' Yes I Am Saving Your Life. No I Do Not Like You Shut Up. ' - Tumblr Posts
IZZY HAS NEVER BEEN THE GODLY SORT, no matter how intensely his father had tried to instill the faith upon him in his youth. & yet when he hauls lucius’ unconscious form out of the waves, he considers voicing a prayer to any deity that might be listening that the boy is still alive. he’d been floating for a few hours ; it was already something of a miracle that the sharks didn’t have him for their supper, that he didn’t drift farther from the ship than he did, that izzy was able to find him in the dim light of a slowly approaching sunrise. & it seems that someone had afforded him one more. because before he can utter a word to anyone, lucius is awake, eyes going suddenly wide & terror-stricken.
❝ i’s all right. you’re all right, now, ❞ he says, flinching when the boy clings to him & shifts some weight to his freshly bandaged foot. his tone is rough & uncertain, his voice not used to offering comfort. ❝ don’'t make me regret it. ❞ why izzy had come for the scribe — infuriating as he had been — even he cannot say. he had felled countless men on blackbeard’s orders, never once hesitated to end a life if it meant protecting edward. but this felt different ; lucius was no threat to anyone. he had simply been too close to ed when he’d snapped. in the wrong place at the wrong time. & as izzy helps the half-drowned man steady himself, he recognizes the familiar sensation of guilt, heavy in his gut.
it was his fault — so the least izzy could do was save his life.
❝ don’t worry about the others right now. ❞ before he had finally fallen asleep clutching his empty bottle, edward had mentioned a plan to leave any who would not be useful to them on a spit of sand somewhere, but izzy knew better than to say as much to lucius. was cooking in the sun preferable to drowning in the sea ? izzy didn't know which was a kinder fate. ❝ we need to get back to the ship & you need to find a place to hide before the captain wakes up. ❞
voice hoarse and spent, he doesn't have the energy to shout anymore, so he just clings to the piece of wood beneath him like a lifeline. it's safe to say lucius is nearly terrified out of his mind: he is alone and surrounded by open water, again. it's pitch black, again. and who the hell knows, there might be sharks lurking nearby. oh, great! now he is even more terrified. ' please — guys? anyone? ' his scream is met with silence once again and lucius chokes on a sob, letting his head fall weakly against the wood. the storm has been bad enough and now he is stranded, stuck in one of his nightmares — has been for what seems like forever, when it couldn't actually have been more than a few hours.
water ripples around him, jerking lucius awake. and he nearly lets out another scream when he sees a shadow looming over him. he scrambles for some excuse to spill out, in case it's the navy, but he doesn't need to. he half collapses against @musecraft 's smaller, but much steadier frame and breathes out the first relieved breath of the night, right against his shoulder. ( found )

' thank god, i thought i was going to die. ' shivers wreck through his body now, making it harder for him to speak, but that doesn't deter him from cracking a weak smile. ' aw izzy, didn't know you — you cared. ' a bit lame, he knows, but he thinks a near death experience should grant him some leniency. jokes aside, they have come quite far from their less than amicable start.. so, did izzy actually worry about him? he has certainly found him first, at any rate. reason, however, makes it back into his brain at last and lucius gathers himself upright. ' wait. what about the others? are they okay? '