Yellowguy - Tumblr Posts
u guys are looking stylish!!love ur jacket red guy

Magic anon : slip a pack of batteries into yellows bag

Sketch: We'll give it to him when we have a chance.
When you meet a businessman-

Yellow: I think the sky stopped dripping.
the trip will be dangerous and long, and yellow does not seem to be so convinced of this, do you have any method to calm him down?

Red: But only when he starts it. Though, now the day won't start over.. hopefully. So I .. Don't really know how to make him feel better, or Duck- or me.
Hey red and yellow did you know that ducks ancestors might have been paddling in ponds since the cretaceous era
Also here are some books about prehistoric fauna to read during the drive to your new home
And a pumpkin for some reason

Duck: inaccurate!! If it was true we would've been learning this from those things!!
Red: Thanks for the free stuff I guess.
Where are shrignold?, Hes is my favorite

Shrignold: Since I'm your favorite, would you ever consider joining my wonderful love group?
waitwait wait are you blowing the house up??


Occ// idk how to draw fire, sorry. Also I lost the ask but I had the question copied and pasted on a doc, so that's why It looks artificial lol.
yellow, what about your dad bud? how are you gonna keep in contact if you leave?

//occ. So sorry for not posting yesterday! I was working on this. They'll answer asks sooner in 2 posts after this one, I just need to get some story in lol. Thank you for being patient!!
I’m surprised your plan went off without a hitch, I’d thought some force would try to interfere or spy on you. Anyways, congratulations on the freedom!

Roy: I live.
🎃 !Happy Halloween! 🎃

💀🎃🦴: : sorry I'm a day late! I was trick or treating. And happy spooky month!, Again. The ask blog will start back up in about a week from now. Have a good day, night, or morning!!
You’re looking none the worse for wear, Roy…still have that machine to mess with the trio’s lives, huh? Is anyone else there with you, wherever you are? And what are you drinking?

Wow, how do you guys forget a whole other person living under your roof?! Were you not aware that Roy has been in your walls, watching you three for quite some time now?

Yellow: I know that because I hear his breathing when he tucks me into bed! At least.. I think that's who's tucking me in.
Yellow: and he can't live in the walls silly! Haha.. only the others do.
Yellow’s trying to get his dad back! He was in that house, wasn’t he? Anyways, do you two have any ideas? One of you should comfort Yellow and prevent him from doing anything reckless…and you can put out fires if you have enough water or can deprive them of oxygen. But that house does have some odd features.

Duck guy: oh, and we're right here.
Ooc// I'm sorry if it looks wonky, but they're running towards yellow lmao
Uhhhh you do realize there WAS other people in that house right , now they burned alive

//occ - decided to leave on this for tonight, see ya fellas, and thank you all for the support!!

Red: he'll be ok, I think.
Wait, Roy?! What the heck is going on?! You must have known they were planning this by your spying on them…what are you going to do to them now?! You better not hurt them, I swear!!!

To help comfort Yellow, I think the most important part is communication. Let him express what makes him upset and let him know you're there for him !

Red: you're one cheeky guy. But we don't really do that around here.
Dear Roy, are you single and/or willing to mingle?/hj of course.
I am so sorry ANYWAYS that machine whatchamacallit does a lot-- Just how much does it control ? How does it still do stuff when they aren't even in the house anymore? This's a lot lmao sorry

sorry if I'm rambling too much. - Roy