Yandere Taemin - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

This was amazing it had me scared when she felt scared being in the castle and I also felt the sweetness of his words and I felt the sadness from his life before.

Phantom Shadows: If These Walls Could Talk - Yandere!Taemin X Reader

Phantom Shadows: If These Walls Could Talk - Yandere!Taemin X Reader

Yandere AU, Supernatural AU & Slight Reincarnation AU

Genre: Mature, Horror, Angst, Mystery

Pairing: Taemin X Reader

Words: 13,685

Warnings: This is a Yandere story, it will contain themes such as stalking, violence, obsession, possessive natures, and just general overall creepiness and swearing. You have been warned.

A/n: Here it is!!! I'm pretty happy with the way this one turned out. It's a bit different than my usual style of writing, so I do hope you enjoy it! Leaving the AU a little bit of a mystery to add to the story, so I hope it works! As always, feedback is greatly appreciated, I hope you enjoy!

Exhaling through your nose, you lean back in your seat, watching as the plane descends upon the tarmac. Rubbing at your eyes, you will yourself to stay awake for a little while longer, knowing your hotel room is right around the corner. Having had a long flight, you can’t wait to just hop into a nice, cozy bed. After taking a quick shower, of course.

Looking over the papers once more held in your hands, your lips quirk upwards slightly at the corners. Everything you need to start your research on Castle Etresque is in your hands, starting with the grant and deed you have been given in order to even be able to set foot upon the premise.

Having just finished your masters in history, you expected finding a job in your field would have been a lot harder than you thought. This one, however, just seemed to fall into your lap. Well, it helped that you’ve had a fascination with castles, and the supernatural, since you’ve been little.

Letting out a slight huff, you realize that’s probably why you so easily got this job in the first place. No one else wanted to explore the haunted depths of Castle Etresque, given its horrible history. It’s said only one of the many people that have ever attempted to explore the castle and discover its secrets has ever returned unscathed. The others… well, they still haven’t found the bodies.

A shiver runs down your spine as the plane touches down on the ground.

The legend of the castle is certainly famous, its secrets having been unexplored for many years. Those that dare venture inside of it only do so under the light of day, when the halls seem less daunting and more open.

You almost pity the poor souls that are tasked with the upkeep of the castle, but since it’s such a prominent historical sight, people stop by for pictures of the grand entrance all the time. The architecture alone is stunning, but you’ve heard that this is sort of like a test of courage. How close can one get to the castle without incurring the wrath held within those walls?

Supposedly, the castle is haunted, like many other ‘ancient’ palaces of its time. They say the lonely ghost of a man wanders the halls at night, waiting for his lover to return, and if he comes across anyone in the halls whom are not his beloved, they are never to be seen again.

You roll your eyes as you think back on the legends now. If only one person has survived this so called ghost, why have they refused to talk about it to anyone? Many reporters and historians alike have attempted to interview the survivor, but they no longer accept visitors. Even when those few were lucky enough to get an interview, the survivor said hardly anything to them.

Only a few choice words ever escape their lips when speaking about the castle.

Ancient. Dark. Ruin. Run.

Many have opted to assume that the survivor has gone insane due to the horrors of the castle, but there was something other than insanity shining behind Kim Kibum’s eyes when you managed to hold a final, brief interview with him thanks to your sponsor for this entire ordeal.

When the note came in that you were to interview him, you were extremely shocked. Your questions on how your employer managed to get Kibum to agree to the whole ordeal still remain unanswered to this day.

Looking back on it now, you think you begin to understand why he refused so many interviews. The cold, unaltered fear that shone in his eyes when you had asked him to tell you anything that he could remember about the castle still shakes you to your very core.

It’s a good thing you don’t believe in ghost stories.

Part of why you ever wanted to become a historian in the first place was due to your excessive need to uncover the truth. You’ve always considered yourself a bit of a great sleuth, but detective work just wasn’t for you. You rather enjoy history, uncovering the bones of different sites and understanding just what has happened to create such elaborate stories. There’s value in knowing and understanding such events, especially when it comes to understanding the present, and you’ve always loved a good story.

Collecting your carry on bags once it’s safe to do so, you begin to follow the crowd into the airport. Once making it through customs, you patiently wait for your luggage to come through. As soon as you have everything you need, you’re heading out for a taxi.

“Where to, Miss?” The driver asks as he helps you place your bags into the trunk.

After telling him the name of your hotel, you see him give a brief nod, and the two of you are off.

Shifting your gaze to the window, you take in the scenery around you. The coast lies off to your left, while the mountains stretch out on your right. You know you have a bit of ways to go before you reach the town your hotel is in, which isn’t that far off from the castle. In fact, once you round the bend in the road, you should be able to see the castle on the side of the mountain.

Sure enough, the tall spires are easy enough to spot once the taxi rounds the bend in the road. You know the town isn’t too far off now, and you’ve been lucky enough to avoid idle small chat with the driver for the most part. Unfortunately for you, the closer you get to the town, the more interested he seems in talking.

“So, what brings you to our town, Miss?” He asks politely.

“Work,” you reply bluntly, but still enough to be considered polite.

“What type of work, may I ask?”

“I’ve come to investigate Castle Etresque,” your words make him visibly flinch.

“You’re certainly brave, Miss. No one has dared to investigate the castle since that Mister Kim Kibum has,” he meets your gaze in the rearview mirror.

“Surely someone has,” your brow furrows.

“Other the cleaners that dare go up there from time to time to restore the outside architecture, no one dares to travels to the castle anymore. Unless they’re some teenagers looking for a thrill,” he tells you, then, whispering lowly to himself, “I was wondering why the town was in such a kerfuffle yesterday.”

“What was that?” You tilt your head slightly in confusion.

“Oh, nothing,” he smiles at you, but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “Just realized why the cleaners were traversing the old roads the other day, that’s all. You’re not staying at the castle while you’re here, are you, Miss?”

“I wouldn’t be giving you the name of my hotel if I was,” you reply as you see his brow furrow.

“You wouldn’t-“ realization crosses his features, “oh, right.”

An uncomfortable silence settles over the both of you now as the car makes its way through the streets of the town. Luckily, a few minutes later you’re pulling up just outside your hotel.

As soon as the car stops, you’re hopping out and grabbing your luggage as quickly as you can. Thanking the man after paying him, you turn to face the hotel.

“Miss?” The driver catches your attention once more, causing you to turn to look at him from over your shoulder. “Be careful.”

You shoot him a small, tight smile as he drives away, grateful to finally have made it to your hotel. Dragging your bags behind you, you walk inside, heading straight to the reception where you grab the key to your room and head upstairs.

The elevator ride is short, the doors letting out a little ding once on your floor. Finally, you’re able to make it to your room, opening the door and nearly collapsing onto the bed. However, before you do that, you decide to take that shower first, then you practically flop onto the bed. You can alway unpack tomorrow.

That night, you fall into a dreamless sleep. The first dreamless sleep you’ve had in a while, which you’re forever grateful for. Normally, you’re haunted by images of a veiled figure, gliding through dark halls, with a crown of thorns on its head.

For once, you don’t wake up in a cold sweat.

The following morning, you wake to sunlight streaming through the curtains of your hotel room. Looks like it’s going to be a beautiful day.

Checking your phone, you see you still have plenty of time before you have to meet with the mayor and sponsor of this whole ordeal at the agreed upon place. You weren’t planning on sleeping as long as you did, but you’re grateful for the extra few hours. Looks like the jet lag is hitting you strong already.

Hoisting yourself out of bed, you get ready for the day. Since you have some spare time before your lunch meeting, you decide to unpack, placing everything in an appropriate spot for the time being. Once done, you smile to yourself, tucking your suitcases off to the side so that they’re out of the way.

