Zoophobia Tom - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Genuinely the best zp thing I’ve ever seen

Random Not!Zp idea

Ok, so for anyone out of the loop, Not!Zoophobia is an AU thing that demonstrates why I should not write Zoophobia. Mainly because it’s an AU of what would happen if I wrote Zoophobia.

Tbh, it’s mostly a collection of plot ideas with no particular order rn. I figured I’d post some of the ideas I had.

So you guys remember how I gave Mackenzie and Tom shit for not being well thought out characters for their own respective reasons? I decided to make a short post where I discuss their role in Not! Zp. Not for any real reason. I just felt like it.

On my top 5 least developed characters, I discussed how there were several parallels to make between Addi and Kenzie. They’re both considered freaks, they’re adopted, they’re introverts, they like art, however Kenzie gets the short end of the stick. She’s bullied by adults and students alike. Unlike Addi, she has no friends, and unlike her, Addi dates a lot of people. People find him attractive. People praise Addi’s potential, while ignoring Kenzie’s. In N!Zp, this serves as Kenzie’s motive for becoming a rival to Addison. She doesn’t understand what’s so special about him, and a part of her desperately wants to take Addi down to her level. The only thing stopping her being her own morals. She can’t fully bring herself to hate Addi for doing nothing wrong as that would make her as bad as Olivia. Then Kenzie meets Tom.

Tom in this version serves as a parallel to Damian. Much like how Kenzie is a more unfortunate Addi, Tom is a more unfortunate Dame. Tom despises Dame as he believes that Dame has had the world handed to him on a silver platter while Tom had to fight to be allowed on the surface. Whenever Dame tries to connect with Tom over similar life struggles, all Tom hears is the whining of a spoiled brat. This hatred also bubbled over in Tom’s relationship with Addi. Tom tried to get Addi to stop hanging with Dame, and when the two broke up, he blamed Dame for it, believing that he encouraged Addi to dump him.

When these two meet, it immediately means trouble. Tom wants to get back at Addi for daring to choose that spoiled brat over him. Addi should of listened to HIM, should’ve stayed with HIM. Addi caused him such unnecessary pain, and his anger only worsens when Addi starts going out with Gustav. Tom now sees Addi as a slut, using guys purely for pleasure. Meanwhile, Kenzie can’t take anymore of the bullying. Soon, she sees Tom as her sole companion. With a bit of a push from him, she sets her sights on bringing Addi down. She and Tom find dirt on Addi, spreading rumors about him and his friends. This makes Kenzie rise in popularity, even to the extent where she’s accepted by her peers. This only encourages her behavior, unaware she’s becoming the same monster she’s dealt with herself.

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2 years ago
Crackship Except I Actually Really Like It So I Guess Actual Ship
Crackship Except I Actually Really Like It So I Guess Actual Ship

Crackship except I actually really like it so I guess actual ship 😅

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3 years ago

what do you think of tom saying "i'm not that bad!" to mackenzie?

Tom is cute. 🖤

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3 years ago

what do you think of the zoophobia comic having swear words?

Some are adults, most are teens, so, it’s not out of the ordinary. Heck, even if they were KIDS, like, under 13 it wouldn’t be too out of the ordinary! But, uh, anyways, I don’t really think much of it, people swear sometimes. I do it. In all honesty, I kinda don’t like swearing, i don’t know why, but like, I do it anyways.

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3 years ago

can jackson, tom, and zill play as alvin, simon, and Theodore while jill, mackenzie, and kayla play as brittany, Jeanette, and Eleanor from the live action alvin and the chipmunks movies?

I’m assuming that Theodore is Jack? Not sure how I feel about that….

I think out of all the people that can play Eleanor, Mackenzie seems more fitting.

Tom is Simon and Zill is Alvin, Jill seems a little fitting for Jeanette, and Kayla is DEFINITELY Brittany.

Of course, you probably have Jill as Eleanor, right? That, or you have Jack as Simon.

It kind of all….doesn’t sound too right. And, if it’s Mackenzie that’s Eleanor and Tom that’s Theodore, that doesn’t sound right, not only that, but Tom is 19 making him legally an adult and Mackenzie a minor still being 17, so Mackenzie would have to be aged up, or Tom would have to be aged down.


How I would have them

Zill - Alvin (Kinda makes sense)

Tom - Simon (Makes a little bit of sense)

Jack - Theodore (Doesn’t really make much sense)

Kayla - Brittany (Seems a bit fitting)

Jill - Jeanette (Not so much fitting)

Mackenzie - Eleanor (sorta fitting)

But if the cast was like that, then Tom would be with Jill and Jack would be with Mackenzie, so some of them would have to switch places. I don’t think it makes sense for Jill to be Eleanor, or Tom to be Theodore, but I can’t see Jack as Theodore either…


Am I overthinking this?!


Maybe, sorta, like, a little bit.

I just….

I dunno, I’m lost right now.

I’m gonna stop-

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