DEAD OR ALIVE: Benoit Blanc X Reader
— DEAD OR ALIVE: benoit blanc x reader
request: Can you do one where the reader is stabbed(for real) and Blanc loses is shit. You can decide if the reader lives or not. Thank you 😊 and I love posts @0chemicalwaste0

Trigger Warnings: stabbing, blood, mentions of death, language
Assigned on a case along with your fellow partner, Detective Benoit Blanc, you had pushed assigned a missing person’s case to assist the local detective. With Massachusetts police staff currently occupied among multiple cases you had been called up as a last resort, unbeknownst to anybody that Benoit Blanc would be joining along as well.
You were directly involved with Massachusetts State Police under a signed contract. Unlike Benoit, you were not a private detective but rather an investigator in the police force who occasionally took on a case themselves.
It was unlikely you would ever be paired with Benoit on a case, but the Thrombey’s case had not been the first time you both had worked together. Over many years you’ve grown a familiarity with one another, both through work and privately. You even deemed yourselves, partners, when put together.
The two do you were known as a double threat by locals, and it had been purely by coincidence that this was another one of your connected assignments. You could not say that you were disappointed however because that was certainly not the case.
At the moment you were stood beside Benoit’s seat as he explained to Marta everything that he had solved- with your help. Ransom was brought in by Lieutenant Elliot and seated in a nearby chair as Benoit began to continue with his monologue.
Ransom was fed up with Benoit’s words rather quickly, shouting at him to shut up. He was angry, and he was quick to claim that you all were lying, saying that there is no proof of anything he had been accused of. He was certain that if anything was wrong with his lawyer he’d be faced with nothing more than a few days, or even just a fine.
However, things had taken a turn very quickly and the next few minutes flashed before your eyes before you could even process it. Marta’s phone had gone off and a call from the hospital rang through. She answered it, thanking the nurse on the other end for the good news before hanging up and putting her phone away. Ransom had grinned, exclaiming that he had not committed murder.
Yet, Marta had vomited on an unsuspecting Ransom who had just been recorded confessing the attempted, and actual murder of Fran. The angered man had turned to you in disbelief, his glare piercing a hole into your skin.
“If you hadn’t been assigned to this damn case I could have gone away scotch free,” he gritted out, though you had reasons to disagree. Benoit was smart enough on his own.
You shook your head, glancing at Benoit. “I would beg to differ,” you replied.
Ransom groaned, wiping his face from the vomit that remained. “Oh who cares what you think!” he exclaimed before grabbing a knife off the wheel behind him and launching himself at you.
You were quick to place your hands up, wanting to push him away before he could stab you, but you tripped and landed on your back, screaming as the sharp blade pierced through your skin. Another scream was torn from you as the bastard twisted the knife ever so slightly before he was ripped off of you and thrown to the ground, a pair of handcuffs shacked to his hands within seconds.
Benoit rushed over to you, Marta doing the same before he removed his handkerchief and folded it in two. He glanced up at Marta, signaling for her to pull the knife out. She did so in the next second, causing you to flinch in pain and hold back a blood-curdling scream.
The detective was quick to apply pressure onto the stab wound. “Dial for an ambulance quick,” he nodded to Marta, watching as she stood and farted for her phone across the room. He returned his gaze to you, holding the handkerchief down as firmly as he could. “If the knife pierced your lungs, which I suspect it has, you have a couple of hours before it can lead to death, but you must stay with me,” he explained urgently.
His shockingly icy blue eyes never left yours as he did his best to keep you as conscious as possible. He could slowly see you slipping in and out and his heart rate was slowly increasing in his chest with worry. The sirens could be heard in the far distance and he begged that they would get there faster.
You were slowly losing that battle to stay awake, and shaking lay brought up a bloodied hand- which had led on your chest -to Benoit’s arm. He looked at you, biting his lip as a sort of anxious habit.
You smiled at him as best you could. “Listen, I won’t be conscious for much longer, you can’t panic. As you said, I’ll still have a few more hours, even if I’m not awake. You need to know, in case they c-can’t save me, that you’ve been a great friend to me,” you choked out, coughing in the next moment. The smallest bit of blood left your lips.
“Shit, come on Y/N, don’t say that! You can’t just say that, not now! Tell me that when you’re healed and better, come on,” he urged, looking at Marta as she led the paramedics into the room. “I love you dearly, Y/N, I need to tell you that,” he whispered before he was asked to step back and let the paramedics take over.
You smiled at him as best you could, and within seconds you were receiving oxygen through a mask, and slowly the loud sounds around you faded. You didn’t know if Benoit’s last words were meant to be taken in a friendly or romantic way, but you hoped to be able to ask him when you woke up.
Benoit crosses his fingers and hoped for the best. He wanted so badly to express his feelings earlier, he just hadn’t had the courage till now, and he feared that it might have just been too late.
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Description: Reader because jealous of Tauriel and Legolas.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 709

