something’s different. Something’s new. And, oh, does he like it! He’s part protective, part delusional.
And because of all this…he thinks that you’re meant to be.
Zack’s heart is belongs to you the moment you first meet and in his mind…your heart belongs to him. He doesn’t have to stalk you at all. It isn’t hard for him to charm his way into your life, quickly sealing his place by your side.
“Oh, honey…”
But quickly, that just isn’t enough. He needs you, all of you, He doesn’t want to share you with anyone! But Zack won’t kidnap you. He doesn’t need to. It won’t be hard to convince you to come away with him and then…everything’s just perfect. Maybe you’ll realize what he really is, maybe you won’t. But Zack won’t care at all! He has you right where he wants you and he won’t ever let you go!
“I love you so much!”
Little Details:
While he won’t ever take it too far, Zack loves to touch. In his eyes, you’re beautiful and wonderful and sexy and perfect! And he wants you so, so bad! But…if you don’t want him, then he’ll back off. He’ll understand. But! If you do want him! Then he’s gonna go all night, showing you just how much he loves you.
Zack hates having to punish you. But sometimes you’re being a real bitch of a darling and you need to be taught a lesson. Luckily, he bought a set of thick, sturdy chains just for that. He’ll lock you up and wait until you’re “feeling better” to talk things out with you.
He wants to be your hero. Zack wants you to look up to him, love him, he wants to be the only one in your eyes! Which is why he hates punishing you (makes him look bad and all) and why he took you (gotta protect his princess and all).

Genesis never knew he was yandere. He had better things to do then to obsess over some darling and he stood by this idea for years. So when he meets you, you’re nothing special. Just another face in the crowd. It’ll take a few more meetings for Genesis to notice something about you, something special…something that he likes. He’s a possessive/controlling mix of a yandere.
He’ll try to make you his.
Genesis will try everything in his power to steal your heart. And maybe it’ll work. Maybe Genesis will charm you over. Maybe you won’t even notice the dark side to him, But then again…maybe you will. Maybe you’ll look past the confidence and arrogance and pride and you’ll see the darkness. But it doesn’t matter if you accept him or reject him. Genesis will still steal you either way.
“You’re perfect, Y/N.”
See, he doesn’t want to share you with the rest of the world. He doesn’t want you to have anyone except for him. So, whether you love him or hate him, Genesis will steal you away. If you love him, then he’ll be pleased…he might even love you too. And if you hate him, well, he’ll just have to teach you better then that. He doesn’t care what he has to to do. As long as it doesn’t kill you or hurt you too badly, anything is on the table. All Genesis cares about is making you…perfect.
“You’re mine!”
Little Details:
Genesis is willing to force himself on you…if you continue to deny him. He’ll make it very clear that you ought to do what he likes, including having sex whenever. If you say yes, then he’ll blow your little mind. If you say no…he’ll listen. A couple of times. But eventually, he’ll get sick of that that do whatever he wants.
His punishments are harsh and cold. Genesis will use whatever means at his disposal and whatever he knows works best of you in order to teach you a lesson. See, he’s got a strict lifestyle for you to live by…and if you refuse or if you break the rules, well, he’ll take care of that.
He’s the kind of yandere that views darlings as lessers. Smaller, weaker little things that should be grateful that they’ve been chosen. If you’re not? Well, you will be. Genesis is going to break you. He’s going to make you perfect and all, all his.
(Thanks to the requester! Sorry I couldn’t find a gif for Rude!!)
No Turning Back [Yandere Sephiroth x Reader]
Title: No Turning Back [Yandere Sephiroth x Reader]
Synopsis: It’s hard, being with Sephiroth–belonging to Sephiroth. Especially when your own heart belongs to another.
For request: Hii! I read some of your stuff for FF7 and BNHA and I really like it! If you’re still taking requests, can I get a fic request where the Reader is the ‘darling’ of a Yandere Sephiroth, but the Reader has feelings for Cloud instead? Even if you don’t see this, I hope you have a lovely day. ^^
notes: yandere, mentions of abuse
![No Turning Back [Yandere Sephiroth X Reader]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/6a4fa115a4b0738f18828b1120d9fd5c/c2090dbea439ee53-29/s500x750/593e67330950aadc41f2645ac08106f978c6dec2.gif)
It’s hard. It’s hard to be here, around him–around Sephiroth. To pretend like his presence doesn’t make goosebumps run up your arms, make you want to bolt, like a rabbit, like prey. But you’re no stranger to difficulty, and you manage it.
You smile when he wants you to smile, and you frown when he wants you to frown. Behind closed doors, it’s the same. You kneel when he wants you to knee. You tell him what he wants to hear–or you tell him the truth, when he demands it, because you know the punishment for the truth will hurt less than the punishment for lying.
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A Private Cell (Yandere FF7 Reno x Reader)
Title: A Private Cell (Yandere Reno x Reader)
Synopsis: @damtoti said: Can I request FF7 Reno with reader as his prisoner?
Word Count: 1600ish
notes: yandere, violence

