Lotr Elves - Tumblr Posts
(Lindir) Enchanting Siren
A/N: This imagine was made up by me.
⚠️Warning ⚠️ : None
Word Count: 645
Lindir's POV
It was a quiet night in Imaldris. Lindir was completing some last minute work for Lord Elrond and a meeting they had just finished with another kingdom. Finally needing a break, Lindir laid his quill onto is desk and walked to his balcony for some fresh air. The moon was large and bright, like glittering silver resting in the clear night sky of Middle-Earth. Only when he had his eyes closed to listen to the crickets chirp and the slight dance of the leaves, did he hear an enchanting melody. It was the sound of a flute singing a calming yet mournful tune. With scrunched eyebrows Lindir opened his eyes and looked below him to see if he could find the source of the solemn song, but could not seem to identify where it was coming from. Lindir wanted to know who was playing such mournful yet beautiful music this late at night, so he walked back in his room, grabbed his dark crimson over coat, and left his room to find the source of the melody.
He searched the palace for what felt like hours, but was only a few minutes. He came to a two way corridor and stopped to listen for the melody. 'Left.' He thought to himself as he heard the flute once again. As he walked farther down the corridor the music became louder. Once Lindir reached the end of the hall he saw that it had led him to the meeting area where Lord Elrond, Lady Galadriel, Saruman The White, and Gandalf The Grey had a recent meeting about a blade Radagast The Brown had discovered in Dol Guldur. When Lindir stepped closer he saw an elleth in a (f/c) dress with (h/l), (h/c) hair. Of course he could only see the back of her. The mysterious elleth stood in the center of the platform surrounded by pillars playing her flute while unaware she had an audience.
When the song was finally finished Lindir applauded with amazement. The elleth jumped not expecting anyone to be up this late. She turned to face Lindir and when she did Lindir was astonished by her beauty. Her smooth (s/c) skin, her soft features, and her enchanting (e/c) eyes almost made him lose his balance for he had never seen such beauty before, moreover he had never seen this siren wondering around before. Finally for what felt like forever he spoke. "That melody was very lovely." He said quietly so has not to scare this majestic creature. She blushed and looked done with a shy smile. "Thank you my lord." She answered quietly. Lindir slowly walked forward. " what is your name my lady?" He questioned with curiosity while he now stood a foot away from her. "(Y/n), my name is (y/n)." She curtsied with her head bowed most of the time he had spoke to her. "I see that you already know I am?" Lindir smiled slightly at her shyness. "Yes my lord. You are Lord Elrond's steward." She answered while still looking down. Lindir chuckled while stepping closer. "Yes." He then used his index finger and thumb to lift her head up to him. 'So enchanting.' He thought. "Would you like to have a walk with me my lady?" He Asked while letting go of her chin and held his hand out to her. She looked at his hand and then to him, then smiled and replied with a yes.
A/N: Okay that was the first imagine of this book I hope you enjoyed. Also this was just a quick write so if the plot seems everywhere I apologize and if you would like to read more go to my Wattpad account. Link is in my profile, but anyways until next time my elves. N'i lû tôl.
Translations: N'i lû tôl- Until then.
(Source of translations: http://www.arwen-undomiel.com/elvish/phrases.html)

Unseelie Thranduil edit
Original art: The Time of Spells
Created by: Candra at deviantart
Edit by: @0chemicalwaste0
Legolas x reader (Jealous Much)
Description: Reader because jealous of Tauriel and Legolas.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 709

