Zhong Chenle Imagine - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

[2:00 pm]

“pay attention to meeee,” chenle sighed as he poked your arm for what felt like the millionth time.

you held in your laugh, eyes not straying away from the thick book you held in your hands.

huffing, your boyfriend squeezes himself under your arms—laying his head on your lap and allowing his eyes to peak up at you.

“hello there.” you finally gave in, giggles escaping your lips and he grins while letting out a dramatic ‘finally’ as you set down your book to give him the attention he had been craving all afternoon.

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3 years ago
This Is Quite Literally, Inspired By Pudding. Yes Um The Dessert A Teenage!chenle X Waitress!reader.

this is quite literally, inspired by pudding. yes um the dessert… a teenage!chenle x waitress!reader. in celebration for 45 followers !!! ily all:(

pudding — zcl.

in which his pudding seems to taste sweeter when you’re the one who’s serving it.

“are you ever going to stop coming here?” mark raises a brow at his younger friend. he didn’t even try to hide his grimace, watching as chenle lets out his loud laugh.

“of course.” grinning, chenle points at the small yellow-ish sweet sitting toward the front of the food display. mark huffs—murmuring a phrase that sounds awfully like “you’re gonna get diabetes at this rate dude.”, but chenle chooses to ignore it. the black haired boy wanders over to his usual seat, his hands going to pull out his phone from his pocket to snap a picture of the cafe as he always did.

you weren’t surprised when mark wanders into the room you were in, his face looking awfully grim, “chenle’s here for you again.” his quip made you laugh—the grim appearance was really just mark’s own way of teasing the two of you.

“you’re just bitter no one comes to see you.” smiling, you tighten your hair tie as you push the door open with your bottom, expertly carrying a tray to place the sweet onto it.

you recognize chenle before he even looks up from his phone, his cheeks ablaze as he quickly puts his phone away. “hey.”

“hi. one serving of pudding as usual?” your sweet smile awakens the butterflies in the boy’s stomach—the ringing of the charms of your bracelet welcomes him as you place the plate down on his table.

chenle’s little visits every week had started to become frequent ever since your cafe had introduced the yellow sweet that seems to have become his favorite the more he started to drop by. mark had just started working around the same time this happened—which also contributed to the younger boy’s visits, either alone or accompanied by one or more boys.

the first time chenle laid his eyes on you, might’ve been the most embarrassing and revolting memory the poor boy has up to date. he had just come from a tiring day of playing video games with jisung—losing a monstrous amount of times, his hair sticking up in different directions as he had just thrown on an old dirty sweater in an angry fit before storming out of him and his friends’ shared dorm, jisung’s loud laugh trailing behind him.

“jeez. rough day?” mark couldn’t hide his laugh as the bells above the cafe doors rang, welcoming the mess of a boy. chenle grumbles angrily in response, muttering a short “one order of pudding, please.”

he was just about to turn, hoping to snag a seat far from the entrance, sulking at the streak of losses he had experienced from that day. alas, to his luck, he runs straight into a slightly smaller figure—a blur of y/h/c colored hair startles him as he poorly attempts to catch the waitress before she falls onto the floor.

chenle, apparently, was shit at catching people.

to his (and mark’s) horror, they watch as you fall to the floor. the landing wasn’t that harsh, enough to force a yelp from your lips as a stinging pain rushes from your bottom. the tray you had in your hand clatters to the floor, the empty dishes coming along with it.

“oh my god! i’m so sorry!” chenle squeaks, rushing towards you to ensure you weren’t seriously hurt. he nearly stumbles back in surprise as he sees your face fully. you had a minimal amount of makeup on—not excessive to the point it looked like it had caked up on your face but it was simple enough to accent the natural beauty you very obviously had.

his eyes instinctively slip to the small tag sitting on your blouse, “y/n” he reads, and somehow you had become even more beautiful in his eyes. your name suited you perfectly.

“i’m sorry sir! i should’ve looked where i was going.” you were sheepish, a shy little thing as you scrambled to pick up the dishes from the floor—silently thanking the heavens that nothing had been broken. chenle stutters in his movements, but recovers to help you up. his hand stretches out to grasp your own, a pink tint engulfs his cheeks as your hand readily grips his.

“y-you don’t have to apologize! it was my fault… miss. what time does your shift end? let me treat you. a-as an apology!” the boy quickly adds his last remark, seeing mark sniggering behind the beautiful waitress had caused him to fall back into a flustered mess once more.

though you were hesitant, you couldn’t deny how cute this mystery boy had been, messy hair and stained sweater and all. so, you shyly admit that the new pudding had been your most recent obsession—and chenle agrees to buy both of you a serving once your shift ends.

admittedly, chenle had never tried pudding before that day. but sitting there with you, watching as the last of the cafe’s customers slowly filter out of the small store, the lights dim as mark had started to close up… he couldn’t deny how sweet the dessert tasted on his tongue.

you would exchange stories on your lives, chenle sharing about the fact that he was close friends with mark, the detail surprises you as mark yells something like “don’t be fooled, y/n! chenle is a little wench.” which causes chenle to shout curses at the older boy, a boyish grin settling on his lips as he pushes the sleeves of his sweater up on his arms.

so, now that it has been three weeks since that first encounter, chenle has ensured to look his best—or at least better than that day—whenever he’d drop by the cafe. the bright boy was no longer timid and shy around you, often smiling at you and initiating cheesy pick up lines whenever he could. it was hard not to be infatuated with the boy, especially when he loves to wink and grin at you from his usual table the entirety of your shift.

on the one occasion you were out, a different waitress comes to fill in for your shift, chenle can’t seem to finish the sweet dessert sitting in front of him.

“something wrong?” mark calls from behind the counter, the cafe’s lights were dimmed once more—though this did little to hide the small frown chenle had on his face.

the boy shakes his head, his spoon playing with the sweet as he watches it jiggle slightly from the force of his jabs. “something’s different…”

mark grins, knowing exactly what was running through the younger boy’s head.

“it’s y/n’s day off, you dingus. here,” mark scrambles towards his younger friend, his pen scratching at the small notebook that was tucked away in his pocket.

a small rip causes chenle to look up at mark, his hand outstretched towards him—a small piece of paper hanging from his fingertips. mark shoves it towards the boy when he hesitates to take it, “it’s y/n’s number. now stop sulking and ask her out!”

chenle’s cheeks burn as he stares at the piece of paper, his heart thrumming as he tries to wrack his brain for ideas on how to start up a conversation with you. he quickly thanks mark before pulling his phone from his pocket, fingers flying across the keyboard.

“hey. this is chenle, mark gave me your number btw! i was just wondering when your next day off is? :)”

chenle, much to his surprise, shakes ever so slightly as his heart thuds against his chest. he had always felt this nervous around you, the result being pick up lines spilling from his lips. but texting you meant he had time to think, to process what he would say, to—

“oh, hey! my next day off isn’t till soon. but i’m free tomorrow after work and my shift ends early. :D”

the poor boy bursts into flames, the butterflies fluttering like crazy in his stomach as he clutched his phone to his chest. you hadn’t even said anything that significant, but to him, knowing he was texting you was enough.

mark laughs, shaking his head at his friends’ antics. how cute.

believe it or not, this was inspired by the pudding i had earlier at dinner 😭 mark’s character is also loosely inspired by robin from stranger things! just for the first few parts of the au though hehe :p

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