The handcuffs bite into your wrists so tightly that you think you’re losing feeling in your hands. You can’t tell if they lack circulation or if the tingling feeling is just a by-product of your hands being tightly kept behind your back for hours and hours. There’s no mirror in whatever room he dragged you into, but you know there’s a bruise blooming on your jaw. You can still move it, so it’s not broken, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt like hell.
You’ve never been arrested before. You never even got in trouble at school. Though, you realize, you weren’t exactly arrested. You weren’t taken into custody during daylight hours by officials who escorted you into a precinct or tossed you in a jail cell stuffed with offenders.
You were grabbed after you locked up the shop, after you stepped into the alley on the way home. You struggled and screamed at your attacker, all flashes of red and white and black, but a good sucker punch and a bag over your head took care of things as your vision went fuzzy and finally black.
The next thing you remember, well: you’re here. Sitting on a wobbly metal chair with your hands tightly cuffed behind your back. The room is dimly lit by overhead lights and the only thing remarkable about it are the occasional dots of rusty looking stains that make you shiver.
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Would you do more FFVII please? I love Rufus. Tseng, Reno. or ASGZC but I’ll take whatever I can get... I just crave more yandere FFVII.... thank you!
Welp looks like I’m finally back from the dead ig. Also I’m terribly sorry for not doing all of them- but I can’t go past like five or six characters since that goes past my limit- I know it took way too long for me to answer requests but I’m trying to play catch up as of now since school has been cancelled for awhile due to the weather, which means I can catch up on writing-
And since I haven’t been writing for quite awhile I’m so sorry if my Hcs feel off, I’m trying to get past my writers block rn- but regardless, I hope you like these hcs- I ended up just doing general hcs for them, hope that’s alright
(Also I’m using this as an opportunity to rewrite the original hcs I made for Reno and Sephiroth since I don’t like how the old ones turned out-)


—Rufus Shinra
•Rufus is quite the manipulative and bipolar yandere- he loves you, his dear darling, to death. But at the same time he loves to watch you break apart at the seams.
•If you’ve already succumbed to his will, then expect to be spoiled and lavished with gifts more expensive than you can dream of- for you, he’d buy the whole world.
•If not, and you’ve decided to fight him, then expect to be treated with far less respect. While yes, you are still his and he does technically love you- he won’t hesitate to tear you apart at any given chance.
•You’re his and he wants that to be known. If you defy him, then you’ll be punished. It’s as simple as that.

•Tseng, like the others, would be prone to spoiling you as well. But you’d have to earn it first before you can ask for anything.
•He isn’t necessarily sadistic, obsessive, or the stalker type. But he does use your wants and needs to his advantage. You’ve been begging to hang out with a friend? Well then you’ll have to spend some....alone time.. with Tseng first to earn it.
•You want a new book or a game that came out? Give him a kiss and he’ll think about it. So he isn’t all that bad, but you should definitely consider your options when asking him for things.
•All he wants from this though is to ensure that you’ll eventually get attached to him, further proving just who you belong to.

•Reno is a very teasing man- and that also applies to how he treats you. He doesn’t really appear to have a certain ‘trait’ about him either.
•Generally he isn’t such a bad yandere to have at first, until everything seems to appear more,,, restricting,, than normal. He plays your relationship off as any normal couple until he’s roped you in and it’s too late for you to back out.
•Reno does love you but he tends to have an odd way of showing it. He’d give you anything you want but then take it all away just to get a reaction out of you-
•He lives off of your different reactions and expressions to everything he does to you- whether it be fear, sadness, anger, joy, etc. he finds it fun to mess with you. Take that as you will.