I knew that I could never be with Legolas, but DOES HE HAVE TO FLIRT WITH TAURIEL RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!?!? I'm not as beautiful as my friend Tauriel, and I'm very short for an elf, but for the love of Valar why must I be tortured so! Legolas, Tauriel, me, and three other soldiers had just returned from the woods after successfully killing a small group of spiders when Legolas pulled Tauriel to the side. Me being the nosy person I am I hid behind a pillar that was to the left of them. They were talking in a low tone to the point that I could only make out some words as, "....like to go for fun..." or, "....think would like me?." Why did it have to be my friend out of all elleths he had to choose the one I thought of as a sister. My heart was shattered when I heard his words, but I was furious as well. I wasn't to sure what to do. 'I could stand here and wait until they leave or I cou-' "(Y/N)?" 'Uh oh.' "What are you doing over here?" Legolas asked with a raised eyebrow. I stood there with my back against the pillar with wide eyes. I was so dead. "I- uh - wa- was just admiring the artwork on this pillar." I lied and turned to face the said object. I put my hand on the pillar with my index finger following the grooves of the vine like carvings. "I have to say the work is very impressive! Ha, ha....ha." If my face wasn't red before I was positive it was now. He looked at me with even more confusion." Admiring the artwork?" He questioned then smirked. "You were eavesdropping on the conversation between Tauriel and me weren't you?" I turn quickly. "Why would you say that? I would never do such a thing!" Legolas' smile grew. "Is that right?" "Yes....N-no." I answered with my head down playing with my fingers. Legolas unfolded his arms and sighed. "Well I guess that ruins the surprise for you." "I'm so sorry I didn't me- wait what." I looked up. "You said you heard me talking about how I was going to ask you to meet me in the garden since it was your favorite spot and.... I.... was going to ask if I could court you." He rubbed the back of his neck with a slight blush on his cheeks. I was very confused by this point I had thought he liked Tauriel and-'ooooh.' The realization hit me like a pack of orcs. He was asking Tauriel where my favorite spot was because she is my closest friend, and he asked my closest friend if I liked him. 'Wow... I didn't know I was that stupid.' I looked back up to him. "So may I court you?" He questioned. Before he could even say anything I throw my arms around him in an embrace with me on the tips of my toes. He smiled brightly and put his arms around my waist. " I will take that as a yes then?" I just nodded and kept hugging him. We then pulled away. "So why did you think I was asking Tauriel all these things?" I blushed once more and dropped my head. He thought for a moment and started to laugh. "You were jealous weren't you!" Unraveling my arms from him I pouted. "Was nooot!" I squeaked. "Oh then I guess you won't mind if I ask her to come with us." He said while turning around. I grabbed him before he could move. "NO! I mean I don't care go ahead." "(Y/N)?" "What?" I glanced at him. He wore that adorable smirk once again. "You're turning green." He snorted. "That's it!" I went to grab him, but he started to run. I ran after him yelling "come back here Greenleaf I'm not done with you."

(A/N): This imagine may not be as good as some of the others because I typed this quickly but hey what can you do. I hope you enjoyed. N'i lû tôl.
Translations: N'i lû tôl. - Until then

Queen of the Woodland Realm edit
Maker: @0chemicalwaste0
Original Art by: Lillian Liu

I stared out into the stars above our world awaiting what the future held next. Had we finally found peace? Would we lay down our weapons to never pick them up again? Could the children frolic in flowered meadows without having to worry about what lingered in the shadows? As my mind wondered a bright light took over my sight. Then what was once Rivendell was ash and ruin. ‘What? This can’t be!” I thought to myself. The bodies of my people lay dead and ahead me stood a being i had thought we had finally vanquished. Bathed in blood and pure darkness. It walked towards me; not caring to step around the fallen, and reached a hand out to me-
Suddenly I was back on the terrace. ‘So this is what lies in store for us? Why can we not escape this perpetual darkness?’. Getting up off the ground that I had fallen to I ran. I ran in search of my husband. “Elrond!” I screamed while running as fast as I could down the halls. “Elrond!” I called out once more before reaching his study and throwing the doors open. Elrond looked up at the sudden intrusion. “Meleth nin, what’s wrong?” He questioned while standing up and walking over to me. I almost collapsed into his arms, but he caught me around the waist. “He’s back.” Was all I said. He looked down at me confused. “Who’s back meleth?” I looked up into his eyes with a serious yet terrified expression.
We Will Meet Again
(Haldir x reader)
-Part 1-
request thanks to the lovely @SierraSama from Wattpad. Anyway this is her request and enjoy. "Could you possibly do a Haldir imagine in which the reader is injured when she arrives in Lóthorien with the fellowship and he helps her back on her feet?"
Warnings: Angst, fluff
Word Count: 951