I knew that I could never be with Legolas, but DOES HE HAVE TO FLIRT WITH TAURIEL RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!?!? I'm not as beautiful as my friend Tauriel, and I'm very short for an elf, but for the love of Valar why must I be tortured so! Legolas, Tauriel, me, and three other soldiers had just returned from the woods after successfully killing a small group of spiders when Legolas pulled Tauriel to the side. Me being the nosy person I am I hid behind a pillar that was to the left of them. They were talking in a low tone to the point that I could only make out some words as, " to go for fun..." or, "....think would like me?." Why did it have to be my friend out of all elleths he had to choose the one I thought of as a sister. My heart was shattered when I heard his words, but I was furious as well. I wasn't to sure what to do. 'I could stand here and wait until they leave or I cou-' "(Y/N)?" 'Uh oh.' "What are you doing over here?" Legolas asked with a raised eyebrow. I stood there with my back against the pillar with wide eyes. I was so dead. "I- uh - wa- was just admiring the artwork on this pillar." I lied and turned to face the said object. I put my hand on the pillar with my index finger following the grooves of the vine like carvings. "I have to say the work is very impressive! Ha, ha....ha." If my face wasn't red before I was positive it was now. He looked at me with even more confusion." Admiring the artwork?" He questioned then smirked. "You were eavesdropping on the conversation between Tauriel and me weren't you?" I turn quickly. "Why would you say that? I would never do such a thing!" Legolas' smile grew. "Is that right?" "Yes....N-no." I answered with my head down playing with my fingers. Legolas unfolded his arms and sighed. "Well I guess that ruins the surprise for you." "I'm so sorry I didn't me- wait what." I looked up. "You said you heard me talking about how I was going to ask you to meet me in the garden since it was your favorite spot and.... I.... was going to ask if I could court you." He rubbed the back of his neck with a slight blush on his cheeks. I was very confused by this point I had thought he liked Tauriel and-'ooooh.' The realization hit me like a pack of orcs. He was asking Tauriel where my favorite spot was because she is my closest friend, and he asked my closest friend if I liked him. 'Wow... I didn't know I was that stupid.' I looked back up to him. "So may I court you?" He questioned. Before he could even say anything I throw my arms around him in an embrace with me on the tips of my toes. He smiled brightly and put his arms around my waist. " I will take that as a yes then?" I just nodded and kept hugging him. We then pulled away. "So why did you think I was asking Tauriel all these things?" I blushed once more and dropped my head. He thought for a moment and started to laugh. "You were jealous weren't you!" Unraveling my arms from him I pouted. "Was nooot!" I squeaked. "Oh then I guess you won't mind if I ask her to come with us." He said while turning around. I grabbed him before he could move. "NO! I mean I don't care go ahead." "(Y/N)?" "What?" I glanced at him. He wore that adorable smirk once again. "You're turning green." He snorted. "That's it!" I went to grab him, but he started to run. I ran after him yelling "come back here Greenleaf I'm not done with you."

(A/N): This imagine may not be as good as some of the others because I typed this quickly but hey what can you do. I hope you enjoyed. N'i lû tôl.
Translations: N'i lû tôl. - Until then