—Zack Fair
•Zack has to be one of the nicest yandere’s you’ll ever meet, he isn’t as bad or overbearing as you may think at first.
•He hides his traits decently well and with him you could actually hold a decent relationship. He wants to make you feel loved when you’re with him, he’d hate to think you’re scared of him.
•He treats you fairly, doesn’t manipulate or harm you in any way, refuses to stalk you since he deems that as intruding into your personal space-
•The only thing you may have to worry about is his constant need to protect you. He’s lost so much, and he just couldn’t bear to lose you as well. He loves you too much for that.

•Sephiroth,,,, is terrifying. Now, however, he isn’t quite as much of a sadistic type as you may have thought.
•While yes, Sephiroth would have a few manipulative traits, he would never raise a hand to his darling. He would simply... push you in the right direction.
•You’re a deity in his eyes and he expects others to treat you as such. With him, you’re quite literally royalty. If anyone were to treat you differently, then he would simply get rid of them without hesitation.
•Anyone that defies him and his will, or you, his perfect little darling, deserves the most painful punishment imaginable.

Literally anything with Emperor Palamecia plzzz
YOOO MY FIRST TUMBLR REQUEST! Thank you for sending this in! Feel free to send more if ya want! I hope you enjoy!
(Also, for this I will be referring to him as Mateus because that’s Emperor Palamecia name in the Japanese novelization.)
Yandere Emperor Palamecia HCs
•Bastard. Absolute bastard man (and I love him for it)
•Mateus views most humans as disgusting worms, so his darling would especially have to catch his eye for him to even look at them for more than a second. Perhaps he sees power within them, or he probably just views his darling as beautiful, something that needs to be kept in a golden cage.
•Honestly keep in mind that Mateus would treat his darling like a pet. You would probably be forced to rest on his lap, while he pets your head like someone would too a cat. He would dress you up in lavish jewels and expensive clothing to make you look worthy of someone like him. Mateus expects his darling to treat him like royalty in turn, massage his shoulders, make a plate of food for him, kiss him like you mean it, etc.
•Mateus doesn’t really care if his darling is okay with being kidnapped and forced as his pet. He doesn’t care how much they complain, if anything if they start crying or whining he would just throw them in the dungeon until they beg and plead to be let out. He doesn’t tolerate bratty behavior. Mateus would definitely be condescending towards them as well for this behavior, treating them like a child.
•He would call his darling foolish if he ever caught them wistfully missing their old life. He would even be disgusted, why would they miss their old life? After all, you get to live in a lavish palace, no longer having to grovel with the peasants.
•The type of person to roll his eyes if he sees his darling displaying anything besides utter appreciation for all that he’s given them. Mateus would tell you that you should consider yourself lucky to even be in his presence. Most people wouldn’t even be able to get this far with him with Mateus losing interest and getting rid of them. If his darling shows too much despair he may just throw them down in the dungeon. “Maybe if I show you what hell is like, perhaps you will grow to love the little piece of heaven I’ve given you.” Those would be his words.
•Mateus expects his darling to meet all of his expectations. You must always look your best, you just always agree with everything he says, praise him and adore him, all that. He especially expects his darling to look their best in front of the empire, perhaps during a meeting and such. He would want to show off his darling a lot. He’s a vain bastard lmao
•Try to escape? Well shit, there goes your village I guess lmao. It just absolutely enrages him that his darling would ever even think of trying to leave him. Any friends, family, any possessions that may have been of value to you will be destroyed. Even worse, Mateus would force his darling to watch. Make them watch and listen to the screams of the people they love, watch as the light fade from their eyes. Even the smallest inkling of his darling wanting to leave May just trigger him to snap.
•If you are good and obedient, Mateus wouldn’t be half bad. Don’t get me wrong, he’s still a bastard, but he’s a lot more caring towards a docile darling. He would stroke their hair while they lay in his lap, give them fancy foods almost no other human has ever been able to try, be given fancy quarters to sleep in, etc. Mateus isn’t a good man, but for his darling, he can be noticeably more gentle. Hell, tbh I could see Mateus giving his darling a pet name. Names like dear, pet, darling, sweet, etc.
•I feel like he really does have a soft spot for his darling, even if he’s terrible at showing it. His voice would get considerably softer with them, showing more caring gestures. Of course, if anyone besides his darling points this out he’ll cremate them on the spot. Mateus hates being seen as vulnerable. He sees himself above such humanly emotions. If his darling pointed it out, he would be indignant, not not necessarily cruel.
•I think Mateus would even give him darling more freedoms if they gave into his demands. Like, letting them wander the palace halls, perhaps every once and while he would actually care to hear their opinion on things. Mateus typically doesn’t care about what others think, but with his darling he would be more willing, as long as their opinion was within line.
•All in all, Mateus is…terrible lmao. Even if you suck up to him and give into his demands of obedience and give him praise and adoration, you’ll still be stuck in an abusive relationship with a maniacal man obsessed with power that burns down villages in name of his ambition and hates all of humanity except himself and his darling pretty much. But if you can (somehow) ignore all of that, perhaps his darling can slowly get use to this odd existence and accept their place. Sure, you may have a shitty husband, but hey, you get a lavish palace and delicious food! Your own personal golden cage.
(Ngl Emperor Palamecia is hard to write I REALLY struggled with this but it was still fun to write! I really hope I did good 🥺)