'So help me if we live to see another day I'm going to kill Mithrandir.' I thought to myself. Why? You may ask, well I, along with the Fellowship, were currently in Moria in a bit of a conundrum. You see my friends and I were having to run for our lives away from thousands upon thousands of goblins. Not to mention the fact we had to escape from a Balrog as well. Gimli had thought it would have been a wonderful idea to traverse through the abandoned mines. A few loud noises later; curtsy of Pippin, the group and I were dashing through the old halls to the nearest exit as quick as possible. And at the current moment, I was holding up the rear of the group to make sure none of the hobbits were left behind and to let some steam off while shooting goblins in the head with my arrows. And I'm not guilty to say I imagined their heads to be Gandalf's. Then running across a narrow bridge with Gandalf staying behind to make sure everyone makes it safely across, the Balrog made his appearance. For the first time in my immortal life I saw Mithrandir afraid for his life and ours. He started to make his way over to the center of the bridge. Raising his sword and staff saying " You shall not pass!" Then slamming the butt of his staff to the ground braking the bridge beneath the beast. We let out a sigh of relief too soon, because a fiery whip rapped itself around Gandalf's leg and pulled him until only his head and arms were visible over the edge of the broken bridge. Looking to us with sadness and slight fear, "Fly you fools," was his last words before releasing his grip and falling to the chasm below. I screamed in heartbreak along with Frodo, standing there in disbelief of losing a close friend and a father figure to Frodo. Boromir grabbed Frodo and slowly walked backwards with a sword in hand to protect him and himself. Looking in my direction Boromir yelled. " (Y/N)! We need to go!" I broke out of my stupor and made my way to the exit, but before I could make it fully through I felt a sharp pain in my right side from the back. I looked down to see a poorly made arrow stuck in my flesh. Standing behind the wall separating the orcs from their target to pull the arrow out. I looked at the tip of the arrowhead to see a dark substance. 'Poison.' I thought to myself then throwing the object to the side. I tore a piece of my tunic underneath my cloak and rapped it over my wound. Making sure that it was out of sight I ran out of the Mines to finally feel the sun on my (S/C) skin and feel a light breeze ruffle my (H/L), (H/C)hair. For a moment I felt better until reality set in. 'Mithrandir is gone.' I told myself. I look at the others and realized they knew this too. I felt a signal tear run down my face and drop to the ground below.
We had been traveling for about half a day and I could feel myself losing strength quickly. Everything was fuzzy around the edges of my vision, I could feel vertigo starting to set in. I could hear Gimli talking to the hobbits ahead of me but it was muffled by the sound of blood pumping in my sensitive ears. Suddenly the Fellowship had stopped. I looked up and tried to focus my sight. That's when I saw him. He looked like he was one of the Valar descending from the halls of Mandos. He was beautiful in my eyes. Perfect blonde hair in warrior braids running down to his shoulders. I thought I was dreaming, but to soon was I pulled from my revery. I felt a sharp pain over the flesh that was pierced by that foul arrow. Everyone looked to me in confusion and worry once I opened my cloak to look at my wound only to see that blood coated most of my right side. Dark spots started to set in when the blonde elf walked over to me with concern in his baby blue eyes. I realized he was speaking to me, but I could not hear him. Then I felt myself lose balance and start to fall, but before I could hit the hard ground beneath me the elf caught me and was yelling to his men and to the Fellowship asking what happened. They didn't know because I didn't tell them. I wouldn't want them to worry. Soon an elf brought a horse over to us, the beautiful blue eyed elf lifted me up bridal style, put me on the horse, and hopped on behind me. He pulled me in to his chest so I didn't put strain on my wound or fall. While one hand carefully slid around my waist and the other grabbed the rains of the horse. Then every thing fell into darkness with my head leaned into the chest of my savior. I hoped I would live long enough to know his name.

