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Treasure Reacting to Their S/O Speaking in Their Native Language
pairing: boyfriend!Treasure x reader
genre: mostly fluff, maybe a suggestion of angst
warnings: mention of slight fighting but like not really
word count: 346
summary: hanging out with bf!Treasure when you get a phone call from your parents and start arguing with them in your native language
requested! I hope you like it :) sorry it’s a bit short school has been crazy lately
part 2! maknae line! hyung line linked below
Realizes you’re speaking a different language and smiles to himself because he forgot you could do that and he thinks thats cool ( as someone who also speaks more than one )
When you’re done with the call you forget to switch back and start talking to him in your native language so he starts responding to you in Japanese until you both start laughing

Gives you a thumbs up and big smile when you glance over at him during your call
Compliments how fast you were speaking
Asks if you can start teaching him your language because it sounded awesome and he wants to be able to use it with you (and other teume!)

When he hears your stressed/angry conversation he immediately comes over and just lays on top of you (like in my cuddling positions post lol) to make you laugh or try to calm you down
Takes him a second to notice the language he doesn’t understand
Just looking up at you the whole time in pleasant surprise
“Can you yell at me like that when you’re mad at me? It sounds cooler”

Tells you he thought you were a different person for a second
Offers to teach you Japanese if you teach him your language so you can talk in a mix of it and have your own secret language
Wants to mix some cool words into his raps

would look at you with wide eyes until you ended the call and smiled at him meaning everything was okay
Would kinda laugh at you and be like what did you even just say
Made a list in his notes app of the things you said that he wanted translated and the way he tried to spell the words is so funny

Tells you he was scared of you while laughing but kinda means it
You buy him ice cream so he remembers you’re nice and that you like him
You start singing a song in your native language so he hears the not angry yelling aspect

i am very reluctantly watching yg treasure box fuck this i have so much to say and so much to stab at but i just have to say first and foremost i love my children