Oh, god. 18, 19, 26, 37. Dark asf. Character? Hmm. Ignis. Go wild.
Some dark as fuck yandere Iggy coming right up. I am always amazed at how quickly dark Iggy comes back to me.
18: “Cry for me, baby.” 19: “I know it hurts, honey, but that’s what happens when you don’t do what I say.”
“Cry for me Kitten,” he purrs, voice absolute silk by your ear. “That’s it, get it all out.” The leather of his glove creaks and shifts as he brushes the tears from your cheeks with a soft touch. “I know it hurts, I know,” he coos, “but,” his voice turns suddenly bitter and sharp. He drags his hand down your back. You scream as he digs his tear stained fingers into the fresh welts that cross thickly across your skin. “Shush,” he snaps, “there is no one to blame but yourself.” He releases you from your binds, throwing you roughly onto the bed, thankfully you land on your front. You barely hear the jingle of metal, it sounds so far away, but then his hands are in your hair. He pulls you up, bowing out your back, opening up your wounds as you cry and whimper. “You knew this would happen if you didn’t listen to me,” he taunts, using his other hand to line his cock up with your entrance. He snaps his hips and pushes roughly inside, “this is all your fault.”
26: “I’ll lock you up and throw away the fucking key if you ever even think about doing anything like that again, do you hear me?”
Ignis is absolutely livid as he drags you to the bathroom. He throws you into a stall, backing you up against the wall. He towers over you, his hands gripping bruisingly tight against your arms. He glares down at you, his eyes are so dark, so terrifying, there’s no kindness left in those emerald depths. It just causes you to shrink back further into the wall.
“I just tried to get him to move out of the way,” you plead, your voice so damn pathetic.
His expression doesn’t even falter. “By touching him. By fawning all over him like the filthy whore that you are.”
“I touched his arm for a second.”
He tightens his grip on your arm until you cry out. “You are mine,” he growls through gritted teeth, barely able to restrain his anger. “I am so good to you,” he says, “and this is how you choose to repay me.”
“I’m sorry.”
He hums, pretending to ponder your words. He leans down, yanking at your shoulder to pull you up as you try to shrink down even further. He places his lips by your ear, and his voice is low and steady, unwavering, the intent in it terrifying. “I’ll lock you up and throw away the fucking key if you ever even think of doing anything like that again. Understand?”
All you can do is nod.
“If you don’t kiss me, I’ll slit your fucking throat.”
“Now let’s try that again Sweetheart,” he murmurs, yanking on your hair and forcing you to face him. It cricks your neck, forces you to strain against the tight bonds that hold you hostage. His face is so close to yours, you can feel the heat of his breath, taste the sickly sweet scent of it. “I’m going to kiss you now, and well if you don’t let me. Then I’ll just slit your damn throat.”