A knock at your door half startles you out of your thoughts.

Sparing a glance at the time, you realize just who must be knocking at your door. Sure enough, opening it reveals exactly who you thought it would be. He must just be that eager to meet you, instead of waiting for you at the café across the street.

“Mister Kim, thank you for coming to get me,” you smile politely at him to which he mirrors.

“Please, call me Jongin,” he takes a step back so as to let you into the hall after you grab a few things that you’ll need for the day. “It’s no trouble at all.”

Holding your notes to your chest, you follow Jongin to the elevator, finally able to get a good look at him. The mayor of this town, though certainly young in age, is a lot more handsome in person than you would have thought. All of those video conference calls most definitely did not do him justice.

In the back of your mind, you begin to wonder just how he has been able to obtain such a position of power at such a young age.

“Been in the family for generations,” he replies, seemingly reading your thoughts.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize I had said that out loud,” you avert your gaze slightly, embarrassed at your unprofessionalism.

“It’s alright,” he smiles at you once more as you step into the lobby of the hotel. “It’s a common curiosity to newcomers to our town.”

“I can imagine,” you chuckle along with him as he leads you across the street to that little café, both of you taking a seat at one of the tables along the street since it’s such a lovely day outside. “Now, what else can you tell me about my assignment?”

“Always straight down to business, eh?” He grins, just as one of the servers places a menu in front of each of you, greeting the mayor with nothing but politeness. Jongin nods, leaning forwards slightly as you pull out a pen to continue scribbling away at your notes. “Well, Castle Etresque has been around for centuries. I’m sure you remember reading the legends I’ve sent you.” You nod at this, recalling the attachments he’s emailed to you. “What I want you to focus on, is disproving them. The rumours are honestly bad for business, and our tourism industry is taking a toll.”

Your brow furrows, “the town doesn’t look too bad.”

“That’s cause we’re on the nice side of town,” he replies. “Our economy is honestly taking a toll, and since nowadays kids will do anything for the thrill of it, we’ve had to invest quite a bit of money in repairing the castle from damages from break-ins. We- as in I- believe that uncovering some of the castle’s rich history will open up the tourism industry to a little more traffic and reduce the amount of adventurers from braving the legends alone. Besides, we no longer want out castle to be haunted by ghost stories.”

“Sounds like a plan to me,” you nod. “I just have some questions of my own, before I get started, of course.”

“Of course,” he nods, repeating your own words as coffee is placed in front of either of you.

“Over the past few centuries, there have been many disappearances revolving around the castle,” you begin, and you see a spark of recognition flash behind Jongin’s eyes. “Everyone who has attempted to stay in the castle overnight has never returned, no bodies ever being found. Are those also just rumours, or is there some truth to that?”

Jongin lets out a sigh, taking a sip from his coffee. “Stories are just that: stories.”

“So, there’s no truth to them?” You quirk a brow.

“The best lies have some sort of truth mixed into them,” he replies. “Most of them are heresy, except for two. Two honestly cannot be explained.”

“Which two?” Your pen scratches away at the paper beside you.

“In order for me to tell you about one, I must tell you about the other, for they go hand in hand,” he begins. “I’m sure you’re familiar with the tale of Count Kai?”

“I am,” you nod, “but for the sake of research, why don’t you tell me your account of the tale.”

“I’d love to,” he grins, taking another sip of his coffee, noticing how yours still remains untouched on the saucer in front of you. You lean forward on the edge of your seat as Jongin begins the tale. “The Lord of the castle at the time, was Lord Lee Taemin, who lived alone for the most part, save for his servants and staff. Lord Taemin was a kind soul, who took pity on those that could not take care of themselves, offering them hospitality when no others would. Many times he would open his doors to the townspeople, until one lucky day, he met someone and fell in love. They were quite a pair to behold, always working with one another and fitting together like two souls that had been split apart only to reconnect once more.”

Finally, you reach for the coffee cup, taking a sip of the beverage as you sit back in your seat.

“Nothing could separate them, and all the town loved them,” Jongin continues, only stopping briefly when the server comes back to take your orders. “As I was saying, the whole town loved them. Only, something in Taemin began to change.”

Your brow furrows, “he changed?”

“It was quite sudden, and unexpected,” Jongin nods, as if recalling a long forgotten memory. “Suddenly, his once open doors began to close, keeping the townspeople out and no longer offering them refuge to whatever ailment they suffered. Word had gotten out that his beloved had gotten sick.”

“Sick?” You voice your disbelief.

“Yes, sick,” he confirms. “So, Taemin sent all his staff and servants away so he could personally care for them.”

“He sent away the people that were taking care of them, so he could take care of them himself?” You frown at the logic and Jongin’s eyebrows raise in amusement.

“Don’t look at me, this is just the story I’ve heard,”

You shake your head, disbelief clear on your features.

“Anyways, this is where Count Kai comes in,” he continues. “There had been a terrible storm that day, the rain causing massive flooding in the area and nearly wiping out all of Count Kai’s men. Seeking refuge, he followed the path that led to the castle in the dead of night. He ended up making it to the castle, but when the search party went out the next day, they found no trace of him or what had survived of his men. In fact, when they searched the castle, it was empty, neither men to be seen again.”

“No one thought that they just up and left?” You tap your pen on your notes, a curious gleam shining in your eyes.

“No one ever found any traces of either of them leaving, nor Taemin’s beloved, at the time,” Jongin replies. “The only clue they ever got was a patch of upturned earth found in the gardens two days later. Excavation revealed it to be the body of Taemin’s beloved, having succumbed to whatever illness they had at the time. The rumour is that Kai fled, fearing Taemin’s wrath after loosing his love, only for Taemin to succumb to grief shortly after. Their bodies have never been found.”

“No offence, but it sounds like a poor excuse of a story to me,” you meet his gaze just as the server returns with your meals.

Jongin shrugs, “don’t shoot me, I’m just the messenger.”

You snort at that, thanking the server briefly as you cap your pen. “Well, whether that history is true or not, there’s something strange going on inside Castle Etresque, and I’m going to uncover the truth about it.”

“I cannot wait,” with a smile on his lips, Jongin looks past you and towards the castle looming on the side of the mountain. “Though certainly you do not plan to travel up there today.”

“Not today,” you shake your head. “I still need to get a few things in order before I can make the trip.”

“Are you planning to stay overnight in the castle at some point?” He meets your gaze, something shining behind his irises that you don’t quite understand.

“We’ll see how my first visit goes, then I’ll decide from there,” you tell him, “but I wasn’t planning to.”

“I see,” he hums. “I figured you’d want the whole immersive experience, being a historian and all. Not many can say they’ve spent their research period staying inside a luxurious castle.”

“A luxurious haunted castle,” you correct him with a twitch of your lips upwards in a teasing grin.

“Yes, yes,” he seemingly waves off your comment, a grin of his own tugging at his lips. “Haunted castle.”

The rest of lunch passes fairly swiftly, the both of you continuing to discuss your stay while researching the castle. After everything is finished, you make your way back across the street to the hotel, eager to do a little more digging into the version of the story Jongin has just told you about Count Kai and Lord Taemin. Perhaps you’ll even ask a few locals about it later when you have a better understanding of the castle.

Making it back to your room, you unlock the door. Stepping inside the room, the first thing you notice is a slight draft that you hadn’t before. With a furrow to your brow, you allow the door to fall shut behind you, noticing how the curtains seem to sway in the breeze from the open window.

Funny, you don’t remember leaving the window open.

Shaking your head, you move over to close the window. Perhaps the maid service forgot to close it when they cleaned your room.

