Yanfreak - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

Have you ever heard of lost puppy syndrom?

Just image leaving your poor yandere partner alone at home while you go on about your day. You go out in the world working, studying, spending time with friends. While they sit in their dark little rooms missing you, craving for your touch, your love or at least your presence. They look around their rooms hoping that you would come in and free them from their miserable life. They check their phone reading old chats while hoping for new messages. If your yandere is a firm believer in whatever religion, don’t be suprised to find them praying for your love. But the puppy in the syndrom is there for a reason, so please darling dont get angry when you see them humping your pillow, they just wanna be near you. Have mercy, your their owner just let them be by your side.


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