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Mental Hospital AU! Yandere! Attack on Titan x Female Reader. Prologue.
“Cmon Y/N! We’re going to be late for our first day at this shitty job!” Ymir said fixing her uniform.
”Ymir! That’s 50 cents in the jar.” Krista exclaimed quickly turning back to fix her makeup.
”Fine.” Ymir said only to quickly shout. “Oi! Sasha stop eating all of the food!”
”Lets go now. I’m all ready.” Y/N said grabbing her bag and slipping on her shoes.
The four girls have been friends since they were young so it was no surprise when they all moved in together at an apartment and got the same job.
Whilst walking to your new workplace Krista talked about how we should be careful about this workplace due to the accidents and how we should carry around pepper spray just in case.
That soon led to Ymir laughing and saying how Sasha would just drink it all. The four of them giggled before finally reaching the workplace.
It had a faint smell of cherry which was different from the last time you came which was to give your resume and to do an interview in which you all succeeded.
Y/N led them to a room in which they signed in and got their land yards to open locked doors around the hospital.
“We have 10 minutes to spare.. let’s just stay here like everyone else.” Krista said as she sat down on a chair.
“Which ward did you guys get?” Ymir asked as she plopped down onto the couch in the lounge room. “I got ward 6 and it’s all the way on the other side of this crappy building!”
”I think there’s a reason you got an easy ward, Ymir..” Y/N said, earning a scoff from the freckled woman.
”Yeah Ward 6 is for slightly unstable people.. I got ward 4 and I think that’s for children who need help..” Krista said before sulking at the thought of children being in a mental hospital.
”I got Ward 3! I’ll be able to see Krista every now and then so it won’t be that bad.” Sasha said making Ymir groan in annoyance.
”I got Ward 1.” Y/N said bluntly making the whole room go quiet. “What?”
”Y/N, Ward 1 is where all the crazy shi- I mean uh stuff happens.” Ymir said. “Before we applied for this crazy job, so many doctors have died just by taking care of one patient in Ward 1”
”Ymir! Stop scaring us like that!” Krista said.
”It’s true! I’ve heard that one of the guys in there is so crazy that he just stares at you and you’ll want to die!” Sasha exclaimed scared.
”Sasha! S-stop it!” Krista exclaimed. “Y/N if you ever need to swap Wards I think you can ask the boss or some higher up.”
”I’ll be alright.. I think I got placed there due to my grades and experience.” Y/N explained with a smile.
”I heard only experts work in Ward 1 so good luck with those people.” Ymir said.
“That must be the bell for us to start working.. see you later Y/N.” Sasha said before waving goodbye and walking off with Ymir and Krista who also did the same.
I made my go Ward 1 only to be greeted by a tall, blue eyed man and a and goggled, brunette woman.
”You must be Y/N?” The tall man asked reaching out to shake her hand. “We are in charge of Ward 1.”
”Yes. I’m working in Ward 1, it’s a pleasure to meet you” Y/N said shaking his hand.
”I’m Erwin Smith and this Hange Zoe. I’ll be accompanying you for today to see how it goes.” Erwin said smiling.
”If you ever need me I’ll be in my office, pretty gal.” Hange said before smirking and walking off.
”Let’s begin, shall we?” Erwin said.
Mental Hospital AU! Yandere! Attack on Titan x Female Reader. Chapter 2- Meeting Armin
Y/N walked out with Erwin walking beside her asking her if everything was okay in which she had assured him that the meeting went well.
Making their way to the second cell, Erwin stopped Y/N (placing a hand on her shoulder) in her tracks before she could enter.
”Y/N. This patient is very manipulative and smart. Please be cautious around him, his name is Armin.” Erwin said.
”I’ll be alright. Thank you sir.” You said before smiling and entering the room.
It was just like Erens only it had lots of books. Books which were made to prevent any self harm of course.
”Armin.?” Y/N called out only to soon have her mouth covered by a pale hand from behind, startling her.
”Shhh. Are you here to drug me? I didn’t do anything wrong this time I swear. You look like a new doctor.. are you here to bully me or something. Why would you-“ he began to ramble before Y/N gently took his hand off.
Turning to face him Y/N saw his blue eyes and blonde hair, similar to Erwin’s. He was very fragile by the looks of it but was very smart, according to Erwin.
Shaking his hand Y/N said, “ I’m your permanent doctor. You startled me quite a bit Armin.!”
”I can tell.. your breathing has become quite fast from when I first saw you walk in to now.. you heart rate is very high so let’s sit down shall we?” Armin offered.
”O-oh. If it’s okay with you.” Y/N said before sitting on the edge of his bed only for him to sit right beside her, taking her cherry scent.
”I’d like to know you since it’s my first day. You can tell me anything about yourself. Family, hobbies oh! And I already know about you being friends with Eren but you can tell me if you have any more.”
“I don’t have any family and I guess im friends with the other guys” He said bluntly. “Say, why don’t you tell me about you? I’d rather get to know my doctor instead of talk about my boring self.”
”Oh well I don’t think your boring. But if you want to know more about me, I live with my 3 friends who also work here and my favourite colour is (f/c)” Y/N said with a smile.
”Hmm. I don’t trust you just yet.. hopefully I will one day but todays not the day.” He innocently said before getting up from his bed and making his way to the bookshelf and picked out a book.
”Y/N.. it’s a beautiful name. I hope you like reading this! Consider it a gift of meeting me.” He said before handing Y/N a book. “It’s about the ocean!~”
”T-thank you Armin. It’s very nice that you gave me this, hopefully once I’ve met all of my patients I’ll be able to get you all something that you like.”
Y/N soon left with the book in her hands and waved goodbye to the blonde boy to soon walk with Erwin to the next cell.
Armin looked back at the spot she sat at and smiled mischievously as he smelt her cherry scent remain and soon cherished it.
He wanted to meet his doctor again. Only his.
Mental Hospital AU! Yandere! Attack on Titan x Female Reader
Chapter 3- Meeting Levi
“I have to warn you Y/N.. this next patient you have is the most dangerous patient we’ve encountered in the last decade.. I started working here five years ago after an incident.. and even I still find it hard to look at him..” Erwin stated.
“What’s his name?” Y/N asked curiously.
”Levi. He’s murdered multiple doctors and nurses no matter how many chains we put on him. He’s got a lock on his door that only i have access to.” Erwin explained.
”I see.. Sasha told me about him, at least I think” Y/N muttered nervously.
The walk to the room was quiet after that. Watching Erwin, Y/N saw that he typed in a 19 letter passcode, did an eye retina and fingerprint scan just to get in.
”From now on I’ll be accompanying you to Levi and if necessary, other patients.” Erwin said.
Y/N simply nodded before entering along with Erwin. The room was small and only had a bed and desk. The desk for some reason was in the middle of the room and there sat Levi.
He was handcuffed to the desk and looked up at the two entering the room only to glare.
”Get out. I’m not going to let you drug me Eyebrows-“ Levi begin to say before getting interrupted by Erwin.
”I’m not drugging you Levi. You should know I would never unless necessary. Y/N, you may sit I’ll just stand up for now..” Erwin said, allowing Y/N to sit at the chair opposite Levi.
Y/N sat down, thankful for the somewhat useful table between them. She looked up at him and smiled at his deadly glare.
”Hello Levi, I’m Y/N L/N. I’ll be your permanent doctor and since it’s our first appointment together I’d like to get to know you. It could be anything, family, friends or hobbies.” Y/N said with a warm smile.
”Get out. Now.” He grumbled looking back down at his feet annoyed.
Y/N began to rest her chin on her hand and smirked. This was probably the worst patient she’ll have judging by his aggressive behaviour so she’ll have to be careful around him so he doesn’t hurt or even kill her.
“You can’t even tell me a bit about yourself?” She looked straight at him as he soon looked back up at her. He took in her details, she wasn’t like the other doctors or nurses. She genuinely wanted to talk to him.