Placing your notes onto the desk in the room, you’re quick to pull out your laptop, setting everything up in preparation for the extra bit of research you’re about to do. Cracking your neck, you begin.

Two hours later and you’re feeling much more confident about your understanding of Castle Etresque and Lord Lee Taemin. Seems that the events of Jongin’s story took place during the mid-seventeenth century, the castle having been around for even longer. You even found some sites that emphasized Lord Taemin’s ghost as being the cause for all of the disappearances again, with articles detailing the missing person’s reports. Looks like Jongin really didn’t tell you everything. That, or he just doesn’t want to scare you off. After all, you’re the first historian in years to take his offer of exploring the castle once more.

Pushing your chair out, you lean back and stretch your arms above your head. Satisfied with the amount of information you’ve collected, you figure it’s now time to explore the town and ask the locals all that you can about the castle. Hopefully, they’ll have some similar answers for you.

Unfortunately for you, most of the townspeople that you ask about the castle are too scared to digress much more information than the basics you already know, for fear of the ghost. Some even go so far as to label it ‘The Curse of Taemin’, not wanting to elicit the wrath of the spirit that haunts the castle.

You simply shake your head at those people. You’re getting nowhere, with little to no new information. The least they could do is tell you more about this supposed ‘curse’.

Luckily for you, you come across a woman who seems more than happy to indulge you.

“Oh, that old thing?” She chuckles. “So many think that if they so much as speak about the castle Taemin will come down and smite them where they stand, or in their sleep.”

“Is that the curse?” You question the woman, whose name you’ve leaned is Wheein.

“Part of it,” she shrugs. “Depends on who you ask.”

“Meaning?” You prompt.

“Some say Taemin will lure you to the castle to be killed. Others say he comes down to kill you in your own home,” she answers, to which you nod. “It changes depending on how scared one is of inflicting the wrath of a ghost.”

“Do you think people believe that this curse is responsible for all of the missing people who have gone up to the castle?” Your brow quirks in inquiry.

“It definitely does nothing to divert the superstition,” she replies. “Everywhere you go in this town you’ll find someone who either believes in the curse, or is too scared to disprove it. I’m glad you’re here.”

You’re slightly caught off guard by her sudden words. “Thanks, I’m glad I’m here, too.”

With a final smile, she’s continuing on her way, leaving you with a final, “if there’s anything else, you can always find me at the library.”

Mirroring her smile, you thank her once more for her time and head back to the hotel. At least you managed to get some new information, though you’re beginning to wonder what else Jongin might be hiding from you. Either way, you’re more than ever eager to uncover more of this town’s, and that castle’s, secrets.

Once back in your hotel room for the evening, you order some room service for dinner. You figure you should just take the night to relax since you’ve had such a busy day today. That, and you’re still slightly jet lagged from your flight. Besides, tomorrow will be the first day you finally travel up to the castle to do some exploring. Hopefully, it will be the start of many.

The next morning, you wake up to overcast skies. Again, you’re set to meet Jongin in the lobby before you venture off to explore the depths of the castle, and this morning, you’re determined not to lose track of time.

Sure enough, after getting ready, grabbing a quick bite to eat, and making your way to the lobby, you already see Jongin waiting for you by the front windows.

“Ready for today?” He asks.

You nod, “eager, too.”

“That’s good,” he smiles, almost tightly. “Will you be needing accompaniment to the castle today? I do insist-“

“No, that’s quite alright,” you cut him off quickly, noticing how he blinks at you in slight surprise. You’d rather take your time without any interruptions today to really discover and explore the castle. Besides, you don’t want to be distracted.

“Ah, it’s probably for the best,” he chuckles humourlessly. “I’d probably just get in your way and distract you from doing your job.”

Again, you’re taken aback by his words. It’s like he’s read your mind for the second time within the span of two days. However, before you can respond, he’s already heading out of the front door, holding it open for you to follow behind.

“Can I at least drive you up to the castle? I know it’s really not that far, but I’d feel better knowing you got there safely,” he begins to walk over to what you assume is his parked car.

“Why? Are the woods not safe?” You tilt your head in minor curiosity, looking off into the forest that lines the side of the mountain leading up to the castle.

“Something like that,” he mutters.

“Wolves?” You turn your gaze on him, and the way he scowls has your brow furrowing.

“Certainly not,” he shakes his head.


“Not for years,”

“Mountain lions?”

“Not that I’m aware of,” he frowns.

“Then I think I’ll walk,” with a nod, you begin to head off towards the path that will take you up the mountain.

Jongin stands there, shocked for a moment, before he’s jogging to catch up to you. “Really, it’s no trouble at all.”

“No, no,” you assure him. “It’s quite alright. I’d really rather take in the scenery and get familiar with the area, anyways.”

“Well, if you’re sure…” he hesitates, “but if you need anything, or if anything happens, anything at all, you have my number, so don’t be afraid to call.”

“Will do,” you send him a smile, and you swear he almost grimaces as you turn back around to walk off without another word.

Before you can get more than a few steps down the road, Jongin’s voice is halting you once more.

“You’ll need this,” he says once he’s caught up with you, handing you a key.

“Right,” you nod once, grasping the key tightly in your hand. You’ll have to get in somehow. “Thanks.”

Jongin shoots you a weary smile. “Be safe.”

Turning back around, you continue to make your way towards the path that will take you up to the castle. Once surrounded by the trees, you breathe a small sigh of relief. As much as you appreciate Jongin’s offer, you’d prefer to explore things alone for the time being. That, and something is beginning to nag at the back of your mind the longer you spend around him. You’re beginning not to trust him.

As you walk up the shaded path, you sling your bag around to your front, double checking to make sure you have everything you’ll need before you get too far away from town. Clicking the flashlight a few times confirms the fresh batteries you’ve placed inside are still working well. Nodding to yourself, you zip your bag back up, slinging it around your shoulders once more. Your camera and phone are fully charged, too. Just in case.

About half an hour later, you’ve finally made it to the foot of the castle. Pausing to catch your breath, you take in the grandiose that is the entranceway. No wonder people stop by to take photos of this place; it’s stunning.

Wiping some sweat from your brow, you trek forwards, pulling out the key from your pocket that Jongin gave you. Sliding it into the old lock, you twist it, hearing a satisfying click come from the old doors. Ever so slowly, you push one of them open.

The little light that streams in from outside offers you little visibility due to the clouds still hanging overhead. In the back of your mind, you just hope it isn’t raining when you finish for the day. You didn’t think about what would happen to you if you had to walk back in a downpour.

Pulling out your flashlight, you’re quick to turn it on, wanting to take in as much detail for the first time as you can. Pausing briefly, you take in a deep breath. You scrunch your nose as the smell hits you.

Oh yeah, definitely musty. Old and musty.

If the smell wasn’t enough to tell you that the castle was ancient, the amount of dust and cobwebs alone would. Quite literally, it appears as if no one has set foot inside the grand foyer of the castle in years. A stark contrast to how clean and refurbished the outside looks. Seems as if some of what Jongin has told you about the maintenance of the castle is true.

Adjusting the straps of your bag slightly, you right yourself.

Your first proper step inside the castle is met with a cool breeze brushing against your skin. There must be a few broken windows somewhere, then, if there’s a draft like this. You frown.

On your walk up to the castle, you came up with a small exploration plan. You’ll spend today searching through the castle and gaining a basic understanding of where everything is. Once you’ve drawn up your own map of the place and taken sufficient photos, you’ll leave for the day and do some deeper exploring tomorrow. The best way to explore is to know where you’re going to look. Besides, this way, you can probably uncover some secrets to explore at a later date.

Nodding to yourself, you decide to start with the doors to your right.

