Zinovi Asks - Tumblr Posts
Hey Boss! Do you have a reference sheet for MS!Mikey? I’d like to make some fanart with either my OC or my own Mikey.
Hope you’re doing well and keeping safe!

Have a picture of our Big Baby Girl, Dixie, as a little gift for you and for Mikey! ^.^
Hi hun! I do have some ref sheets but I do warn they are a bit patchy-

/\ I’ve got the sketches of Mikey while in the nexus (before rescue)
And I’ve got sketches of after w/ Mikey’s Hoodie and Prosthetics \/ (all scars and cracks from the nexus stay the same)

Also I have only seen Dixie this one times but if anything happened to her both Mikey and I would kill everyone in this room and then each other-
<3 hope you are doing well as keeping safe as well and don’t forget to drink some water after your coffee
Do you mind if I make fannart of your Lost and Found au? Bc the idea of a Kraang Mikey is taking over my brain rn /pos /nf
Pfft- Of course!! I love getting art of the AUs!! but I would wait for further updates in the story because a lot more is going to be revealed about the missing turtle/their backstory! (Because I say this with love but its not Mikey <3)
But please by all means I love seeing art of ghost and I’s stories!! <3
When was the last time that you woke up and actually felt awake and rested for more than half of the day? I'm asking for... Ehm... Research?
Yeah, let's say research (╸w╺)
*looks over to my chronic-pained-ass in the mirror-*
Uhh- good question-
I wanted to thank you again for participating in my little random survey! If you are interested in the results, I would love to tag you once I collected enough data and put everything into some kind of conclusion!
It's probably not gonna be much more than a general "what is the average sleep deprivation of some tumblr artists" tho...
If you don't want to be mentioned in the post, than that's also fine :)

Again, thank you a lot for participating and charing your experience! :D
Pfft- sure! Love to be tagged I’m curious now!
43. Do you take a sadistic joy in whumping your characters, or are you more the "If you hurt them I would kill everyone and then myself" kind of person?
Uhm- mixed? Pfft- it's more like “I love them and I would never want anything to hurt them- but on the other hand I had to suffer so they do to <3”
Idk if that's odd-
Why confront your issues when you can just write your characters nearly dying?? Fixes everything-
(but I love my children if anyone hurt them I would burn said persons house down.)

April's here to wish your contestant luck!
(She's still wary though, don't expect a hug{or a handshake for that matter-})
Mikey was wandering when she said something, he’s super happy to meet her though! (Although he might accidentally stress her out with more questions)

Good Luck!
Mikey says good luck as well (although he’s a little entranced in the cookie rn-)

For the 1v1 battle nexus!!! I wish you and your silly luck!!! 💖💖💖🫶🫶🫶

Mikey seems happy with the bow on his prosthetic! Good luck!!
When Raph escaped and is with his brothers again, he's prob gonna take a while to "learn" to speak again, right?
Are they gonna use sign language or smth like that to communicate with him?
He does know how to write, right?
Is he writing in Kraang grammar?
(Lost and Found AU Spoilers below the Cut \/)
So actually when Raph gets out (quite a bit is going to happen before he can get his mask off BUT WHEN HE DOES) he is going to have kind of a hard time relearning how to voice/pronounce words!
He does know how to read and write because of his human books from dimension X and because of this he has a pretty solid grip on human grammar but he does mess up sometimes and uses Kraang grammar + (and this will be mentioned later) he can read & write in Kraang tounge! He can’t actually speak it because if how human/mutants vocal cords work but he can translate when needed :D
Hi! Me again!
Is Raph going to keep his kitten friend? I forgot her name, I'm so sorry
Bc I can imagine it being a lil "stressy" for a cat to live in the sewers and all but I would be very happy for him!
Lost and Found minor spoilers \/
So a lot of going to happen with lil Bastet!
I will kind of spoil that she is going to be ok through the whole fic (mostly becosue I would cry myself if anything happened to her-) but there is going to be some ups and downs with what happens to her over the next couple chapters <3
How long was Raph in solitary confinement?
Will Raph fight his siblings?
When we gonna meet Casey?
Do you have a Casey design?
Can I steal your child?

Hi hun!!
1. Raph was in isolation for about 6-7 days <3 (he’s fine his body is used to not eating or drinking so-)
2. Yes and no. (Spoilers (:< )
3. Right before the Season 2 invasion (that’s all ur getting on their reunion)
4. Yes but not drawn- I will @ u when I post a sketch
5. Not till after he is safe <3
I've been caught up A LOT lately BUT I still got a question for your latest update even if it's... Later then usual :/
My first question is pretty simple to answer I guess? Is the chapter based of an actual episode of Tmnt? It's been a while since I saw that show but it seemed a bit familiar.
My second question is maybe not getting an answer cause spoiler but.... Is Bastet somehow... Gonna loose a limb...? I... I kinda got the feeling you like giving out free prosthetics XD
AGAIN it had been an absolute DELIGHT to read your updates, I was VERY caught up in the story telling and can't wait to read the next chapter :D
Hi again!!! Litterally as you asked this I posted again so that’s up if you want lol-
Anyway to the questions cuz I love them!
First, yes! It’s based off of the episode “the Kraang conspiracy” although a little more loose for obvious reasons-
Second, pfft I do sometimes but nah- I think I would cry if I hurt Bastet at all and even if I didn’t I think you all would kill me <3
I am pretty late again and I'm not even through the new chapter but I can't stop thinking about it so PLS ignore this if it gets explained later in the chapter and I'm just impatient!
So... Shredder has Raph
Raph is wearing the mask
Does Shredder got... A key or smth to open the mask so Raph can eat? Can Raph eat at all in earth atmosphere if he needs the mask to breath? Is he generically modified to be able to live one or two weeks without door? Does he just... Have to deal with no food for the next days?
Imma go back to finish this chapter now! :D
(2ed part)