”I hate filth.” He said and looked at Erwin before raising his hands and pointing his fingers at him. “And Eyebrows. No wonder you can’t pull any girls, you got them big ass eyes brows-“
“That’s enough, Y/N it’s break for all Doctors and Nurses so we better get going.” He interrupted quickly, going beside Y/N’s chair and helping her up like a nice gentleman.
Letting go of Erwin’s hand, Y/N looked back at Levi and smiled warmly.
”It was nice seeing you Levi, I hope you and I can get along. I’ll see you later then.”
As soon as the door shut, Levi looked back up. He felt a smile curve at the end of his lips. What was this feeling.? Maybe this person wasn’t that bad.. no. That was his insomnia messing his head up.. or not? She just had to be cleansed after he had touched the demons filthy hands, he wouldn’t mind doing it himself. It was for his darling.
Mental Hospital AU! Yandere! Attack on Titan x Female Reader
Chapter 4- Break Time!
Y/N made her way to the lounge room where she saw Ymir, Krista and Sasha waiting for her and talking amongst each other.
After sitting down they began talking about the crazy encounters of their patients and how some were nice and some were bad.
Y/N talked about Eren pushing away others except for his close friends and family, whilst Armin could be scary yet innocent and how Levi was just as Sasha described.
Ymir talked about the foreign patients in her Ward and how much of a pain they were even though it was her first day.
Krista explained the different children she met and how she felt bad about their current state. in the meantime Sasha just munched on her food.
“It’s honestly awful! Those kids are locked up because of past trauma and are seen as crazy.” Krista ranted.
”I got some foreign guys in my ward. I think they might get moved into a different Ward but I’m not entirely sure.” Ymir said before snacking onto her food.
”Did you guys check if you have lunch duty?” Sasha asked the group.
”Lunch Duty? What’s that?” Y/N asked confused.
”Hehe.. I originally thought it was something else but it’s basically when Doctors or nurses are in charge of the patients during their lunch.” Sasha explained.
”But I thought they eat lunch in their cells.?” Krista asked “It is safer and it prevents fights between patients.”
“Yeah, but it only happens if all the inmates have some sort of good behaviour for the week. It helps them socialise as well so that’s nice I guess.” Ymir said.
”I’ll check my schedule and see if I am in lunch duty. Hopefully we all are, that way we can all talk.”
Erwin was sitting at his desk, somewhat sweaty and overwhelmed. He kept looking under his desk and at his phone, scrolling through the pictures.
”God she’s so beautiful.!~” he was able to whisper out.
Erwin wasn’t one to be on social media that much but after seeing you he just had to. What type of woman wouldn’t make an account to make extra money just by taking cute selfies of you and your friends?
She had no social media accounts on any platform which disappointed Erwin as he hoped for a few pictures for him to.. check out.
Being the smart man he was, he looked up your friends and luckily found Krista’s account. Clicking on it he saw pictures of Y/N and the other three.
Beach pictures, birthday pictures, Girls Night Out! Pictures. Everything he had wanted of Y/N was on there and he could only smirk and scroll through them, making sure to print the pictures of just her.
He went through the collection of pictures of Y/N and to his lunch he saw her in a black dress and smiling as she was bending down to cut her birthday cake, showing her cleavage a bit.
He place his hand on a massive problem he had to take care of so he reluctantly called Hange on his work phone and asked her to walk with Y/N to her meetings instead.
”Man! I don’t want to deal with those annoying pests.. say Krista how about I join your Ward?” Ymir suggested.
”But, Ymir, you’ll get in trouble for skipping.!” Krista said.
”So?! Those patients won’t even care if I leave. They have their nurse to feed them medicine whilst I stay-“
They soon stopped in front of Hange who had listened in on everything.
”Y/N, you’ll have to walk with me to your next patient. Also, Ymir was it? Get to your Ward.” Hange said before walking off with Y/N.
”Hange, who will be my patient right now?” Y/N asked.
”Eyebrows- I mean Erwin gave me your schedule so I think it’s best if I give it you to keep.” Hange said whilst giving her schedule. “ From what I know, you have a patient named Connie Springer.”
Mental Hospital AU! Yandere! Attack on Titan x Female Reader
Chapter 6- Meeting Jean
Y/N walked with Hange, reading through the file and memorising information about all of her patients.
‘Eren Yeager, Armin Arlert, Levi Ackerman and Connie Springer’
Approaching the door, Y/N swiped her lanyard only to have been knocked over by the patient inside. Being quick, Y/N quickly grabbed his ankle, forcing him down after her. Thankfully, Hange restrained him and called security quickly.
”Gosh Y/N are you okay?” Hange asked frantically. “Erwin would kill me if you got hurt, do you need first aid? Ice pack? Anything you need?”
”I'm alright Hange, I hit my head but not that bad..” Y/N replied. “Why would Doctor Smith be mad?”
”Oh it’s nothing.” Hange said smiling. “Do you still want to talk with your patient or do you want to head to the next one?”
”I want to meet this Jean Kirstien. He managed to break free for a couple of seconds, I think he can talk with me a for a few minutes.” Y/N said before entering.
The room was just like all the others, boring. She saw a guy huddled up on his bed.
”G-go away.” He muttered.
”Jean, my name is Y/N. I just want to talk to you.” Y/N explained calmly.
”N-no! Stay back! You’re gonna drug me like the last lady aren’t you!?” He asked angrily.
”Jean” Y/N said raising her hands “ I have nothing in my hands or pockets. I just want to get to know you.”
”Well.. what do you want to know?” He asked hesitantly.
”It could be anything about you. Y’know like family, hobbies, friends.” Y/N responded before sitting beside him.
”Well.. I have one friend.” Jean said whilst side eyeing the woman. “His names Marco.”
”That’s nice. Is he a patient here? I haven’t met him yet if he is” Y/N explained.
”No he’s a doctor. But he got moved to Ward 4.” Jean said sadly.
”My friend works in Ward 4! If you want we can get you guys talking again by sending messages to each other.” Y/N happily suggested.
Jean looked at her no longer hiding himself. He was smiling for a split second until he quickly changed his expression back to the original grumpy face.
”You would do that?” Jean asked. “Just for me?”
”If it makes you happy. I just want to help you, Jean.” Y/N smiled warmly before rubbing his back soothingly.
He felt shivers go down his spine at the touch of this magnificent woman. He wanted this moment to last forever but he wanted to talk or at least write to Marco.
Jean quickly got up and grabbed a paper and his pencil and wrote messily at his desk before coming back to Y/N to hand the paper.
”Thank you..” he said, not making eye contact.
”Just don’t tell anyone okay? I don’t want you to get into any more trouble, Jean.” Y/N said before taking the paper.
He simply nodded and watched her leave as she said goodbye and closed his door.
This Doctor wasn’t like the others. Heck she was even better than all of them, even Marco. Willing to do anything he asked for. Yes.. his Goddess.
Mental Health AU! Yandere! Attack on Titan x Female Reader
Chapter 7- Meeting Reiner
Warning: Reiner is kinda a perv so if you don’t enjoy that type of stuff then you can skip this this chapter but if there are any Erwin simps you might wanna read it.
Walking down the hallway, Y/N looked into her file (that Hange handed her) to see her next patients name. Reiner Braun. Opening the door, Erwin had suddenly arrived.
“Y/N, sorry I’m late. I ran into a little problem during break.” Erwin explained before turning to Hange. “Sorry to bother you Hange, you can leave now.”
”It’s nothing Erwin, besides I got to properly talk to Y/N!” Hange replied. “I’ll see you later then. Bye Y/N!”
Y/N waved goodbye and turned to walk into the room only to be stopped by Erwin. She looked at him confused.
”What’s wrong, Sir?” Y/N asked concerned.
”This patient is quite.. dangerous. His figure is quite taller than you so i think it’s best if I come in with you.” Erwin said calmly.
”I looked into his file and read his description. It’s all fine, sir. I think I can handle it but thank you.” Y/N explained before smiling warmly at him.
“Yeah.” A deep voice called out. “Leave the pretty girl with me Erwin.”
Y/N looked back to see Reiner, who had been handcuffed and sat at his desk which was in the middle of the small room just like Levi’s.
