Yoongi And Jin - Tumblr Posts
ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE / Yoongi & Jin imagine (ft.others) PT1
Summery: As routine goes by, Yoongi and you were in dispute which leads to break up! Although Earth has another plans and very few hours later you guys got to know that Zombies has taken the world!
“I said, I don’t care, Y/N! What do I need to say so you can understand?” Yoongi rising his voice yelled, swimming his arms around!
“Only if you would have listened to me, then you would understand! All I need is for you to stop go in that damn studio like 24/7 and give time for me too!” You yelled back crossing your arms and Yoongi growled which made you roll your eyes!
“If I want to stay in my studio, I will stay! If you are bored without me then I don’t know tell your best friend Jungkook to Jin to come! Do you really need my permission??” He yelled back and this time you didn’t even care!
“Fine!! I will! Unlike you, he is actually interesting! Why did I even get to date with you when I have friends who actually wants to spend time with me!” You yelled and was about to go but Yoongi still didn’t want to give up!
“Oh yeah? So you are questioning our dating life?? Guess what, I’m interesting but you haven’t noticed it!” He yelled watching your back, how you went to pick your phone!
“And I wonder why I haven’t noticed it! Now if you excuse me, as you said, I’ll need to call my bestie! See you never!” You said and went out of the studio!
So, guess you understand! You were just fighting with your so-called boyfriend! Only what you asked to him to come home because lately he have been overworking himself in that place! At this point you didn’t even care about him since what he is doing is picking fights with you! As much as hard you try to stay soft with your boyfriend, he just takes his place over and the day is gone!
But how you started dating? Back then, of course, he still was into that studio, it was like his home! You were just ordinary BIG HIT stuff, you mostly set directions in almost all of their videos, sometimes even help with picking outfits if they need your creativeness opinion!
He found interest in you, so he accidentally confessed to you, at that time you were dreaming in cloud-9! He promised to you to do the best for you since you were his princess, he kept his promise, he called you every day, worrying if you were all right or just called because he needed some advice or just some random talks! He hugged you and kissed you whenever he got a chance and you loved him dearly! He protected you whenever you were in danger from everything and anything! He was just the best boyfriend who could you ask for but things changed!
Now he is back in old self! The tour what was few months ago made him be back into studio! Of course at first he tried to get rid of his daily routine of being studio 24/7 and be with his girlfriend, but minds didn’t listen! So now he is in state where he is at, and now it leads to break up!
Now you were with Jin!
“I don’t understand! Doesn’t he gets boring there like 24/7?” You said and Jin shrugged his shoulders sipping tea and watching anime what was on tv!
“Yoongi finds it interesting! Couldn’t blame you for break up! Are you even okay with it?” He said and you questioned yourself once again! Like you should be sorry for him or sad, but why didn’t you feel like it? You felt like finally free from all this so you sighed!
“I don’t know… I just been waited for it! I have enough cried for him and he doesn’t care so now I don’t care!” You said sipping tea and Jin chuckled!
“You are one strong woman, Y/N!” You smiled at Jin’s compliment, but not for so long when TV switched from anime to news!
“Here Mia from news! The Seoul city is taken over by Zombies which is true! They with each every second become more! What is important do not panic and be ready to take all your weapons what you have if you wanna stay alive!” The reporter said and ended the news! You could see Zombies coming to her at the background so she tried to speak fast enough to inform others!
Jin and you were shocked! “And there was me finally being free!” You said don’t believing that it’s actually happening!
“We should get and find something to protect ourselves! And also inform others!” Jin said and you quickly agree!
While Jin was finding some weapons what he could find in that house, you were calling the group chat between the guys and Jimin’s girlfriend!
“Guys… Did you heard the news?” You said and all shook the heads immediately! They heard! But what you noticed is that Yoongi weren’t in the group chat along with them!
“Where is Yoongs?” You said pointing out that he isn’t in group chat!
“Oh, he just came out of studio as he just heard the news! He now finding the weapons! There is honestly big chaos in building! Some stuffs are freaking out and some stuffs actually know what to do!” Jungkook yelled so everyone can hear him since at the background where hearing noises!
“Y/N, I found some!” Jin yelled as he came into living room where you were standing!
“Nice, what did you found?” You asked turning to him with your phone in hands!
“Some knifes from kitchen, dunno if they will help somehow-“ Jin said pointing to weapons and some giving to you!
“As long as it’s sharp and with so many angles not weak, it’s ok!” Namjoon interrupted in phone call and you agreed!
You kind of started to worry about Yoongi! You knew he was strong, but the fact that last htings what came from both of you were angry speeches which you didn’t mean, idk about Yoongi though!
“Okay, so let’s try to meet at our building! Since Jungkook and Yoongi already are there, they will let us know if there coming Zombies or not, although there is code which at least makes Zombies stay out of way but the code will not be forever since they are huge!” Namjoon said and all agreed!
“Gosh, it’s messed up!” Hoseok said and you chuckled! “Let’s not die!” You said and all hummed!