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yandere clawd headcannons (^o^)/
Yandere Clawd x Succubus Reader Headcanons

•The definition of golden retriever boyfriend. He’s so obsessed with you, you could literally walk him like a dog. Clawd loves everything about you from the moment he sees you. Loves all the hearts you wear, loves your demonic features and he even loves when you laugh off his affections and confessions, too used to hearing them from others. You didn’t realize that he wasn’t like everyone else that it wasn’t just obsession, it was love! That was ok though because Clawd was happy to spend all his time proving himself to you.
•Clawd follows you around without fail. It doesn’t matter if you leave school late because of detention or leave the house 3 hours early, Clawd is always there waiting for you. If you don’t talk to him then he’s fine just following a few steps behind you and basking in your company. If you do talk to him then be prepared for him to stay as close to your side as possible and be nearly knocked over by the force of his wagging tail. He rarely talks about himself unless you prod him because he’s just to obsessed with you to ever think about himself.
•Speaking of not thinking about himself, Clawd would get into a lot of fights. The only people he’ll tolerate being around you are people he knows he can trust like his sisters, anyone else who gets too close to you is an enemy to Clawd and he’ll forgo his own safety and well-being anytime to keep them away from you. He always wins, doesn’t matter who it is that he’s fighting or how injured he gets, when he has you to fight for he may as well be invincible.
•Clawd loves carrying your things or driving you places. Some people might be annoyed but not him. He’s your boy and it’s his responsibility to take care of you. Ask him anything and he’ll find a way to do it, it doesn’t matter if you’re grateful or not because the only reward Clawd needs is being with you.
•Doesn’t matter how mean you are or how much you lash out at him. It doesn’t phase him in the slightest. Call him awful names, say you hate him and he’ll just take it and then try to comfort you after. However if he were to ever say or do something to hurt you, no matter how minor that’s when he loses it. He’s whimpering and tearing up and begging for your forgiveness. Forgetting his size completely and crawling into your lap, less of a wolf and more of a puppy.
•Call him a good boy or any kind of nickname and he’ll be over the moon. If you call him wolfy once as a joke then he’ll never let it go. He starts calling himself wolfy hoping you’ll follow suit but if anyone else tries then they’re getting a mouthful.
•Definitely has thrown rocks at your window and stood in the rain holding a boombox. He’s cheesy yes but more than that he wants to give you all the good experiences he can, all the ones that other people can only watch in movies or dream about. Clawds ultimate goal is to make you as happy as he is, to make you feel as loved as you make him feel.