“I’ll be waiting outside then.. be careful Y/N.” Erwin said.
Walking in, Y/N sat opposite of Reiner to see him smirking and looking up and down at her.
”Reiner. I’m Y/N L/N and I’ll be your permanent doctor. Since it’s our first time meeting I’d like to get to know you. Tell me anything like your hobbies, family or friends.” Y/N said as she covered herself.
”God your so innocent, y’know that?” Reiner playfully asked.
”I’d like to get to know you so please refrain from commenting about me.” Y/N said sternly yet continued to smile.
”You wanna know more about me? Alright.” Reiner said before smirking mischievously and leaning forward towards Y/N.
”I like my woman like you. Pretty, innocent yet daring, beautiful and gorgeous!~” he said before leaning back and letting out a small moan.
”I’ll be taking my leave now. I really thought I could've gotten to know you.” Y/N said getting up and hiding her face to prevent showing the pink tint spread across her face.
Walking forward, Y/N heard Reiner humming and turned around to see him placing his hand under the table. He was soothing something and let out more moans.
“God you have a great ass y’know?” Reiner slurred out.
Y/N turned around to face him and covered her rear end in embarrassment. Her face was covered in even more pink tint than before. She walked over to him and leaned over the desk with a stern look.
”R-Reiner. If you don’t stop this I’ll leave.” Y/N said. “I mean it!”
He looked at Y/N’s chest and moaned before she quickly stepped back and covered her chest.
”Thats a shame. I couldn’t wait to get outta here and take us to a nice house, gotten married, have ya carry my kids sooner or later and how everyone would hear you scream my name or moan as my dick would-“
”Gaah! Stop it!” Y/N said quickly dashing out the door, cheeks red only to bump into Erwin’s chest. He quickly helped her stand properly and realised what had happened.
”Y/N, you can get to lunch now.. wouldn’t want to be late now would you?” Erwin asked.
”R-right.” Y/N said before rushing off.
Erwin walked in to see Reiner in daze until he turned to look at the Doctor and back at the ceiling.
”Hey Eyebrows. Did you see that pretty girl run out?” Reiner said before sitting up.
“What about her?” Erwin grumbled while gritting his teeth.
”Agh!~ I plan on marrying her. God she’s just so-“ Reiner began to say.
”Beautiful?” Erwin interrupted.
Reiner turned to look at him confused but soon realised and smirked at the tall man.
“How’d you know what I was gonna say? Ya like her as well?” Reiner asked playfully.
Erwin made his way to Reiner and slammed his hands on the table and leaned forward to look at Reiner in anger, not scaring the patient in the slightest.
”So what if I do? Sure you’re tall, muscular and handsome but you’re stupid. You couldn’t get to her if you even tried because your locked up.” Erwin said.
Reiners mood shifted to annoyed and glared at Erwin deeply.
”And look at me. I’m rich, successful and I have a big house to keep her in. You have nothing.” Erwin stated before leaving and closing the door.
No one would get in Reiners way. No one. He just had to have her, in that nice house, as his housewife and mother of the children they would soon have. Yes. She would be his wife-to-be.
Mental Hospital AU! Yandere! Attack on Titan x Female Reader
Chapter 8- Lunch Break!
Making her way to the Lounge room, Y/N met up with Sasha who was walking with a tired look.
”I’m soo tired!! I can’t wait for it to be over but at least it’s lunch time!” Sasha said quickly changing her mood to happy.
”Y-yeah. I have one last patient and after today I’ll be meeting my patients for appropriate amount of time instead of it being rushed.” Y/N said, covering her face, embarrassed from the incident.
“Y/N! Sasha! Wait up!” A squeaky voice called out from behind.
The two girls turned around and saw Ymir and Krista making their way towards and continued walking.
”Y/N you look so red. Are you feeling sick?” Krista asked quietly not to draw attention.
”I-I’m fine, just a little incident occurred that’s all. Thanks for asking though.” Y/N replied.
They all sat down and ate their food whilst talking about what they’d do after work, any patients that stood out or what they have next.
”I checked my schedule and it says i have Lunch Duty tomorrow.” Sasha groaned.
”You and I gotta stay together? Damn it!” Ymir said jokingly before nudging Sasha who had sat up happily.
”I think I have it too!” Krista happily said. “What about you Y/N?”
”I have it as well. At least we’ll all be together for Lunch Duty.” Y/N said smiling. “Oh Krista, is there anyone in your Ward named ‘Marco’ by any chance?”
Krista began to think for a bit before turning back to Y/N and smiling at her.
”Yeah! He’s got like freckles and he’s brunette. He’s actually right over there” Krista said before looking at the corner of the room.
Turning her head slightly, Y/N saw the guy talking with a group of others. He was quite cheerful and looked polite as well.
“I have a letter from one of his old patients. Could you give it to him?” Y/N asked before thinking. “Actually, you sat your food, I’ll give it right now.”
Y/N got up and headed towards the group and awkwardly stood waiting for them to quieten down, which they did.
”Hey are you Y/N.?” Marco asked.
“Yeah, I’m guessing Krista already told you about me.” Y/N said.
”That and because of you working in Ward 1 of course.” A black haired girl said whilst shivering.
”Don’t mind Mina, she gets creeped out easily.” A blonde guy said. “I’m Thomas, nice to meet you.”
Y/N smiled at all of them and looked back at Marco before reaching into her pocket to pull out Jeans letter for him.
”Uhm, one of my patients is Jean and he really misses you so I told him that he could write to you and I would pass it on for him..” Y/N said whilst handing the paper.
Marco took the paper happily and began to thank Y/N and explained how Jean was a wonderful patient who was just unable to behave himself.
”I just wanted to give that and say hello to all of you. Oh and Jean really wants a letter back but I don’t have him for the next two days so you have plenty of time to write.” Y/N said before saying goodbye.
Sitting back down, Sasha asked what had happened only to loose interest as soon as Krista pulled out Pocky Sticks.
Mental Hospital AU! Yandere! Attack on Titan x Female Reader
Chapter 9- Meeting Bertolt
As the bell rang, the group of girls got up and threw away any rubbish they had and left the lounge to go to their wards as Y/N thought about her final patient of the day. Bertolt Hoover..
Outside the final cell, Y/N swiped her lanyard and went on to see the lanky yet muscular boy sitting at his desk. He seemed to be in a daze as he continued staring at his desk.
Walking up to him cautiously, Y/N coughed which gained his attention quickly.
”Sorry to startle you Bertolt. I’m Y/N L/N and I’ll be your permanent Doctor. Since it’s our first meeting I’d like to know you better.” Y/N said happily before standing to his side.
”O-oh uh what would you l-like to know about?” Bertolt asked embarrassed. He seemed to be sweating a lot..
”I said I’d like to know you better. It could be anything, friends, family or hobbies.” Y/N explained.
”I guess I have a few friends..” he said whilst covering his sweaty and flushed face.
”Do you want to tell me more or.?” Y/N asked awkwardly, staring at him.
”I have a nice friend c-called Annie.. actually s-scratch that. I have a friend called Annie and another in the cell next to me.” Bertolt stuttered.
”O-oh. You mean Reiner?” Y/N questioned.
”Yeah, you know him?” Bertolt asked before realising and muttering. “W-wait forget what I said! God I’m so stupid.”
The two continued to talk awkwardly to each other before opening up a bit more about their hobbies and interests.
”I’m so glad you and I could talk Bertolt! I think that you’re the only patient I’ve had had actually talked this much to me!” Y/N casually said happily.
Bertolt flushed red at her compliment and muttered a few ‘thank yous’ before the door slammed open, scaring him. At the door was Erwin who had a frantic look on his face only to calm down once seeing Y/N.
”Y/N! I thought you got lost or attacked. You should’ve waited for me to walk you in..” Erwin said whilst occasionally eyeing Bertolt.
”It’s alright Erwin. Bertolt has been behaving rather well and hasn’t been a nuisance or caused any trouble.” Y/N said whilst grabbing Bertolt’s hand. “Right?”
