Yes Context - Tumblr Posts
"Any man who must say I am the king is no true king." "I was born to rule the seven kingdoms. I will take what is mine." "I give you a choice, join me or die." "I will fight for the North when you bend the knee." Your girl has a big fall coming and I'm here living for it.
And here you are again!
Does context mean nothing to you people? You’re so used to reading and watching everything but what is right infront of you, you’ve actually convinced yourself she’s the big bad villian. !Newsflash! They all fall if she’s falls. Sansa, Jon, the entire North gone without her. I don’t know how long we have to beat this dead horse till you get it. She earned their loyalty she didn’t conquer them and she’s not going to conquer them. I guess this is news to no one but you and those who think like you and will hate her no matter what she does but what else is new in the world of antis. Do you guys like “hate” watch the show? You must because my girl is a big damn hero.