Zaizen Touko - Tumblr Posts

the girlzzzzz
wish we could have seen natsumi and rika in pretty dresses too, also touko since she already rocked the tux
love them all despite the visible struggle for inazuma writers to write women in non insulting ways

i looooooooove touko and rika
touko is a butch lesbian and rika is her femme girlfriend you won't change my mind

i drew aged-up inazuma girls :)
i don't hate GO but the way the OG girls were treated was okay at best, and very insulting at worst.
natsumi, who is canonically a workaholic, a born leader, an a self-made international detective (sort of), made into a housewife who doesn't know how to cook ? as a joke ? well bad joke and it ruined her and the relationship she has with endou, which is way more respectful than that. she could have been ANYTHING, but they had to take her power away and i will never forgive that
haruna as a raimon teacher (what is she teaching tho ? was it ever mentioned ?) is fine, and she had a sort of significant role but i still think she deserved better, so i headcannon her as a sport journalist bc my girl knows a thing or two about soccer
aki deserved much more in all seasons, OG or GO, it's really sad they reduced her to this maternal role in any context. if anything SHE could have been the raimon teacher rather than just tenma's babysitter waiting for ichinose (i do not like ichinose.). i liked her aesthetic tho, it suits her very well
touko appears in 1 frame in GO, but the games do observe that she's ''so much gentler than 10 years ago''. which means she got nerfed lmao so i drew her butch again
rika doesn't appear in GO, unsurprinsingly since she's always been hated by the fanbase. i really like her tho, and i hope she's well and true to herself in her brazen femininity :)
fuyuka as a nurse was a good choice in my opinion, it did add something to her character (which fair enough is easy to see when you're headcannoning the fuck out of her), like her desire to be useful to others and the fact that she's strong as fuck bc remember kids, nurses are strong as fuck and should be paid more
tl;dr : i loike gorls