He looked at their intertwined fingers and back at her gorgeous face to only blush harder and nod.
”That’s good to hear..” Erwin said. “Considering past events I’m quite surprised he’s behaving.”
”What do you mean, sir?” Y/N asked before letting go of Bertolt’s hand to look at him.
”I-it’s n-nothing Ms L/N!” Bertolt reassured whilst shaking his hands in the air.
Y/N giggled at his cute gestures and reaction before patting him on his head.
“Would you look at the time! You have to write those reports Y/N. Wouldn’t want to stay behind from work would you?” Erwin asked.
”Sorry our meeting was so short, Bertolt. It was nice meeting you though!” Y/N said before gripping his hand and leaving.
As the two Doctors walked beside each other, the taller male begun to feel his head fill with jealousy. The way she spoke to him, touched him, smiled at him. Made him all jealous.
How could such a devil have such an angel, a goddess laugh so easily?! He just needed her all to himself. He had to devise a plan to have the Patients lose hope in their fantasy world with her.
Meanwhile with Bertolt, he was breathing heavily. He’s never felt this way, not even for Annie. Ty way she touched his hands, how her hand was just about the size of his thumb made it perfect.
It wouldn’t be a while until he saw her again so he had to make sure he looked his best. Just for his Baby.
Mental Hospital AU! Yandere! Attack on Titan x Female Reader
Chapter 10- Exchange
Y/N sat at her desk and grabbed her files of her patients. The day was almost over in 30 minutes and then she’d finally be able to rest.. for a few hours. Picking up her pen she opened Eren’s file.
Patient: Eren Yeager. Report: Eren seems to shut out people quickly but when getting to know them properly he seems to open up a bit. Seems to have social issues as he only have one proper friend amongst Ward 1 and even then rarely talks about it.
Y/N opened Armins file after putting Erens in her drawer and began writing.
Patient: Armin Arlert. Report: Armin is a smart, fragile Patient who shouldn’t be underestimated. Apparently he can easily manipulate according to records and can easily guilt trip.
Just as Y/N was about to write about Levi, Erwin had interrupted her. He stood in front of her desk and had his hand behind his nape as he rubbed it nervously.
”Can I help you, sir?” Y/N asked.
”Since it’s your first day, you don’t have to rush with these reports. How about you text me a summary of each patient and I’ll fill it in for you?” Erwin suggested.
Y/N looked at him wondering what to do. She did want to relax with her friends after work but she didn’t want to seem as though she was unable to do the work.
”Its all right, sir.” Y/N said. “I wanna get used to this and don’t want to-“
”It’s fine, really. I’ll fill it in for you since I’m not going anywhere any time soon.” Erwin said.
”Thank you sir.” Y/N said whilst grabbing out her phone. “I’ll text you the summary of each Patient then. Here’s my number.”
Erwin looked at her number before grabbing his phone out and saving it. He smiled at her before taking the files from her desk and letting her pack up.
As the bell rang, Y/N grabbed her bag and walked out the office to immediately meet up with Krista, Ymir and Sasha.
They all talked and laughed as they walked home to their shared apartment.
Going onto WhatsApp, he saw Y/N’s desired profile picture to be a picture of her sitting at the beach, smiling. How we wished he could be there at that time, talk to her, touch her soft hands and body.
Erwin suddenly got a text from Y/N with a summary of her Patients reports and quickly filled it all out in neat handwriting for her.
He felt jealous of how all these demons were able to see her everyday and talk to her about anything that they desired, whilst he talked about the Patients.
He just wanted you so bad. How he wanted to make Y/N move out from that crappy apartment with those bad influences and have Y/N live in his mansion as his housewife.
He could have her all to himself, no patients, no doctors, just him to have her all to himself. His little wife.
Mental Hospital AU! Yandere! Attack on Titan x Female Reader
Chapter 11- Yeager or Ackerman
Y/N woke up earlier than usual and got up to go to the bathroom. She walked in, did her business and soon went to the kitchen to see Krista making pancakes.
”Hello Y/N! I thought we could try pancakes today.” Krista said happily.
”Sure. It’s been so long since I’ve had something other than coco pops.” Y/N said before helping Krista out.
As they prepared the pancakes and plates they loud footsteps from inside of their apartment and soon saw Ymir, hair messily scattered and eyes wide.
”Y/N! I can’t find Krista- oh uh never mind..” Ymir said as she looked at Krista holding a plate.
”Is Sasha not awake yet?” Krista asked.
”She was still asleep when I saw her, try putting some food in a 5 meter radius of her and she’ll be awake” Ymir said. “Oi Sasha! Get your ass up we have food!”
Suddenly Sasha had rushed her way to the kitchen and saw the pancakes only to devour a few in mere seconds and rush back to get ready for work.
”We should eat and get ready now..” Y/N said.
After eating their food, they all dressed into their uniforms and grabbed any extra equipment that they needed for the day.
Making their way into the building Y/N met with a black haired woman. Turning to see her, the girl fiddled with her bag nervously.
”Are you Y/N?” She asked.
”Yes I am. Who might you be?” Y/N asked cautiously.
”I’m Mikasa Ackerman.” She said before reaching her hand out to shake Y/N’s.
”Oh you must be Levi’s relative then.” Y/N said, shaking the hand.
”No.. sorry I don’t know who that is. I’m Erens friend.” Mikasa explained.
Y/N looked at the girl confused. Eren never mentioned any other friends other than Armin. Perhaps she was his stepsister and preferred other terms?
“Erens never told me about you.. are you perhaps his ste-“ Y/N began to say only to get interrupted.
”It’s not really a step siblings relationship we have.!” She said.
”Forgive me.” Y/N said before asking. “What is it that you need from me?”
”I was going to ask.. if you could change Erens conditions. Him being locked up isn’t very affective and he’s been here for so long!” Mikasa ranted.
”I really wish I could do something about it but I can only help him by taking it slowly. He’s barely opened up to me but I’ll try my best to get him out of here” Y/N said.
”Thank you.. I visited him this morning so I’m sorry if he’s in a grumpy mood.” Mikasa said before waving goodbye and walking out.
Making her way to Ward 1, Y/N saw Erwin in front of Erens door.
“Thank you for waiting for me sir.” Y/N. Said before swiping her lanyard and walking in.
Mental Hospital AU! Yandere! Attack on Titan x Female Reader
Chapter 12- Eren
Looking around she saw Eren at his desk and quickly turned to look at her and attempted to smile.
”H-hello Y/N.” Eren said as he turned his chair towards Y/N.
His hair seemed to be much neater than the last time she visited him. His clothes were different and looked as though they were new. His face was much cleaner than what she saw from last time and his hair was combed.
”You look freshened up, did Mikasa get you new clothes?” Y/N asked, standing near his desk.
His mood had shifted. From when he was smiling and happy, he went to a dark and eerie look. He stared up at her, not smiling.
”Eren? Are you okay?” Y/N asked, placing a hand on his shoulder.
”Did you see her?” Eren asked quietly.
”In the morning.. she and I just talked and introduced ourselves a bit.” Y/N said. “Do you want to talk about her visit? I know she visited you in the morning-“
”No. I’m not talking about her.” Eren interrupted before shifting his chair back to its original position.
”Are you sure? I’m sure it’d be nice for you to open up slowly..” Y/N said.
”I don’t care about her! All she does is baby me around just like when we were kids! Can’t I just talk with you?!” Eren yelled.
”S-sorry Eren.” Y/N said. “What do you want to talk about.”
He just sat there drowning in guilt as he had yelled at his precious girlfriend. He turned back to her and looked at her sadly before getting up and hugging her.
”I’m sorry.. I shouldn’t have yelled at you Y/N.” Eren muttered quietly.
”It’s alright. It’s natural for that to happen, besides I shouldn’t have asked.” Y/N said before caressing his head gently.
They spent the rest of the hour talking about random things, showing tricks and hobbies until Erwin came in with a lot of files.
”Erwin, do you need help with those?” Y/N said whilst playing a cool trick on Eren.