Taking Requests
CashApp: https://cash.app/$ChemicalWaste666

For a short story(1k words) $5
For headcanons - $2
I will be taking requests for any fandom listed below.
Lord of The Rings
Rings of Power
Genshin Impact
Jujutsu Kaisen
Black Butler
Hellsing Ultimate
Harry Potter
The Hobbit
Baldur’s Gate 3
Hunter x Hunter
Record of Ragnarok
Elden Ring
Love & Deepspace
I will not write for-
MxM(I’m not good at writing it 😂)
FXF(again not good at writing it)
Aged up characters
And any other things that make me uncomfortable that I can’t think of right now
I will write for-
Platonic relationships
Romantic relationships
We Will Meet Again
(Haldir x reader)
-Part 2-
Warnings: None that I can think of
Word Count: 718

When I gained consciousness the first thing that I noticed was how bright it was. I opened my eyes and blinked a few times for my sensitive eyes to adjust. 'A healing ward.' I thought to myself when I finally looked at my surroundings. "Ah, good you are awake my lady, we were afraid you would not live through the night. How are you feeling?" Said an ellon with caramel eyes and light blonde hair, who I assumed was the healer that treated me. "Yes I am well, just a little sore is all." I answered. The ellon walked closer. "Good. I'm just going to check your wound and then you will be able to see your friends." Nodding, I sat up in my cot. "What is your name?" I asked while he handed me a cloth to cover my upper body while he checked my wound. "Oh! I'm terribly sorry, my name is Nestaron my lady. And you are (Y/N)." I smiled and nodded my head slightly in greeting. "Nestaron, has the elleth awaken ye-." The healer turned around and greeted the soldier who saved my life. "Haldir, yes as you can see I'm checking the healing progress of her wound now, if you would just give me a moment." I turned slightly to look at the ellon I now knew as Haldir. He was looking at my half naked form in surprise and a hint of embarrassment. "Yes, I-I... I will wait for you outside my lady." He bowed quickly with his eyes to the floor and walked out of the room. I smiled to myself. 'He's cute when he blushes.' I shook my head from those thoughts. I didn't need to be thinking about how he looked.
Once Nestaron did a once over of my wound he let me leave the healing ward. I walked out into the hall to see Haldir leaning against the wall opposite to the doorway I stood in. He looked up at the sound of my light footsteps. "I see you are well?" He asked with a straight face as if what happened earlier had no affect on him. I laughed to myself and answered. "Indeed. I suppose I owe you my thanks for saving my life." The corner of is lips twitched into what I assumed would have been a smile. "There is no need. I simply did my duty as March Warden." I grinned slightly at this. "Well, thank you none the less." He nodded then stretched his right arm out to the right with is palm facing upward toward the exit of the healing ward. "I will take you to your company and then we shall head to Minas Tirith to meet with the Lord and Lady." I walked forward and we began our walk to the rest of the Fellowship.
I could hear Aragon speaking with Legolas when me and Haldir were close to our destination. We turned passed a large tree to see the company resting and conversing about topics unknown to me. I was glad to see my friends again. I realized that I could have died and I would have never seen the people I cared for again. I could not do that to them, we had already lost Gandalf and I would not want to add more grief. My thoughts were interrupted by two small Hobbits. "(Y/N)!!! You’re okay, Pippin yelled, We thought you were dead." Added Merry. I smiled down at the cousins and laughed. "It will take a lot more to get rid of me my friends." Haldir smirked at this from my side. They grinned more and hugged me tighter. Legolas was the next to approach me. He put his hands on my face and placed is forehead against mine. "I am very grateful to see you well melon." With my hands on his wrists I smiled lightly. Legolas was the closest thing I had to a brother and I was very lucky to have him. "Aye I'm happy to see you as well." Without me seeing, Haldir was irked by the close proximity of Legolas, but quickly masked it. 'Why am I suddenly angered by him being close to someone I've just met.' Haldir thought to himself.
𝒯𝑜 𝒷𝑒 𝒸𝑜𝓃𝓉𝒾𝓃𝓊𝑒𝒹