Hi again!!!
Okie so your first question was answered already in the last chapter as you saw! So yeah shredder does have a key!
And to answer the 2ed question the kraang provided shredder with a temporary breather (one of the neck one’s seen given to the turtles by the urton in the cannon show) for Raph to use when he is allowed time for food and water with shredder’s “blessing”.
And last but not least! The reasoning it’s easier for Raph to remember Bastet’s name more then his siblings/the voices, and it’s as simple as Bastet is more recent!
She has been around for a while and Raph remembers her because if it <3 he has a harder time remembering his siblings/the voices names because he learned them years and years ago and they are buried under years and years of repressed memories!
I hope that helps!! Thanks for the questions!!!
Am I missing smth?
Your latest update had been chapter 21 "Dimension X" right?
Cause there is nothing about Shredder and having a key for Raphs mask
I just wanna make sure I that I didn't missed another update (ᵕ—ᴗ—)
Sorry for the confusion!! It’s not outright said but it is implied in the chapter I just got around to posting, which is completely on me I mistaked it being said in a previous chapter when it’s in the new one- 😭
(From chapter 22, The Second Invasion.)
“However, one thing from those horrid aliens did have to stay.
That bothersome mask.
He had addressed it while talking with the leader and while he had the power to take it off so the thing wouldn’t starve he was persuaded to keep it on for the rest of the time.”
(Sorry again that was on me-)
So... I have read the newest update and I am not being late for once
Yes, we very much happy Raph is with brothers
Yes, we very much concerned about Raphs state of mind
Yes, we very much can't wait for next chapter and how he's going to deal with being with his siblings
There is one more thing I can't stop thinking about!

Is there a reason Raph tends to have a foggy mind? Could be I asked that already but it still stands out to me :T
Does his mind got lil fucked up by Dimension X air? Oooooor is his mind just... Full force trauma fucked up...?
(Also ur sketch has me kicking my feet and giggling it’s so cute-)
Also! Nah Dimension X air doesn’t mess with Raph cuz he was raised on it, it’s just the years of experimentation and trauma fucking up his mind-
And although he’s going to get better over the course of a while and a SHIT TON of healing he’s never going to get 100% of those memories back and although that does hurt him sometimes, he’s just happy he can remember his family after a while (mini-spoilers for later sorry)
Why does raph have a mask? Unless it’s explained in the fic
It's all explained in the fic!!! <3
I just started reading your fic is good so far keep it up. We rarely get any raph suffers stories. I want him to suffer because I love him lol
Hehhehehe I also love him so he must suffer <3
Im fine
Did they left the mask in the woods or did they took it with then? I also forgot if Raph mentioned that he need his mask to breath sooo did I just forgot that or did they just assumed that?
I'm sorry, I'm very bad and remembering stuff sometimes
But the normal air is just not breathable, right? Not toxic or smth.
Is it possible to change that breathing Dimension X thingy? It seems like a very complicated process :T
Hehehe cliffhangers my love-
Yep they did leave the mask in the woods! Donnie might go back later to grab it but for now it and Raph’s armor is just scattered out there-
And he didn't mention he can't breath without it but they are putting two and two together as we speak lol- Donnie kind of assumed but couldn't prove anything until now so..
And don't apologize for asking questions!! I love seeing them!!!
The air is “breathable” on earth, yes but (and to not spoil what's about to happen) Raph is having.. Trouble.. You know.. Breathing- and living..
He was raised on Dimention X air and that's not really going to change a while lot now is what I say..
*slowly pushes glasses up as I plan more angst*
Hello again!
I did this lil silly survey a long while ago :)
I wanted to ask if you would mind to answer a few of my questions again :3
If not, that's totally fine! No pressure!
How many hours do you sleep per night?
How many hours are enough to get through the day and how many are a lot for your standard?
Is caffein (in any form) part of your morning routine or your 'last resort'?
How do you feel over the day before and after consuming caffein (if you consume any)?
For example: sluggish, foggy, awake, exhausted, grumpy, just tired, etc.

Thank you a lot for (maybe) participating!
If you want, I can add you when I post the results, but I can also leave you out :)
Hi hi!!
I remember the old poll lol, was fascinating to see!
As for questions:
How many hours of sleep, normally around 5-7 on good nights more around 3-5 on bad ones. So a median of about 5..
How many hours of sleep are enough to get me through the day, i’ve gotten away with around 2 minimum on several occasions so i’d say about that and a lot of sleep for me is 8-10 hours-
I normally don't use caffeine more because I don't have time in the mornings but if it's a particular rough one i’ll grab tea or a monster-
I don't normally feel a difference when I use caffeine it's more of a mental thing of “if I can down this I can get through this” for me-
Anyway- hope that helps and I would love to see/be @ ‘d in the final post!
Good luck!! <3