”I’m alright, I just wanted to tell you that these are the files on your patients and that we should go and carry them back.” Erwin said calmly.
”But Y/N and I still have 30 minutes..” Eren said before grabbing Y/N’s hand.
”Uh can you not do it yourself just this once Erwin?” Y/N asked nervously.
”All right. I’ll have Hange put it on your desk then.” Erwin said before leaving.
”Honestly, that guy is so annoying.” Eren said.
”What do you mean Eren.?” Y/N asked. “People can be annoying but why Erwin?”
Eren scoffed and looked at your hand as he held it and played with your fingers.
”He just interrupted our conversation and he’s always following you around like a.. like a uh..” Eren ranted before having to think. “Like a dog?”
Y/N giggled at his reaction and only patted his head before telling him that it was just part of the job.
Meanwhile Erwin was headed to Hanges office, angered. If only that little brat hadn’t spoken, he’d get to talk with Y/N. Soon, he’d get to have Y/N all to himself, have her all pretty and dressed up as he wanted. Not obsessing over mental patients.
Mental Hospital AU! Yandere! Attack on Titan x Female Reader
Chapter 13- Armin
After break, you reminded yourself that you had Lunch Duty with the others and had to go to the Cafeteria instead of the Lounge Room.
Making her way to Ward 1 again, she met up with Hange who had been smirking.
”Hello Hange. How’s your day been so far?” Y/N asked nicely.
”It’s been fun. I got to hear a bit of gossip but nothing too good..” Hange said, her smirk growing larger.
”Oh I’m not one for gossip, especially in a workplace.” Y/N explained uninterested.
“What?! Everyone loves a bit of workplace gossip! Heck even Moblit, my assistant, does. Don’t you wanna know?” Hange began to ask.
”Does it really matter?” Y/N said, turning the corner to see Erwin standing at very end of the hall.
”Oh god he’s right there too.. I’ll tell you quickly!” Hange squealed.
”Oh go on then.” Y/N said, only a few meters away from Erwin.
”ApparentlyEyebrowslikesyou!” Hange quickly whispered before dashing the other way, leaving a confused yet flushed Y/N.
”Y/N? Are you okay?” Erwin asked as he approached her statue figure. “Why did Hange run off.?”
”O-Oh it nothing really!” Y/N stuttered nervously.
”You seem pretty red. Are you sure you are okay Y/N? Maybe you should skip this and have me take you to the medic.” Erwin suggested.
”N-No no! It’s fine, just a bit warm y’know?” Y/N chuckled before swiping her lanyard and heading in.
Y/N saw Armin at his desk, sitting up straight and reading a book. Smiling and walking towards him she stood at his side as he closed the book and looked at her.
”Hello Y/N.” Armin said bluntly. “You look quite red-“
”I’m a-alright!” Y/N quickly said before regaining her posture and handing back the book the he gave her.
”I read the book you gave me yesterday.” Y/N said. ”It’s really nice and is just like the real ocean.”
Armin beamed at her. It was only yesterday that she was given the book, and the very same day she finished it? It was quite length as well so could she have done it just for him?
”Thats nice.” Armin muttered. “When did you see the ocean?”
”Oh roughly a few years ago. I have lots of pictures but I can’t show you because it’s on my phone.” Y/N said sadly.
”Thats too bad. I would’ve really liked to see you and the ocean in one photo, it would’ve looked amazing.”
The two talked more about the ocean and how beautiful it is. Erwin could only have his ear against the door and hope that Y/N called for his help or to be taken away.
”You get to have lunch with everybody else, don’t you?” Y/N asked.
”Oh yes. I’m not very excited about it but at least I’ll get to see Eren and a few others.” Armin said.
”I have Lunch Duty today so I’ll get to see you for a few extra minutes but we won’t be able to talk.” Y/N explained.
“That’s a shame. We only have 15 minutes left to talk and I bet that you’ll have to leave early to get to the cafeteria whilst we all line up.” Armin said.
”It’ll be alright-“ Y/N began to say until the door opened and she saw Erwin standing there.
”Y/N, you have Lunch Duty-“ Erwin said.
”She knows. You can leave now, we have 14 minutes and her heading there early isn’t going to do anything.” Armin interrupted.
”It’s protocol.” Erwin said whilst smirking.
”Sorry Armin, I have to get going just like you said..” Y/N said as she waved goodbye and left.
”Don’t interrupt me again, Arlert.” Erwin muttered.
”Don’t listen in on other people’s conversations, Erwin.” Armin said before looking back at his desk.
Erwin could only scoff and leave the cell as he made his way towards his office.
Y/N had went to the Cafeteria to see Sasha waiting patiently. There’s were other people in the room that she couldn’t recognise.
“Hey Sasha. Where’s Krista and Ymir?” Y/N asked.
”Oh I saw Ymir walking towards Krista’s Ward so she’s probably waiting for her. They might take a while.” Sasha explained. “Hey! When those patients walk in you can tell me who is who.”
“Sure. It’ll be nice to see some of yours too.”
Mental Hospital AU! Yandere! Attack on Titan x Female Reader
Chapter 14- Lunch Duty
Watching the patients walk in, Sasha looked at Y/N who only looked at her fingers, uninterested.
”Y/N tell me which one are yours!!” Sasha said shaking her arm.
”Fine fine.” Y/N said as Sasha held onto her arm. “That brunette guy is Eren, the blonde guy next him is Armin. They are apparently friends.”
”You sure?” Sasha asked.
”Do you want me to tell you?” Y/N asked.
”Oka okay fine.” Sasha said.
“The bald guy is Connie, then that next to him is Jean, the tall muscular one is Reiner and the other tall guy is Bertolt.” Y/N said.
“You got a mixed group. Those guys over there are part of my Ward.” Sasha said directing her attention to a group in the corner.
”Babe! You looking real good today! Can’t wait to see you at night when I-“ Reiner shouted.
”S-Shush!” Y/N said flustered before walking away with Sasha to get water.
”You know Y/N?” Connie asked.
”Yep, she’s my lover at day and night.” Reiner flexed. “Bet you wish you met her too.”
”She’s my Doctor as well.” Connie bluntly said before eating his food.
”Same.” Jean said.
”It’s the same with us.” Armin said for Eren.
”W-what?! You mean you guys get to see her too?!” Reiner exclaimed, turning his head to a flustered Bertolt. “You too!?”
“Uh well uhm.” Bertolt stuttered.
The boys ate in pure silence until Connie spoke up to say something that would cause chaos.
”Her hands are really soft..” Connie muttered.
”How would you know?!” Jean exclaimed.
”If you must know, she let me lie down on her lap as she helped me calm down. I got to hug her as well!” Connie said smirking.
”Her hands a-are soft and quite s-small..” Bertolt whispered as he looked at his hands and smiled.
”You too?!” Eren asked.
”Jokes on all of you! I got to fall on her.” Jean said whilst crossing his arms.
”WHAT?!” Eren basically screamed.
”Yeah Eren! It was when I was trying to escape and she caught a hold of my foot making me fall with her.” Jean said, recalling the memory. “Also, why are you so well dressed?! I bet you did it to impress your girlfriend.”
”What no! I did it to impress Y/N- I mean uhm. Mikasa’s not my girlfriend!” Eren said.
”It seems as though we all like Y/N but we don’t have a good chance.” Armin said.
”What do you mean?” Connie asked.
”It’s because of Erw-“ Armin begun to say until he saw the double doors open widely to reveal Levi, still handcuffed, walking towards their table.
Y/N came back with Sasha just a few moments later, gaining all of their attention.
”Hey Y/N, how’s Aiden?” Sasha asked as she ate her snack.
”Oh Aiden is all right.” Y/N said smiling. “It’s been a while since I’ve seen him but he sent me a photo.”
”Aww that’s so cute!” Sasha said. “Let me see it!”
”All right, all right.” Y/N said whilst grabbing her phone out and showing a picture.
”He’s so cute!” Sasha said, receiving a small side nudge from Y/N.
Back at the table, the boys could only hear their conversation and grew confused.
”Who the fuck is Aiden?!” Jean whisper yelled.
