You're So Wrong - Tumblr Posts

10 years ago

Lemme guess, another Chemtrail conspiracy theory post...

Alright I'm so fricken sick of this stupid chemtrail theory. Alright, I don't know everything there is to know about aircraft, so hang in there while i explain some shit.

First off, there's a pretty damn good chance this was photoshopped. Where the hell are these "nozzles"? Just holes in the wings? And where are the chemicals supposed to be kept? In the wings?? Alright lemme explain to you something. An airplane requires a shitton of fuel. Do you think those wings can hold not only the fuel, but also whatever chemicals there are? Also, the middle four streams could quite simply be contrails because the way a contrail works is that the engines release water vapor, which is invisible, that then condenses once it mixes with the cold air. This process is fast, but it is NOT instantaneous. There is a gap between the engine and the contrail. Now, wait, there's six contrails and only four engines... Exactly. Terrorists or whoever would be releasing chemicals into the air, are very very smart. A giant conspiracy like chemtrails would have to be so detailed and so well executed in order to succeed. What kind of fool would make such a horrible mistake so as to have six trails. That's why I believe this image is photoshopped.  Now lets talk about the whole concept of the chemtrail theory. What chemicals could be sprayed into the air? The reason that contrails exist is because of the condensation of water vapor. What chemicals could possible condense so as to look exactly like clouds under the same conditions that water condenses under? And , if the chemicals did not act EXACTLY like water, then wouldn't they dissipate faster than normal contrails instead of slower? The whole theory is based around the "fact" that contrails dissipate relatively quickly, but what is that based on? Contrails are literally just clouds that form in the shape of a line due to the movement of the water from the plane's engine. Why would they possibly dissipate so quickly? Due to cohesion, water molecules will stay closed together rather than drift apart.  Lastly, how exactly would these chemicals being released into the air be able to harm people? Contrails only occur at very high altitudes, and so they would be very high up and in such a small concentration, it would be pretty much impossible for them to cause any damage to anything...

bexistentialist - i am experiencing symptoms and behaviors every day

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