In no time at all, you’ve covered the main floor, each doorway leading to another grand room. So far, the ballroom has been your favourite place you’ve seen, and you can picture the grand events that have taken place within, almost as if you had once been apart of them. To say it takes your breath away would be an understatement.

One thing you have noticed, however, is that the deeper you delve into the castle, the cleaner it appears to be. Certain rooms are almost void of dust and cobwebs, but that certainly cannot be the case. No room is airtight, and as far as you know, no cleaning has been done inside the castle. Either way, you make a note of it in your findings.

“Looks like this phantom likes to clean,” you snort to yourself quietly.

The ghost of a breath slides down your neck, sending a shiver down your spine. Turning around, you swear you hear a slight chuckle as goosebumps litter your skin.

Shaking your head, you clear your thoughts. Must just be your imagination.

Moving on, you enter another grand room, your exploration of the main floor going quite smoothly. As soon as you’re done with your small map of the ground floor, you move on to one of the upper ones.

Travelling up one side of the massive double staircase, you examine some of the pictures that line the walls. Looks like the majority of the pictures are paintings of scenery, as well as a few familial portraits, but some are too dirty to make out. Others look like they’ve been removed, for there are spaces on the walls with missing frames.

You make another note, finding it interesting how this castle has such pictures right in their main stairway. If you didn’t know any better, you’d swear they’ve been kept here as a sort of memorial.

Finally reaching the second level, you continue your exploration. With a furrow in your brow, you note once more that this area looks even cleaner than the floor below. Weird.

Opening the door to one of the rooms, you seem to have come across a music room, for a grand piano sits directly in the centre of it. Walking over to where the piano stands, you do a quick circle around the piece. Oddly enough, the only instrument that seems to be the best kept is the grand piano, finding only a minor amount of dust on the keys compared to the blankets of dust that cover some of the other instruments lining the walls.

Slowly, carefully, you run your fingers along the exposed keys of the piano, pressing down on one of the notes. A clear note rings out, echoing off of the walls of the room, surprisingly in tune.

Your head snaps up as you feel the gentle graze of something cool against your cheek. If you didn’t know any better, you’d say the feeling was nothing short of a caress, but it passes almost as quickly as it comes.

Damn, that breeze really is getting stronger the deeper into the castle you go.

Leaving the room for now, you mark down your findings and continue on your adventure. A few doors later, and you come across a beautiful three story library that, quite literally, takes your breath away.

As your awed gaze sweeps around the room, you swear you hear footsteps coming from behind you. Only, when you turn around, there’s no one there.

Perhaps all of those ghost stories are catching up to you, and your paranoia is making you hear, and feel, things that aren’t actually there. Your mind is simply playing tricks on you.

Deciding to leave the library for now, but making a mental note to come back to it later, you continue to explore the castle. An hour and a half later, and you only have one final room to explore, besides the outdoor gardens located in the back, of course.

Staring at the massive door in front of you, you take a deep breath. If your research and previous exploration led conclusions are correct, this should be Lord Taemin’s personal chambers.

You hold your breath in anticipation, heartbeat ringing in your ears as you push the large, intricately carved door open. You’re not quite sure what you’ll find once you open the door, but whatever it is that you are expecting, this most certainly is not it.

The room, at least to you, appears normal. Grand, most certainly, and surprisingly well-kept despite the years that have passed. In fact, if you didn’t know any better, you’d say this room is the most well-kept in the whole castle. The cleanest, too.

Before you can stop yourself, a breathless ‘wow’ escapes passed your lips, and you swear you hear that faint chuckle again.

Blinking, you begin to jot down your findings once more in your notes: grand windows that overlook the gardens, high ceilings, large canopy bed, beautiful stone carved fireplace with a large mirror above the mantel. You even note the desk, wardrobes, and seating area. Most importantly though, you note how warm the room feels; how welcoming. Almost as if it’s familiar to you, drawing you in with each breath you take.

Shaking your head to clear your thoughts, you decide that that’s enough exploring for today. The dust is probably starting to go to your head, and you’ve had a long day. Besides, you could use something to eat, and you know it’ll be another half an hour walk back to the hotel.

Without another word, you close the door behind you, stuffing your notes back into your bag as you head towards the entrance of the castle once more. You’re fairly happy with the progress you’ve made on the first day, already having a better sense of direction as you travel back through the halls. You simply cannot wait to see what new secrets the castle has in store for you tomorrow.

That evening, as you go over your notes from the day, you find yourself thinking back to three rooms in particular. The library, the music room, and the Lord’s room all stand out to you, so you make a mental note to dive deeper into them tomorrow. That, and you also didn’t get a chance to explore the gardens at all yet, so you make a note to do that tomorrow as well. Once you’re satisfied with your findings for the day, as well as your plan for the morning, you stack your things into a neat pile and head to bed.

Turning off the light, you pull the covers up to your chin, settling down into the comfort of the mattress. You cannot wait to see what tomorrow brings you. You only hope it’s a nice day, though. You could really use the extra lighting when exploring the castle.

Closing your eyes, your last thought as you drift off to sleep is that you hope you have another restful night that is dreamless once more.

Oh, how wrong you are.

Again, you are greeted by a familiar hallway. One which you have dreamed of many times before, the same veiled figure crowned in thorns at the end of it. You watch as it turns its head towards you, and even though you cannot see its eyes, you just know that it’s looking through you, drawing you in.

Just as with every time before, it raises an arm towards you. Offering you its hand, it begins pulling you towards it, like some sort of magnetic force is drawing you in. No matter how hard you try, you can never escape.

You wake up in a cold sweat, heart pounding in your ears. Breathing heavily, you throw the covers off of you, noticing how sunlight streams in through the window. Steadying your breath, you sit on the edge of the bed. So much for another restful night.

Deciding you should at least get up to start your day, you grab a quick shower and check your phone. Nothing new seems to have happened that you need to be aware of, so you make your way downstairs to grab some breakfast after making sure you have everything you’ll need to continue exploring the castle today.

The least you can do is distract yourself by doing something you love.

The walk up to the castle today allows for you to clear your head. Jongin had offered to drive you up once more, only for you to deny him a second time. Luckily, today is a brighter day, the sun shining in the sky with a few clouds placed here and there. At least that should help illuminate the castle better when you check out some of the rooms again.

Making it to the castle, you unlock the doors, stepping into the grand foyer once more. Immediately, your brow furrows, noting how the area seems almost cleaner than the day before. You mind must be playing tricks on you again, there’s no way you had been imagining all those cobwebs yesterday.

Letting out a small ‘huh’, you’re quick to ascend the staircase to the upper levels. Today, you figure starting from the top and working your way down will be a good plan, for it gives you a different perspective than the previous day.

Thus, you find yourself outside of Lord Taemin’s room once more, carefully pushing open the door to reveal everything you saw yesterday in the exact same place. Allowing your eyes to scan over the room, you take in all the minute details for the second time, a small grin tugging at the corner of your lips as you enter the threshold.

Only, as soon as you step into the room, a chill races down your spine and you get the feeling of eyes on the back of your head.

Sparing a glance over your shoulder, you find no one behind you. Turning back around, you stare into your reflection in the mirror above the fireplace, frown prominent on your features. Your breath catches in your throat as you swear you see something blur in the mirror behind you, causing you to turn around once more. Still, nothing is there.

Perhaps that dream affected you more than you thought this time.

Letting out a deep sigh, you begin to explore the Lord’s room more thoroughly than the previous day. You find some trinkets, some elaborate jewelry and clothing, but nothing worth noting so far. At least, in relevance to the curse or the ghost stories.

Finally, you come to the desk, the very last piece of furniture you have to look through before moving onto the music room. Carefully, you pull open the drawers, finding writing supplies and what appears to be remnants of old parchment. However, the topmost righthand drawer proves fruitful, with you letting out a small ‘ah-hah!’