”Oh my god, she has a boyfriend.” Connie said whilst holding his head.
“What no! She can’t have one, I’m clearly her only option! She and I make love every single night.” Reiner said unhappily.
”Reiner.. that’s just in your dreams.” Bertolt said, slightly disgusted.
”You all are filthy.” Levi said.
”Hey it’s just Reiner and his wet dreams!” Eren exclaimed.
”You say that like you don’t have them too, Eren!” Reiner replied.
“Reiner it’s just you who has these dreams though..” Bertolt said.
“Will you brats shut up!?” Levi asked angrily.
”No we won’t.” Eren said boldly.
”Everyone shush.” Armin said as they all saw Y/N waving awkwardly at two girls approaching her.
”Sorry we took so long!” Krista said before giving Y/N a side hug.
”Hey!” Jean yelled out, getting the girls’ and guys’ attention. “No touching!”
Ymir began to cackle as she fell to the ground and held her stomach as Krista backed up a bit and looked fully at the ground, colour draining out of her.
”Get up Ymir, the ground is filthy..” Krista said before looking back at Y/N. “What were you guys talking about?”
”Oh I was just showing Sasha a picture of Aiden.” Y/N said.
”That little brat? Isn’t he going to be eight soon?” Ymir said before getting up.
Realisation hit all of the boys heads. You weren’t even in a relationship despite your gorgeous features.
“I really miss my little brother, he lives with my grandma and grandpa so I rarely see him too.” Y/N said,” Luckily he sent a picture with my old phone.”
”Hey Ymir, who are your patients?” Sasha asked as she munched on her snack.
“Those guys over there.” Ymir said showing the other three, a group of people.
”What’re there names?” Krista asked interestedly.
”The hair slicked back guy is Porco, the blonde dude is Zeke, brunette girl is Pieck and the younger blonde is Colt. Nothing too special but they are sly.” Ymir said uninterested.
”The kids in my ward are called Gabi, Falco, Zofia and Udo.” Krista said. “They’re practically the same height as me..”
”We should get going now.” Y/N said as they all exited the Cafeteria.
”So..” Eren began to say. “Seems like she’s single.”
”Can’t believe you all thought her brother was her boyfriend. Disgusting.” Levi spat out.
”If Levi doesn’t like her that just means one less competition for us all.” Jean said.
”Who said is didn’t?” Levi asked.
”So you do!?” Connie asked confused.
”Why should I tell you?” Levi muttered before eating his food. “Lay your filthy hands off her. She doesn’t need your filthy hands crawling all over her.”
Soon the bell rang and all patients were lined up and sent back to their cells.
Mental Hospital AU! Yandere! Attack on Titan x Female Reader
Chapter 15- Levi
Walking back to Ward 1, Y/N met up with Erwin who stood quite close to her. They talked about their lunch break and carried on walking before Erwin had said something completely different.
”Are you in a relationship?” Erwin asked, in a calm way.
”Why do you ask?” Y/N asked flustered.
”Oh I just overheard some Nurses talking about you and was just curious..” Erwin lied.
”Haha, Hange was right. This place does love a bit of gossip.” Y/N said awkwardly, trying to change the subject.
”It’s really common in these types of workplaces.” Erwin said. “You didn’t answer my question.”
”Oh uh right.” Y/N muttered nervously.
”Disgusting..” a dark, menacing voice could be heard from down the hall.
Turning to look, Y/N saw Levi being dragged by a security guard and towards his cell.
”Ah Levi.” Erwin said unhappily as he arrived.
”Shut up Eyebrows.” Levi said before getting pushed in and chained to his desk.
”I can handle this alone, sir.” Y/N explained as she walked in, closing the door behind her.
”Doesn’t he piss you off?” Levi asked.
”Erwin?” Y/N asked. “No not really, he’s my boss so I don’t know why I’d be mad at him.”
Y/N sat down on the chair opposite him and looked at him.
“Anyways. You and I get to talk a lot more unlike last time when I had to leave earlier than expected.” Y/N mentioned.
”No, Eyebrows dragged you away.” Levi corrected.
”I want to get to know you Levi.” Y/N quickly said. “Why do you Erwin ‘Eyebrows’? It always annoys him.”
”You wanna know why? It’s not cuz of the stupid nickname.” Levi informed. “It’s because five years ago I killed his dad.”
A shudder went down Y/N’s spine as she shifted uncomfortably in her chair. Is that why Erwin had begun workings five years ago? To carry on his fathers work..?
“This isn’t the conversation I was expecting-“ Y/N begun to say only to be interrupted.
”I know. And I’ll have you know that if you get in my way I’ll kill you too. And don’t think about reporting me because if you do then what will Aiden do?” Levi threatened menacingly. “He’ll be all alone.”
Y/N stood up from her chair and stepped back a few steps. Aiden. He’d be all alone once everyone around him died..
”Sit back down brat.” Levi ordered. “Or leave. I’ve seen you today and I think you should get going..”
”Bye Levi..” Y/N whispered before scurrying out of the room quickly.
”Y/N, are you okay? You look a little pale.” Erwin said calmly even though he was filled with worry on the inside.
”I’m alright..” Y/N reassured.
”I was going to ask you.. if you wanted to go out today with some of the workers?” Erwin asked.
”O-oh. When exactly?” Y/N asked him.
”It’s at 8PM and it’s at a bar. I don’t decide where.” Erwin explained whilst showing an address.
”Sure.” Y/N said. “Who will be there?”
”Hange and a few others. Bring your friends too.” Erwin said before smirking and taking his leave.
Walking out of the building, Y/N saw Ymir and Krista talking whilst Sasha stood silently beside them. Walking up to them Ymir looked at her and smirked.
”What took you so long? Making out with Eyebrows?” Ymir snickered, earning a slap on the shoulder from Krista.
”We have a invitation to a drinking party.” Y/N said, rubbing her neck.
”You swear?!” Ymir said shocked.
”I swear on Krista’s life.” Y/N said before getting pulled (along with Krista and Sasha) by Ymir.
”WE ARE GETTING DRUNK TONIGHT!!” Ymir yelled happily.
Mental Hospital AU! Yandere! Attack on Titan x Female Reader
Chapter 17- Connie
Waking up that day was terrifying. Y/N sat up and watched as Krista unveiled her leg and showed the leg to be clean and to only have a small scar, which would go away if left alone.
Ymir was having the worst hangover of her life whilst Sasha complained about the food she could’ve snacked on that night.
“We should get going you guys.” Krista said before they all left and reached the building.
Whilst entering the building, Y/N smiled at Mikasa who was just leaving and was soon approached by a blonde female.
She had her hood on which covered most of her head but was just a bit taller than Krista. She had blue eyes and looked a bit nervous.
”Are you Doctor L/N?” She asked.
”Yes I am. Who might you be?” Y/N asked.
”I’m Annie.” She said bluntly.
”Oh. Bertolt told me about you. He said you were his friend.” Y/N said.
”Right right.” Annie muttered before looking up at her. “Are you going to be visiting him today?”
“Not today, no.” Y/N said awkwardly.
”Do you also talk to Reiner?” Annie asked.
”Yes and I have him today, just at the end of my shift.” Y/N said. “Why do you ask?”
”I guess he’s also my friend..” Annie simply said before waving goodbye and leaving.
Walking into Connie’s Room, Y/N was quickly engulfed in a hug. She saw Connie snuggled into her and was smiling warmly.
”Hello Connie.” Y/N greeted warmly.
”Hello Y/N! I missed you so much!” Connie said. “Let’s make the most of the time we have together.”
He dragged Y/N to the mat on his floor and began to talk with her as she listened to him blabber on about anything he could say.
“Who else are you visiting today?” Connie asked.
”Oh I have to visit Jean and unfortunately Reiner..” y/N muttered.
”Do you not like Reiner? It’s because he’s a big pervert isn’t it?! I knew it all along!” Connie quickly ranted.
”No no!” Y/N reassured. “It’s some other reason that I can’t say..”
”Hey Y/N, who were those girls you were talking to yesterday?” Connie asked.
