Yugioh Zine - Tumblr Posts
My friend is in this check it out!

We are happy to finally release the official Contributor’s page! Here you will find each artist who will be featured in the zine as well as an example of their artwork! Look out for preorders opening in the upcoming weeks!
Hey! That's me! That's my art!

Today's Sideline Stars contributor spotlight goes to . . . Bored Bunnii!
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4 days until pre-orders for Sideline Stars open!
Here's a question for you: What's one of your most favorite YGO episodes of all time?
(Character art by @garuye)

Hey! This is my preview for @ygosszine ! I really love Nelson and I really love this piece! I hope you guys check this zine! Very proud of my piece and the other contributors pieces
Check this out!

Sideline☆Stars cover reveal!
Our lovely art mod @ayabit created this amazing cover for our project, so look at all that detail! Side characters everywhere, and more!
Come check us out! Our pre-orders are open from May 20th to June 30th! Our full bundle (zine+merch+PDF) is only $45, and the first 30 customers to order them gets a free exclusive sticker!
What more, we have to stretch goals for all physical bundles! One at 50 and one at 100! Come get your copy today! [Links found below.]
✨ Get your copy today!: https://ygosszine.bigcartel.com/
✨Join our exclusive, interact PDF-only zine! More details here!

Can't believe I just noticed this but I never posted the full image of this piece I did for a zine. Whoops 😅🫣 Welp. Here it is. It was for @ygosszine Mainly focusing on sweet boi Nelson!
That's me!!! :3

Here’s one of our phenomenal merch artists, @firbetmakes !!
Yes it’s finally ready!!!!
As always ygo zines are so much fun, and come out so awesome!!!!!

Pre-orders for Yu-Gi-Oh! Cookbook Zine are now open!!
From today until April 20th, don’t miss your chance to snag this zine full of art, writing, and recipes for all the Yu-Gi-Oh! series!
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions!! Order here below:
Live in the UK? Order here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/YGOCookbookZine

@atozines @zinefeed @zinefans @fandomzines @zine-scene @zineforall @zinecenter

Preview of the digital wallpapers I illustrated for the second @ygocookbookzine! I'm so happy I could work on the zine again <3 it's on Preorder until >> April 20th << so make sure to pick one up!
All 5 wallpapers are formatted for desktop, tablet, and phone sizes. So they'll look adorable no matter what ☆⌒(≧▽° )
This idea snowballed alot but I can never resist a set of illustrations. All 5 of the Yu Boys and Bracelet Girls in reverse cafe outfits, with a fruit spin.