Your eyes shine as you pull out a small leather bound book from the drawer. As you carefully unwrap the strings around it, you study it. It appears to be a journal of some sort, and as soon as you open the first few pages, your hypothesis is confirmed. On the inside cover reads: Property of Lee Taemin.

Eagerly, you begin to flip through the pages.

The first few entries you skim through, nothing of importance jumping out at you just yet, for they seem to be just a teenager complaining about his duties. You laugh, recalling your own disgruntled journal entries when you were younger. Guess a few things haven’t changed over the years.

Some of the entries are too smudged to read, others providing no date to contextualize when they occurred. However, the last two are the most concerning to you.

The second last entry tells of a great storm and sickness plaguing the castle, and of unexpected visitors. This seemingly fits in to what Jongin has told you about the legend of Count Kai, for Taemin seems to recount sending his staff away over concerns for their safety. This only causes your frown to deepen. You thought he had wanted to be the only one to care for his sick lover, but perhaps that wasn’t entirely the case.

However, the last entry is what really stands out to you. Dated one day after the storm, it reads: She is dead, and with her, my heart is, too.

Confusion rises in your mind, the pieces of the puzzle appearing hazy at best when you attempt to fit them together. Some, you understand, like the fact that there was a great storm which caused some sort of disaster when Taemin’s love was sick, only for her to die. However, you are no closer to solving the mystery of his supposed ghost that is still haunting the castle, nor are you any closer to finding out who exactly was Lord Taemin’s lover.

Deciding to keep the journal with you, you gently close the leather bound pages and tuck the book carefully into your bag. Besides, you really want to go back and make notes about each part, and it’d be better to have the physical copy with you for reference.

Exiting Lord Taemin’s room, you have the sudden urge to explore the library more thoroughly. Perhaps there are some books in there that can provide you with some more answers, and if you’re lucky, maybe you’ll be able to find a log book of some sort.

As you begin to walk down the hall towards where you remember the library to be, a sudden cloud covers the sun. Immediately, the hallway is bathed in a grey darkness, and you freeze in your steps. At the end of the hallway, just before the library entrance, you swear you see a veiled figure glide past for a brief second. However, as soon as the sun returns, and the warmth covers your skin, you swear your paranoia is just causing your mind to play tricks on you again.

Calming your heart rate takes a few minutes, taking deep, steady breaths all the while. As soon as you’ve calmed down, you take a hesitant step forward, worried that something, or rather, someone will jump out at you from behind the corner at a moment’s notice. Except, when you peer around the edge, the only thing staring back at you are the empty halls of the castle.

Unconsciously, you breathe a sigh of relief, standing a bit straighter as you cross the hall to enter the library. All the while, you shake your head, clearing it of your intruding thoughts. If you’re going to get back into the mindset of exploring, then you’re going to need to be able to think clearly.

Entering the library, you are in awe once more. Today, you are able to travers each level carefully, noting where each section is and what types of books they contain. Again, you start from the top and work your way down, noting how the dust seems thinnest on the main floor while thickest at the top. Every so often you pull a book or two from the shelves, simply running a finger along the spine and over the facings, skimming through the pages when curiosity strikes you.

On the second level, you find a large desk where you place some of your supplies for the time being as you begin to collect a few volumes of the castle records. Once satisfied, you sit in the velvet seat before the desk, again noting how clean the chair appears to be. You swear that the seat feels warm, too. Almost as if someone had just been sitting here only moments ago, but you blame the sun for that one.

Skimming through the records confirms what you know so far, but also informs you of an instance of a fire that occurred sometime just after the storm. Looks like one of the upper rooms burnt, and most of the other record from previous Lords and Ladies were destroyed within, along with many portraits.

Those empty places on the walls beside the staircase flash in your mind, and you have an inkling that the fire wasn’t actually an accident as the records may suggest.

One thing that does stick out to you, though, in all of your findings, is the fact that a majority of these entries do not seem to be dated. In fact, some of them, based off of the preservation of the parchment and ink on the pages would suggest they occurred after the death of Taemin’s lover.

Humming to yourself, you pull out the journal you found in the Lord’s room, cross referencing the few dates in that book with the book of records you’re currently examining.

Your eyes widen as your breath gets caught in your throat. How could you have not noticed this before?

At a certain point within the records, the writing style changes, suggesting a different person has been recording the proceeding events after the storm. The same writing style which is present in the Lord’s journal.

Looks like Lord Taemin undertook bookkeeping in his spare time after the death of his beloved. Or rather, perhaps there was no one else around to do so, except for him.

Something’s not quite adding up, and you’re going to get to the bottom of this mystery sooner rather than later.

Slipping the book of records into your bag, along with the journal, you pull out your own notes and scribbling down your findings. Your mind runs a mile a minute as you piece together a story with the information you have.

Clearly Lord Taemin remained in the castle for quite a while, even after his lover’s death. So then, why does the current history remain that he disappeared along with Count Kai immediately after such a tragedy struck? Did something else happen?

All of these questions, and more, swirl through your mind as you finally decide to take a peak through the desk you’re sitting at. The first few drawers contain a miscellaneous array of items, such as more parchment, quills, and some dried up ink, but as you go to open the bottommost right drawer, you find you’re unable too.

Your brow furrows as you think it strange that a desk drawer to remain locked for all of these years. Luckily for you, the drawer seems loose enough so that you can wiggle it back and forth. Taking a moment to rummage through your bag, you manage to find what you’re looking for. A spare paperclip and some more wiggling of the drawer later, and you manage to pop it open.

Glancing inside the drawer, a small gasp escapes your lips, and you swear you hear laughter sound from behind you. Your heartbeat increases as the feeling of being watched returns tenfold.

Without a second thought, you’re reaching into the drawer to grab the similarly bound leather journal as to the one you found inside the Lord’s own desk. Tossing it into your bag you don’t even bother to close the drawer as you make your exit for the day. You’ve had enough of these laughing walls and their watchful eyes.

Hurrying back to town, you cannot shake the feeling of someone watching you. You shake your head; you’re just being paranoid again.

Walking back to your hotel, your stomach growls. Checking the time on your phone, you realize just how long you’ve spent inside the castle for the day. Much longer than you anticipated.

After grabbing a quick bite to eat, you retreat into your room for the evening, figuring you should continue to piece together your findings, and go through that other journal you found. Setting up everything at your desk takes you no more than five minutes, and once you’re done, you find yourself just sitting there, staring at the new journal.

Taking a deep breath, you open it to the first page.

That same familiar scrawl of Lord Taemin’s meets your eyes, only this time, the ink looks fresher. Well, except for the first few entries, which read as follows.

Jan. 19

I couldn’t take the reminders anymore. I burned them all.

Jan. 29

The hunger is getting worse. Pain: unbearable.

Then, a third, without a date.

Monster, they called me. Spewing their insults once they saw me. Some ran screaming from me, claiming my visage to be a ghost.

I couldn’t help myself.

If a ghost is what they think I am, then a ghost I will become.

You swallow. Clearly something more happened to Lord Taemin after that night, but what it is still eludes you. However, with the way your mind is stirring, you do not like the direction you are being led in.

You’re starting to think that Lord Taemin was the one who killed his lover. By accident, or by choice, you still have yet to discover. All you do know is that you want to get to the bottom of this mystery as quickly as you possibly can.

Reading a few more entries in the journal reveals the Lord’s pain and suffering’s through his grief at losing his lover, along with a mysterious transition he keeps mentioning. He makes quite a few metaphors about blood, or at least, what you hope are metaphors, and a few choice words keep reappearing. In the back of your mind, Kibum’s own words of warning ring in your ears: ancient; dark; ruin; run.