”oh those were my friends.” Y/N explained. “Don’t think about it too much but have you heard anything about Levi today?”
”Hmm. Not that I know of. I heard that the cameras went out though and that all the cells were checked.” Connie said.
“I’m just glad your okay.” Y/N smiled at him.
A wave of relief washed over Y/N. Levi went back to his cell just as he promised. But how did the lights go out?
“Y/N! Let’s play tic tac toe! Your hands are really soft..” Connie whispered the last bit.
Menral Hospital AU! Yandere! Attack on Titan x Female Reader
Chapter 18- Jean
Walking out of Connie’s cell, Y/N saw Levi being dragged by two security guards. He looked at Y/N and mentally smirked, proving that he kept his promise. She made sure that at Break, she would retrieve Marco’s letter to Jean.
Making her way to Jean’s Cell, she was wondering where Erwin had been. He hadn’t walked up to her once nor talked to her. Was he mad about her not attending yesterdays party?
Shaking the thought off, Y/N made it to Jean’s Cell and sat beside the boy who had been waiting eagerly but quickly went back to his gloomy mood.
“Hello Y/N.” Jean said before fake coughing.
”Hello Jean. I have a letter from Marco.” Y/N said before reaching into her pocket and grabbing the letter and handing it to Jean.
”T-thanks.” Jean said before opening it and reading the neat handwriting. A small smile crept on his face until he looked up and saw Y/N looking which had him going back to his ‘grumpy’ look.
”Why do you do that?” Y/N asked.
”Do what?” Jean asked back.
”You always smile until you see me looking at you.” Y/N said. “Are you worried I might judge you for smiling?”
”W-what?! No no!” Jean quickly replied. “I’m just tough like this and I don’t smile-“
”What if I told you, you look quite nice when you smile?” Y/N teasingly asked.
”H-Huh?! Are you serious?!” Jean practically shouted as his eyes widened.
”Mhm!” Y/N reassured.
The same fluttery feeling erupted from his stomach like the last time he talked or even saw her. Just the way she sat there like the Goddess she is made him feel so honoured.
“You’re hair is r-really beautiful..” Jean whispered.
”Thank you Jean! No one’s really ever complimented my hair besides my friends.” Y/N said as she smiled and twirled a few strands. (A/N: sorry to any bald ppl :P)
“Say.. do you like Eren?” Jean asked.
”Yeah! He’s a great, fun guy and he’s really nice towards me.” Y/N explained.
”What about me?” Jean asked.
”You as well!” Y/N said.
”So.. between me and Eren, who’s the better person?” Jean asked whilst smirking.
”I cant really chose between the both of you.. it’s not that you guys are the same but it’s the just because you both are really different in a good way.” Y/N explained.
Jean only looked down at the ground and mumbled an okay and talked with Y/N more until he handed her a prewritten letter as she began to leave for lunch.
(A/N: I’ve realised that my chapters are becoming quite short and I apologise for this because I barely have any time because school has started. Thank you to all of my wonderful readers and hope you have a good week ❤️)
Mental Hospital AU! Yandere! Attack on Titan x Female Reader Chapter 19- Reiner
As Lunch ended, Y/N gave Marco Jean’s Letter and left to go to Reiners Cell. She didn’t hat the guy but he wasn’t the easiest patient she had so far. Well, probably excluding Levi.
As she walked further down the hallway, Erwin could be spotted not to far. As she approached him, Erwin stood in front of her and smiled nervously.
”I got your text message yesterday..” Erwin said unhappily.
”Y-yeah.. I cut my leg but it’s okay now.” Y/N explained. “I’ll just head in now..”
”Sure.” Erwin said before smiling and walking off, gripping some sort of folder close to him.
Walking in, Y/N saw Reiner sat at his desk and handcuffed just as last time. He gave that same smirk as he looked her up and down.
”Reiner.” Y/N simply said before sitting down.
”Y/N, I missed you y’know?” Reiner said. “Seeing you at Lunch wasn’t enough for me.”
“Did you have to shout that out yesterday?” Y/N asked as she rubbed her temples. “You’re lucky Sasha didn’t tell my other two friends..”
”I don’t care if they heard, they’d just know that I love you babe.” Reiner playfully said. “You better not be seeing any guy other than me.”
”I have male patients.” Y/N simply said.
“Those guys are annoying too..” Reiner muttered before speaking up. “Besides those losers, I better not see you dating some sort of guy.”
”I can do what I want Reiner.” Y/N huffed out. “Besides, were you and the others listening in on my conversation yesterday?”
”Of course!” Reiner exclaimed. “I had to make sure you weren’t talking about any other guys. That Aiden guy was a false alarm though.”
The two talked with each other normally for once instead of Y/N scurrying off like last time. Reiners lingering stares on Y/N moved up and down her body and being the pervert he is, he imagined it bare.
”I met your friend Annie today.” Y/N said, making Reiner go silent unlike usual.
“What did she say to you?” Reiner demanded asked.
”She just introduced herself and asked if you and Bertolt were my patients.” Y/N answered.
”Did she mention anything else..?” Reiner asked.
”No not really.” Y/N said.
The two finally ended their conversations and Y/N left to go somewhere. Reiner sat in complete silence as he stared at the table. Annie knew what she was doing and how it was against her will.. what would happen is she told Y/N? Or the Police? Reiner and Bertolt’s plan he’d to work or else..
Mental Hospital AU! Yandere! Attack on Titan x Female Reader Chapter 20- Bertolt
Walking away from Reiners Cell, Y/N realised she had enough time to visit Bertolt. As she made her way to his Cell, she realised some of the lights were either off or flickering.
Swiping her lanyard, Y/N walked in to see Bertolt adjusting his lamp. As soon as he turned around he immediately his it behind him and began to stutter.
”Y/N! W-what’re you doing h-here?” Bertolt asked.
”I have extra time so I decided to visit you today!” Y/N said as she made her way to him. “Why are you hiding your lamp?”
”Oh uhm i-it’s because I uhm..” Bertolt muttered before looking back at her. “I thought you w-would t-think I was silly f-for being scared of the dark! Yeah…”
”It’s okay to be scared of somethings!” Y/N said as they made their way to his desk and sat down.
The lamp looked broken and had things sticking out of it but it didn’t bother Y/N. The two talked amongst each other and laughed at a couple of things until Y/N asked about Annie.
”Did Annie come visit you today?” Y/N asked.
“W-what?” Bertolt asked nervously.
”I saw Annie at the entrance, we introduced ourselves a bit and she asked a few things about you and Reiner.” Y/N explained.
”She didn’t t-tell you anything did she?!” Bertolt asked quite worriedly.
”No, not anything that was important. Y’know, you and Reiner both asked me that today. Why is that?” Y/N asked.
”o-oh. She just knows something embarrassing about us.! Yeah that’s it.” Bertolt explained before looking down at him shoes.
“How did you and Annie meet?” Y/N asked.
”She and I w-went to school together..” Bertolt said.
”Thats nice. She’s really quiet unlike most girls I’ve talked to.” Y/N said before chuckling.
”Y-yeah, she’s been like that since the beginning.” Bertolt explained.
”I better get going, it was nice seeing you again Bertolt!” Y/N said, waving goodbye and leaving.
Making his way to the lamp, Bertolt took the top of to reveal walkie-talkies, pistols, tranquillisers.. any minute now, Annie would do her part in the plan and all would go well. The plan was going to work.
Mental Hospital AU! Yandere! Attack on Titan x Female Reader Chapter 21- Blackout
Walking to her shared office, Y/N saw a hooded figure lurking around the place but paid no attention to it. As she walked in, Y/N saw Erwin and Hange talking together. Hange seemed to be smirking whilst Erwin stayed calm and had a bit of pink turns on his face.
”Ah Y/N!” Hange said before giving a bone crushing hug to her. “How have you been?”
”Im alright.! Sorry I couldn’t make it to the drinks party, I had a bit of an accident.” Y/N explained.
”It’s alright!” Hange said before turning back to Erwin and smiling. “Say.. why don’t you two talk whilst I go do something?”
