Young Justice Review - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Thoughts on Zatanna’s Arc

Thoughts On Zatannas Arc

Not going to lie, Zatanna’s arc is my least favorite so far. The pacing feels slow and the character focus is disjointed. 

I wish Traci and Mary were cut out. They don’t add anything and they take away screen time from more important characters like Zatanna, Doctor Fate, Klarion, and Child. Khalid is the most interesting but mostly because I did some research on who he is in the comics. 

I’m close to wanting Phantom Stranger and Jason Blood/Etrigan, though they could work as smaller note characters. 

Zatanna, Doctor Fate, Klarion, Child, and Vandal should be the core cast of this arc. 

I’m going to be optimistic and hope that this arc will have a great or even good ending, yet my hope is slowly dwindling with each episode coming out. 

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