Before you know it, hours have passed and you finally come upon the last entry within the journal. This one appears to be the freshest, the ink almost shining at you from the page, smudged in some areas as if tears had fallen as the Lord had been writing. No date accompanies the entry.

I’ve found her.

When Kai told me he had news of her whereabouts, I didn’t believe him. I couldn’t. Not after all this time.

I spent years searching for her. Decades looking for any sign of her, and came up with nothing. Until now.

She looks just as beautiful as the day I lost her. When Kai showed me the photo, I could hardly believe my eyes, let alone speak my thoughts aloud. Even now, I’m having difficulty putting them into words.

I’ve been forced to live with myself and my grief these past so many years, constantly reliving that fateful night each time I close my eyes. I still cannot get the smell of her blood out of my mind, even after I burned all of her possessions.

I had killed her, and now, I have a second chance.

This time, I will be more careful. This time, it will work. I will do anything and everything within my power to ensure she is in my arms after all of this is said and done.

She will be mine once more.

A chill races down your spine as you drop the journal onto the desk in front of you. Lord Taemin cannot still be alive after all of these years. It’s been centuries. It’s impossible.

Pushing yourself away from the desk, you decide that that’s enough research for tonight. Either someone is playing a massive trick on you, or there’s something more sinister at work here than you realize. You’re starting to think that you’ve bitten off more than you can chew with this one. Maybe you should talk to Jongin about leaving the town for a few days until you’ve calmed down before returning to the castle, or maybe you should just leave and never look back. You exhale shakily.

As you slide into bed and switch off the lights, that creeping suspicion of being watched returns much stronger than before.

Perhaps it’s time you start believing in ghost stories after all.

Falling asleep that night is difficult at first, your mind swirling with all the new details you’ve uncovered just in one day. The more you think about it, though, the more you realize that you will need a few days away just to sort out your own head, and whether you want to continue with this investigation or not. History aside, there’s something bigger at work here, and you’re not about to lose sleep, or your mental health over it.

Finally, in the early hours of the morning, sleep finds you.

Once more, you dream of that same hallway, the veiled figure with the crown of thorns resting upon its head standing at the end. Only, this time, you recognize that hallway.

The door to the Lord’s bedroom opens behind the figure, it gliding into the room shortly after indicating for you to follow it. However, once it realizes that you are not moving, it turns sharply towards you, once again pulling you towards it using that mysterious magnetic force. Only, this time, when you get close enough, you do not wake up.

This time, when you get close enough to the figure, it stops you, its hand wrapping gently around your own in order to lead you into the room. Moving over to the fireplace, you watch as it runs its opposite hand along the underside of the mantle, hearing a click before a door to a secret room is opening from within the fireplace.

The smell of burning wood and ash meets your nostrils as you hear the sounds of a roaring fire, the side of the figure illuminated by the flames. It’s almost as if the figure wants you to walk into the burning room, but you hesitate.

Just as it reaches for you once more to pull you into the flames with it, you wake up, gasping for breath. You barely have time to recover from your dream when you hear a pounding at your door, followed by the concerned call of your name.

Flinging the sheets off of your body, you manage to just wrap a sweater around your frame as you open the door. Jongin stands there, fist raised in the midst of another knock, worry etched into his features.

“Are you alright? I heard crying,” nothing but concern is in his voice as he looks into your eyes.

Sure enough, raising your hands to wipe at your face reveals dried tear tracks on your cheeks. You sniffle. “I’m fine.”

He shoots you a look, not entirely convinced, but he leaves it for now. “I wanted to come check on you.”

“That’s awfully kind of you,” you risk a smile, but it doesn’t quite reach your eyes.

“How have things been at the castle so far?” He asks, a little too eagerly.

You swallow. “I’ve made some interesting discoveries.”

The journals flash through your mind, along with the record book, and the dream you’ve just had. In your distracted state, you fail to notice the smirk that twitches at the corner of Jongin’s lips.

Clearing your throat, you ground yourself back to your current reality. “Actually, I wanted to talk to you about that.”

Over the past two minutes or so, you’ve come to a conclusion. You want to check out the Lord’s room one final time before leaving to see if that dream had any truth to it. Your curiosity is getting the better of you, and besides, your dreams are the whole reason you actually accepted this job anyways. You’d be able to draw that castle from memory now, with how often you’ve dreamed of it the past few years. Clearly there’s more to it that meets the eyes.

“What about?” He asks, waiting patiently for you to continue.

“I’m going to spend the night at the castle, and depending on my findings, I will leave for a few days and then decide if I will be coming back or not,” you inform him.

“I see,” he doesn’t appear all that shocked, almost as if he had been anticipating your words before you had even spoken them aloud.

“I believe I am under-qualified for this task at hand,” you say. “I think I took on more than I could handle.”

“Believe me, you’re the only one qualified for this job,” he mutters, and your frown deepens. “Well, if there’s anything I can do to change your mind, let me know. I’ll drive you up when you’re ready.”

Before you can even protest his offer, he’s walking down the hallway and turning the corner, heading back down to the lobby.

Letting out a sigh, you shake your head while closing the door to your room. Jongin sure is acting strange, and he seemed to be in a rush just now. You hope everything is okay, and that you’re not reading too much into it. Oh well, at least by tomorrow you’ll have put this town, and all of its secrets, behind you.

Deciding to take a quick shower, you get ready to leave for the castle once more. This time, you take a few more provisions with you, such as an extra flashlight, and a sweater. You also figure you should stop by the café and order a bunch of coffee if you’re going to make it through the night without sleeping.

At the first sign of danger, though, you’re out of there.

An hour later, you’ve eaten and gathered all the supplies you’ll need in order to spend the night at the castle. Oddly enough, you didn’t spot Jongin waiting for you until after you had exited the café with a large thermos filled with coffee and a few prepackaged meals. Your eyes narrow as you see him leaning against his car. He seems nervous; antsy, even.

“Ready to go?” He asks, as soon as you walk up to him.

“As I’ll ever be,” you reply, checking your phone for the time. Looks like you slept in much later than you originally had thought, and by the time you had gathered all of your supplies, packed all your belongings, and gotten ready to stay the night at the castle, it is now late afternoon. The sun should be setting in about an hour or so, so you don’t have much daylight left to use. “The sooner we leave, the better.”

“I couldn’t agree more,” Jongin grins, opening the passenger side door for you.

Quietly thanking him, you slide into the seat, mentally preparing yourself for the task at hand. You’ve already decided your plan of action, but you’re not quite sure if you’ll be able to stick with it. In fact, the closer you get to the castle, the less confident you feel. Really, the last thing you want is to head straight to the Lord’s room again, given the context of your dream. What if that figure is waiting for you?

You shake your head. No, that can’t be the case. Dreams are just that: dreams. There’s no deeper meaning behind them, is there?

“Is everything okay?” Jongin’s voice manages to pull you out of your thoughts. “You look a bit…” he searches for the right word, “worried.”

“I’ll be fine after tonight,” you reply, leaving the conversation at that.

If only you knew how true your words had been at this time.

The car ride takes longer than you would have thought it would, given the somewhat direct path up the mountain to the castle. Though, you suppose the amount of turns have something to do with the length of the journey. At least when you walked you could go straight up through the woods.

As soon as you can, you’re hopping out of the car, slamming the door shut behind you.

“If you need anything, don’t hesitate to call,” Jongin tells you, leaning towards the now open passenger window. You nod. “Are you sure you’re going to be okay?”

You nod once more, doing your best to hide the small furrow that wants to tug at your brows at how eager Jongin sounds to you. Almost as if he’s been anticipating this moment for quite some time now.

Without another word, he drives off.