”Hange I know what you’re doing and you have to stop.” Erwin said as his eyebrows furrowed.
”What?! I’m not doing anything-“ Hange began to say.
The lights went out. Not a single light was on and it was pitch black. Down the hallway, Y/N could hear loud voices as people tried to figure out what was going on. Suddenly a large bang was leg of in the distance.
”I’ll go with Moblit to the backup generator!” Hange said whilst grabbing a flashlight and running off with Moblit.
”Y/N stay close to me.” Erwin said as he grabbed her and pulled her closer to him.
”Bertolt..” Y/N muttered.
”What about him?” Erwin asked. “If you’re saying we have to go check on him it’s fine-“
”Bertolt is scared of the dark. It’s not just that.. we have to make sure all of the patients are in their cells!” Y/N said before walking off slowly, touching the walls to make sure she was going the right way.
”Wait!” Erwin said before grabbing her hand. “I’m sure they are all fine! You’re just getting into more danger like this.”
”But you already know how dangerous some of them are! Think about it, Levi or Reiner could break out of their handcuffs the longer we stay in the dark!” Y/N explained. “No.. Ymir, Krista and Sasha are in danger too! I have to get to them-“
”I’ll go find them for you, you go to the patients and make sure all the doors are locked according to the security system plans.” Erwin said as he squeezed her hands and left.
Making her way into Ward 1, a red light began to flicker. Hange and Moblit had probably gotten to the backup generator and turned on the lights.. but why were they red? Looking at all the cell doors, they seemed to all be open.
Panicking, Y/N made her way into Eren’s Cell to see him missing. The same with Armin, Connie, Reiner, Bertolt and unfortunately Levi. Whilst looking in Jean’s Cell, Y/N saw him clutching onto his ears and rocking himself on the floor.
”Jean!” Y/N called out as she cautiously walked over to him. “Are you okay? Did someone hurt you?”
”N-no.. I keep hearing gun shots and screaming and it’s scaring me! Is Marco okay?! What about you?!” Jean frantically asked.
“Calm down.! I have everything under control, I just need you to tell me what happens when the lights went out, okay?” Y/N asked nicely.
”When the lights went out, all the doors opened. At first I thought it was a trick so I stayed put until I saw Bertolt and Reiner carrying out hints and running. I also saw Eren with Armin. I don’t know about Connie..” Jean quickly ranted.
”what about Levi?” Y/N asked as she soothed him. “Did you see him go anywhere?”
”H-he had a shard of glass and his hands were bleeding.” Jean said.
”Okay Jean, keep breathing nicely like this okay? I’m gonna have you hold onto my hand whilst we go back to the staff room. They’ll keep you there until we figure out the situation further.” Y/N explained.
The two held hands as they walked back until Y/N looked into Bertolt’s room once again. As she walked in, she realised ,unlike last time, it was much messier and lots of things were scattered across the floor. His lamp was shattered and there never was a light bulb in there to begin with..
”Jean let’s go back-“ Y/N began to say only to see Jean had disappeared. “Jean! Where did you go?! Jean!”
Cursing under her breath, Y/N proceeded to walk further down the Hospital. What had happened to Ymir, Krista and Sasha? Did Erwin find them?
Walking into the backup generator room, Y/N saw that it had been destroyed. Walking back out she met eyes with the very same eyes that she would soon wish she would never see again.
Mental Hospital AU! Yandere! Attack on Titan x Female Reader
~|Eren Ending|~
Looking into his green eyes, Y/N never knew how much she would dread the head the words that would escape his lips.
”Y/N! I was looking for you. You and I can get out of here alive if we hurry up!” Eren explained as he grabbed her hand.
”Where’s Armin?! Jean said that you and Armin were together, so where is he?” Y/N asked.
”Armin got crushed under rubble. He told me to escape before Bertolt and Reiner set any more bombs off near me.” Eren answered.
”W-what?! It was those two..?!” Y/N exclaimed. “We have to get back to the staff room so that I can have you-“
“No!” Eren yelled as he interrupted her. “You and I can make it out together!”
”But we can’t! You’re a patient and I have to make sure you get to safety.” Y/N said.
”Y/N.. I feel safe with you! I don’t need this place to help me, you help me whenever I see you, talk to you! I love you so much Y/N, please!” Eren confessed.
”Eren..” Y/N began to say until he dragged her off, making their way to the nearest exit.
”Eren I don’t think I can return these feelings in the current environment but I need Mikasa to at least know you are safe!” Y/N said making Eren stop in his tracks.
”Forget Mikasa! You and I can start a new life together. I just need you to trust me. Please Y/N.” Eren begged.
The two stood there in the dim, red lit hallway. Screams could be heard from every corner of the building, making Y/N shiver. She still had to find Krista, Ymir and Sasha. Where they even okay?
”Eren.” Y/N said, getting his attention. As he ripped his head towards her, Y/N gently kissed his cheek and gripped his hands.
”Please understand that we can escape together after I find my friends. You and I can live together after this. No one will intrude our life except for our friends, I promise.” Y/N said.
Eren could only blush bright red at her actions. She was devoting herself to him in exchange to look for her possibly dead or alive friends.
”L-let’s go then.” Eren said as they quickly ran together towards the different Wards.
Making their way into each of the Wards, their bodies couldn’t be found nor any of their belongings. A wave of relief washed over Y/N as she turned back to Eren, who was already looking at her.
”Y/N, someone dangerous could be lurking around here and trying to take you. We have to get going now, please.” Eren said.
Y/N smiled at him and made their way to the emergency exit, which thankfully was not blocked like the others. Y/N had Eren wear her uniform coat to disguise himself as a doctor.
”There’s a lot of people Y/N..” Eren muttered as they joined the large group of doctors, who had rushed out in time.
”It’ll be alright.” Y/N said as she looked around and saw Ymir clutching onto Krista and allowing Sasha to hug onto her side as they all seemed to be crying or in some sort of pain. “Eren, I see my friends.”
”Let’s go to them.. wait no. They’ll tell someone about me and I’ll be separated from you!” Eren said.
”I promise you they won’t. Let’s go.” Y/N said as she led him towards the trio.
”Y/N! We were so worried about you!” Krista said as she hugged onto Y/N, sobbing harder than before.
“We thought you were stuck inside the building!” Sasha explained as she also hugged Y/N.
”I’m glad you made it out, you idiot.” Ymir said, smiling at Y/N.
”Guys, as happy as I am to see you, I have to tell you something.” Y/N said as she let go of Krista and Sasha and held Erens hand.
”Isn’t that one of your patients?!” Sasha said not too loudly.
“I don’t know how to explain it in a way that will make you feel comfortable but, Eren loves me in a way that keeps him stable. I feel as though I need to be around him to help him.” Y/N calmly explained.
”But he’s a Mentally Unstable Patient..” Krista said as she looked at the towering boy. “Are you sure Y/N?”
Looking back at Eren and smiling Y/N simply said yes. Sasha and Krista supported the two and even Ymir decided to go along with the plan.
“Eren! Where did you put the washing?” Y/N yelled out loud as she looked around their shared bedroom.
”Uhm, I think it’s in the washing machine already..?” Eren replied as he looked back at the TV with his little girl on his lap.
It had been at least a a few years after the incident. Y/N got a different job thanks to her smarts whilst Eren was a stay at home dad. Being the smart person she was. Y/N got a house just near her old apartment with her friends.
Raising a daughter was fun for Eren as he would tie her hair in a man bun just like his newer look and would constantly play with her. She was only 2 years old but you three were happy.
Plopping down onto the couch beside Eren, Y/N took her daughter from his hands and put rested her head on his shoulder as they cuddle closer together.
”I’m glad that no one can disturb us Y/N..” Eren said as he kissed her head.
”Yeah.. I’m glad that Carla will be able to grow up in a nice environment instead of some people. You and I are doing the best we can.” Y/N said as she cradled the toddler in her arms.
“I love you so much Y/N. I hope you know that.” Eren whispered.
”I know, love. I love you too.” Y/N replied.