You Can Always Learn Again Or Improve Drawing. - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

I understand that very well, having to rely on photos to draw (for references or patterns of a character or some accessory), is very annoying (T~T)''. I draw several times from my imagination but sometimes I need help from references (from time to time I need to draw hands…) but you can always learn new things in drawing (^-^) and your drawings are very good, really they are very beautiful. It's hard for me to draw animals but I try to do it well, unless it's about looking acceptable to my eyes lol.

PS: I'm sorry, English is not my native language, I apologize in advance if you have a spelling mistake or something like that 😅

this is gonna sound so weird but idk how to draw anymore xD

like i HAVE to use a photo ref or smth now otherwise it doesnt come out good :/ and ik what ppl will say "its good to use refs!"

....noooot when I used to be able draw rlly damn good without them its not lmao. like. you guys dont understand how painful it is to activily watch yourself go from being able to draw super awesomely thru your imagination without using now I can't draw a damn thing without basically copying photos.

i hate it. its why i dont draw anymore. i love artwork where i just imagine it and draw it and its awesome bc of feeling and emotion and shit. i hate art where its evident i just copied a photo.

but everytime i try to draw normally like i used to it comes out soooooo omfg like so bad. like i detoriated so much i legit dont know how to draw anymore. its so embarrassing and shameful as someone who loves art to watch oneself regress.

and idfk how to fix it... very upsetting.

I thought about doing an age regression thing where I "go back" to when I first started drawing more seriously at like age 12 and then working my way back up mental wise. its the only thing i could think of to do that might help for someone like me personally. my only issue is im embarrassed bc people who know me and my art history will see how bad my art is now compared to even just a couple yrs ago and might judge me or ask me why my arts not so good anymore :(

people are super fucking judgemental when it comes to artists....Ive seen other artists "detoriate" and they get mocked endlessly for it. ik I shouldnt care bc in the long run it would help me and I would improve again eventually, but like. idk.

i dont knoooooow.

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