The ominous feeling of the castle looms behind you, casting a shadow over your figure in the light of the now setting sun. Turning slowly, you take in the grandeur of Castle Etresque once more, quite possibly for the final time. Taking a deep breath, you approach the doors.

Sliding the key into the lock, you hear that familiar click before pushing the door open. Never before has the castle felt this ominous to you. In the back of your mind, you begin to wonder if that’s just your paranoia playing up again in the light of the setting sun.

Stepping into the castle, you hesitate. A split second decision has you continuing straight through to the back of the castle. Looks like you’re not sticking to your plan after all. Besides, you still haven’t explored the gardens, and you want to see them in whatever light you can when the sun is still illuminating the sky.

Making your way back outside, you take in the scenery that is the gardens. Old vines wrap around crumbled archways, some even climbing up the side of the castle. You can tell no one has tended to these gardens in years, for most of the plants are either dead, or have been growing wildly, forging their own paths through the grounds over time.

Slowly, silently, you step onto the grass, gliding through what little of a path that you can see. Some of the hedges reach heights above your head, and you find a few small statues around some of them. One even leads to a fountain, or what you assume to be a fountain.

Nothing surprises you the most though, unlike the perfectly trimmed rose bush you find tucked away in the furthest corner of the garden. The blood red petals seemingly taunt you as you gently brush your fingers along them and down their stem.

Inhaling sharply, you recoil your hand, pricked by one of the rose’s thorns.

Wiping off the small amount of blood that swells on your finger, you decide to head back inside the castle. The sun is setting much quicker than you anticipated, and you don’t want to be stuck outside after dark. Who knows what could be lurking in the shadows.

Closing the door behind you, you pull out one of your flashlights. Turning the light on, you begin to make your way back to the front entrance and up the stairs. Time to check out the music room once more.

Halfway up the stairs, you halt in your tracks. The closer you get to the top of the landing, the louder the sound of a piano playing softly in the distance becomes. There’s only one room in this whole castle that you know to have a piano in it, and it’s exactly where you are heading to next. Looks like you’ll have to make another detour.

The moment you reach the top of the stairs, you’re making a beeline for the library. Perhaps there’s something you overlooked while you were there yesterday, and besides, your imagination is providing you with that veiled figure being the one playing the piano, and you do not want to walk in on that. Especially if it has that weird magnetic power that it does in your dreams.

You shake your head. What are you even thinking? There’s no way a figure form your dreams could be real. Your paranoia sure is acting up.

Entering into the library once more, you do another quick sweep of the first floor before making your way back to the desk on the second. Only, when you get there, you notice that the desk looks practically untouched, as if someone has cleaned up after you had left yesterday. The chair is once more tucked into the desk, papers stacked neatly onto it while the locked drawer you had left open in your rush to leave appears to have been closed and relocked.

Something is definitely going on here.

Swallowing the sudden dryness in your throat, you decide to move back out into the hallway. The only sound that greets you is your heartbeat ringing in your ears, and you nearly jump at the way your footsteps begin to echo against the walls of the castle.

Again, the piano’s soft melody begins, causing you to freeze in your tracks. You hold your breath, feeling your heart pounding against your ribcage as you turn the flashlight off.

Using the light of the now risen moon to guide you, you slowly, quietly, make your way over to the music room. The piano reaches a crescendo as you reach for the doorknob, suddenly ceasing as the door creaks open.

All you are met with is an empty room, and your paranoia skyrockets. Someone must have just been playing the piano. Someone had to have been; you weren’t imagining something like that.

Taking a moment to attempt to steady your breathing, you enter the room, sweeping the flashlight around and illuminating every corner with the beam you have now turned back on. All you are met with is more emptiness, not a single being in sight.

Walking over to the piano, you place a hand onto the bench. Your eyes widen as you realize the significance of what you feel. It’s still warm.

You weren’t imagining things. Someone was just playing this piano. Only, who? And, why? Where could they have gone in two seconds flat?

You’re head spins, and you do not like the conclusions you come to as the images of the journal’s pages flash through your mind. Looks like more pieces of the puzzle are snapping into place, and so far, you do not like the picture they present.

Shifting your gaze around the room once more, you eyes land on the windowsill. A lone flower rests on the ledge, but not just any flower. A single red rose lays along the windowsill, and you find yourself backing away slowly. You know for sure someone is playing tricks on you now.

The sooner you can get out of the castle, the better. If only your curiosity still didn’t get the better of you. If only you didn’t feel drawn to look upstairs once more. You just have to check the Lord’s room one more time before you go, just to confirm that what you saw in your dream isn’t real. It shouldn’t be. It can’t be.

No longer caring if you’re being watched, you make your way back up to Lord Taemin’s room for the final time. When you push open the intricate door, you half expect someone to already be waiting on the other side, but instead you are met with darkness. Shining your flashlight around the room, you note the emptiness once more and breathe a sigh of relief.

Ever so carefully, you walk over to the mantlepiece, eyes darting this way and that, half expecting that veiled figure to pop out at you from behind a wall at any moment. Just as in your dream, you imitate what you saw the figure do, sliding your hand beneath the stone mantel until you feel a small latch. As soon as you flick it, a small click is heard and a secret door is opening into another room.

The first thing you notice about this new room is the smell. Charred wood meets your senses as you see ash littering the ground, as if a great fire had once been contained inside of it. You swallow thickly, recalling the castle’s logs.

Moving slowly, you enter the new room, ducking your head so that you don’t hit yourself on the way in. Once you’ve righted yourself, a gasp escapes your lips.

The surrounding walls are covered in scorch marks, blackened by soot and ash. All, except for one, which houses a large portrait, seemingly slashed across the face of one of the two people depicted within it. Below the portrait rests a small table, obviously having been brought inside the room after the fire had taken place. On it, rests two crowns placed upon a grey veil of sorts, folded beneath them and acting as a cushion. One, you recognize from your dreams, worn by the veiled figure in each one. The other, the twin to the one beside it.

Your whole body begins to tremble, your mind urging you to run and never look back as the feeling of being watched creeps up your spine. Only, you find yourself moving towards the painting instead.

As you get closer, you find yourself examining the man in the painting, who can be no other than Lord Taemin himself. He stands proudly beside whom you assume is his lover, smile on his youthful face as he clasps her hands in his. If only you could make out her face.

You take another step closer, reaching forwards before you can stop yourself to push the slit canvas together back over the lover’s face. You nearly fall over, your breath hitching as you see your own face staring back at you from the canvas.

This cannot be possible. It shouldn’t be possible.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” A voice from behind you has you whirling around, your eyes going wide as you take in Lord Taemin standing before you, appearing as youthful as he is in the painting. Only, his hair now reaches down to his shoulders. “I regret the day I ruined that beautiful face.”

Your breath hitches in your throat, “Taemin.”

You watch as he closes his eyes, a shiver of pleasure seemingly running down his spine as he takes a deep breath. “You don’t know how long I’ve waited to hear my name fall from your lips once more.”

You can do nothing but watch as he approaches you, your feet glued to your spot in fear. Once he’s standing in front of you, he lifts his hand, gently tracing the side of your face with the tips of his fingers. The caress sends a shiver down your spine as he gazes into your eyes with the fondest look you’ve ever seen anyone give you.

“My love,” his voice is but a whisper, “you’ve returned.”

A moment of silence passes between the two of you.

“It’s you,” you breathe, much to his content.

“Me,” he mirrors with a soft smile gracing his lips, eyes searching your face and committing every detail to memory once more.

“You’re the man from my dreams,”

“I believe the kids are calling it ‘the man of my dreams’ nowadays,” he grins, and you push him away.

Immediately, his expression drops.

