Yokai Watch Fanart - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago
I Am Sorry For Making You Look At Him

i am sorry for making you look at him

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1 year ago
Emosper Te Hace Tener Depresin Y Baja Autoestima

Emosper te hace tener depresión y baja autoestima

Emonyan te hace vestir bien darks y verte genial

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8 months ago

can you please draw waitington and reuben from lilo and stitch

Can You Please Draw Waitington And Reuben From Lilo And Stitch


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7 months ago

Plz can you draw normal whisper with Two Tpot (this green mf) (and it's okay if you don't wanna :])

Plz Can You Draw Normal Whisper With Two Tpot (this Green Mf) (and It's Okay If You Don't Wanna :])
Plz Can You Draw Normal Whisper With Two Tpot (this Green Mf) (and It's Okay If You Don't Wanna :])
Plz Can You Draw Normal Whisper With Two Tpot (this Green Mf) (and It's Okay If You Don't Wanna :])

The truth is I don't know anything about that series but my best attempt x3

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10 months ago
Here We Have Another (kinda) Familiar Face, Minister Squisker! I Created This Design For Him Years Ago
Here We Have Another (kinda) Familiar Face, Minister Squisker! I Created This Design For Him Years Ago
Here We Have Another (kinda) Familiar Face, Minister Squisker! I Created This Design For Him Years Ago

Here we have another (kinda) familiar face, Minister Squisker! I created this design for him years ago since Level5 has only ever shown off him as a redesign of Mckrakens monster form, and that never felt right to me, so I decided to give him an actual design :3 as well as a size chart. Now for a bit about him ->

Minister Squisker; as his name suggests, is a very important yokai in the royal court, he was also very close friends with the late Ancient Lord Enma, as well as his family being close with the Enma tribe in general. Squisker is a rather stern and rough sounding yokai but only ever is hard on others to try and bring the best out of them ( Mckraken being a good example), this has given him a reputation with outsiders as seemingly being a bit of a hard ass. Squisker has always been very supportive of his younger sister; Marina, especially when she decided to marry a yokai not of high society, he only cares for her and his extended families happiness.

Squisker does enjoy some down time surprisingly to most, when not hard at work he enjoys taking strolls around the palace, hanging out with either Ancient Enma ( usually involving drinks ) or being with Marina, Octavious and young Mckraken at their humble farmhouse a few town away. Squisker; while being a very supposedly open yokai, hates humans with a burning passion, no one, not even Marina or Ancient Enma, knows why the large squid has such a hatred for humans. The only soul who knows the reasoning is Squisker himself, which he had long forgotten until he was reminded one fateful night, one that he wishes he could forget.

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5 months ago
I Had An Idea Last Year Of Making A Vampire Version Of My Human Whisper And Decided To Re VAMP Him Ehehehe

I had an idea last year of making a vampire version of my human whisper and decided to re VAMP him ehehehe

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