“No,” you step away from him, as your whole body begins to shake in terror once more. “You’re the one who’s been haunting my dreams.”

“Haunting is such a strong word, My Love.” You hear him click his tongue. “I told Kai not to start spreading ghost stories again.”

“Kai?” You shoot him an incredulous look as he begins pacing back and forth in front of you.

“I suppose he doesn’t go by that name anymore,” he mumbles more to himself than anything before turning his full attention back on you. “I believe he goes by Jongin, now.”

“The mayor?” Your head is spinning.

“Getting him that job wasn’t easy, but I suppose it’s payed off, now, hasn’t it?” The corner of his lips quirk upwards. “I have you with me once more.”

“He’s been helping you this whole time, hasn’t he?” You frown, your heart racing in your chest at what this means.

“Yes. He’s been indebted to me for centuries,” Taemin replies, somewhat nonchalantly until his expression is hardening. “He’s the reason I lost you in the first place.”

“I thought you killed-“

Something flashes behind his eyes which makes you stop yourself from completing that sentence. “It was his fault.”

You swallow, your shaking finally stopping momentarily so you can remain perfectly still. You feel as if you are prey stuck beneath a predator’s gaze.

“How are you even here right now?” Your gaze travels over him, and you notice he’s wearing surprisingly modern clothes for a supposedly dead Lord of over a few centuries. Unfortunately for you, it looks as if he takes it as you checking him out, smirk only falling when he hears your next words. “You should be dead.”

“You still haven’t figured it out yet?” He voices his disbelief. “Come on, I know you’re smarter than that.” He sees you grimace, and that smirk is right back on his features. “Oh, but you have.”

“It’s impossible,” you whisper.

“Nothing is impossible, My Love.” Again, he takes a step towards you, closing the distance between your bodies once more. At your hesitation, he continues, “go on. Say it. You know what I am.”

The pages of his journal flash within your mind once more. “You’re vampires.”

“That’s my girl,” he’s in front of you now, his arm wrapping itself around your waist and pulling you into his chest, his face buried into the side of your neck. You stiffen as you hear him take a deep breath, a shiver running down his spine as he does so. “You have no idea what you do to me, do you? How long I’ve waited to be able to see you again? To touch you?” He tightens his hold around your waist. “I’ve missed you so much.”

Tentatively, you place a hand on his chest, pushing him away for the time being. Luckily, he obliges. For now.

“I want answers,” your voice is firm, and you hear him sigh.

“Always so demanding,” he teases. “It’s one of the many things I love about you.” At your look, he takes a reluctant step back, increasing the distance between you in order for you to feel more comfortable. “Ask away.”

“You’ve been living in this castle for centuries,” you begin, looking at him expectantly.

“That is correct,” his eyes twinkle in amusement.

“No one knows you’re still alive except for Jongin, another vampire and your servant?” The last part of your sentence you raise in a question, and at his nod of approval, you continue, “he was responsible for your lover’s-“ at the look he sends you, you’re quick to correct yourself, “my death, and is indebted to you because of this fact.”

“Yes,” he nods once more. “Though, I would really prefer it if you stopped talking about other men when you’re with me for the time being. Especially him.”

“You both lured me here because…?” You quirk a brow, surprised at your own confidence for the moment.

“I thought I had made that clear,” he chuckles, and you immediately recognize it as the sound that has been following you around the castle as you have been exploring it the past few days. “In the simplest of term, you are the reincarnation of her,” he motions behind you to the painting hanging on the wall with his head, “finally returned to me after all these long years. I had to get you to come home somehow.”

“And invading my dreams as a sketchy, shadowy, veiled figure was the best thing you could think of?” You shoot him a look.

“I was still in mourning; I had to be sure it was you before I revealed myself,” he explains. “Then it just became amusing to me to keep returning to you like that. I knew you had a curious nature by heart, so I knew it was only a matter of time before you discovered who I was.”

“I couldn’t sleep for weeks because of you,” you narrow your eyes and he chuckles.

“Look at us, already having our first lover’s quarrel after years of being apart,” he coos, his eyes shining in the moonlight that continues to stream through the window.

“Is this a game to you?” You cross your arms.

“Of course not,” immediately, his expression is turning serious. “I have waited centuries to have you back in my life. You have no idea the amount of planning that went into this.”

“I can assume,” you reply bluntly, and he frowns. “The disappearances then, and the bodies that were never found?”

“I need to feed on something,” he shrugs, moving to lean on the table while crossing his arms in front of his chest. “Better to get rid of the evidence lest I want hunters showing up at my door again.”

Your heart jumps into your throat, “and preying on unsuspecting humans is your idea of what? Take-out?”

“It’s not my fault they were dumb enough to trespass on my property,” he counters, his own eyes narrowing slightly at the way you continue to look at him with fear in your eyes. “Do not worry, My Love, I would never dare to hurt you.”

“What about Kibum?”

“Whom?” He frowns.

“Kim Kibum,” you repeat. “The one you let escape.”

“I thought I told you I would prefer not to have you talk about other men when you’re with me right now,” he sighs.

“Answer the question,” you push, and he meets your gaze once more.

“I had to entice you to the castle somehow,” he says. “A little bit of compulsion never hurt anybody.”

“You compelled him?” Your stomach drops.

“Only to help persuade you into returning home,” he sighs once more. “And I thought I told you I would never hurt you.”

“But would you lie to me?” Your words surprise even you, and you see a spark light behind his eyes, as if a memory has been awakened within him

“Only if you want me to,” he breathes, his arms falling to his sides.

You swallow the sudden dryness in your throat, eyes darting to the only entrance in and out of the room. The urge to flee is becoming stronger with each passing moment. You have no idea what Taemin is capable of, but the lengths to which he is willing to go to scare you seemingly know no end. Your exploration of the castle is proof enough.

Without realizing, you start to subconsciously move towards the exit. However, before you can move more than two feet, Taemin is in front of you in the blink of an eye.

“Where do you think you’re going?” His voice is stern, commanding.

You, finding courage you didn’t know you had at the moment, brush past him and exit the hidden room. “This is a lot for me to take in, so excuse me if I’m a little caught off guard.”

“I would imagine so,” he follows you, and you can only assume you have his trust for the moment. “Worry not, My Love. I am here.”

Another moment of silence passes between the two of you as your mind races.

“I found your journals,” you blurt, not being able to stand the quiet tension building in the room as he continues to stare at you.

“I know,” he grins. “I let you find them; I wanted you to.”

“That room,” you motion behind him to the room you both have just come from. “You burnt all of her-“ he sends you that look again that has you quickly correcting yourself, “of my possessions.”

“I have regretted it every day since,” he admits. “The only thing I had left of you was that painting, and sadly, as you can see, I destroyed it as well.”

“Then the girl you referenced in your most recent journal entry was me,” you state, and you see amusement shine in his eyes.

“Are you asking or speaking your thoughts aloud, now?” He chuckles, and now it’s your turn to shoot him a look. He raises his hands in front of him in defence, silently telling you to take all the time you need to process all of this information.

The puzzle has finally been complete, and you most certainly do not like the picture. Your blood runs cold.

“Did you enjoy stalking me through your castle this whole time?” You narrow your eyes at him, taking in where you are in relation to where he is in the room. If you can just make it to the stairs…

“Stalking is such a heavy term,” he sighs, shaking his head slightly. “If you really must know, I did enjoy watching you rediscover our home.”

“Our home?” You brow furrows, eyes darting briefly to the open doorway off to your right.

“My Love, I thought I told you,” his sickly sweet smile turns into an expression that has your breath hitching in your throat at the dark look that takes over his features as he appears directly in front of you, closing off any chance of an escape that you had been planning, “Now that you’ve returned, I’m never letting you go again.”

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