This is already over but I agree with the results
"Oh, what are you doing, And where are you going? Your ponies need shoeing, The river is flowing! Oh, tra-la-la-lally Here down in the valley, ha! ha!" – Elves of Rivendell, The Hobbit
“You are more worthy to wear the armour of elf-princes than many that have looked more comely in it.” – Thranduil, The Hobbit
“May your shadow never grow less (or stealing would be too easy)!” – Thranduil, The Hobbit
"A Elbereth Gilthoniel, silivren penna miriel. 0 menel aglar elenath!" – Elves of Rivendell, The Fellowship of the Ring
"Such is of the course of deeds that move the wheels of the world: small hands do them because they must, while the eyes of the great are elsewhere." – Elrond Halfelven, The Fellowship of the Ring
"Farewell, and may the blessing of Elves and Men and all Free Folk go with you. May the stars shine upon your faces!" – Elrond Halfelven, The Fellowship of the Ring
"Yes, they are elves, and they say that you breathe so loud they could shoot you in the dark." – Legolas Greenleaf, The Fellowship of the Ring
"And now at last it comes. You will give me the Ring freely! In place of the Dark Lord you will set up a Queen. And I shall not be dark, but beautiful and terrible as the Morning and the Night! Fair as the Sea and the Sun and the Snow upon the Mountain! Dreadful as the Storm and the Lightning! Stronger than the foundations of the earth. All shall love me and despair!" – Galadriel, The Fellowship of the Ring
"In this phial is caught the light of Eärendil’s star, set amid the waters of my fountain. It will shine still brighter when night is about you. May it be a light to you in dark places, when all other lights go out." – Galadriel, The Fellowship of the Ring
"Get thee gone from my gate, thou jail-crow of Mandos!" – Fëanor, The Silmarillion
"...neither law, nor love, nor league of swords, dread nor danger, not Doom itself, shall defend him from Fëanor, and Fëanor's kin, whoso hideth or hoardeth, or in hand taketh, finding keepeth or afar casteth a Silmaril." – Fëanor and His Sons, Morgoth's Ring

Just sketches of Legolas. I recently decided to rewatch the trilogy (so nostalgic-) and just do a few portraits. 8 year old me used to be OBSESSED with him when the first movie came out haha
I'll be drawing Bilbo next!

Since many people liked the last post of Legolas, I decided to make another one-
Honestly I hate colouring but I'm doing this for you guys-

I’ve been obsessed with young Elrond for the past week. So here’s an Elrond sketch because I love my eldritch boy and he deserves the world, a cup of tea, a hug, and a book.
It is my personal head-canon that the peoples of Middle-Earth inherited their species from their fathers: Luthian is the daughter of Thingol (elf) and Melian (Maia), and is counted as an Elf (Until she gives up her immortality for Beren).
Luthian’s son Dior and grandchildren (including Elwing) are counted as humans (Elwing though does gain immortality along with her husband Earendil).
Earendil is the son of Tuor (human) and Idril (Elf) and is counted as a human until made immortal by the Valar or Eru Illuvatar (I don’t know which it is)
Even Arwen, Elrond’s daughter is counted as an Elf until she gives up her immortality for Aragorn. Arwen and Aragon’s children are counted as humans.
Also, in nearly every case where an elf falls in love with a human it is a female Elf and a male Human. The one case I am aware of where it was a male Elf and a female Human, the woman died and the Elf refused to leave the Halls of Mandos or something. He isn’t given the option of the woman he loves joining him or of him joining her
BASED, maybe sometime I should blog about how I would punish my players in a DnD oneshot for trying to poke holes in my (non-existant) worldbuilding. Short preview: I would use my improv skills to quickly think of a contrived reason why there was no plot hole and then I would make that reason incredibly cursed. I generally have a limited drawing ability but one of those players is a MADLAD and drew the cursed elves I created when I decided that the reason the NPC elves didn't like one of the players was because elves had a cultural thing against short people because they were tall (like LOTR elves)(also, don't question the logic behind short/tall discrimination. Yes, it's rediculous but it's also an in-joke and society sort of discriminates based on height with different genders only being allowed to be tall or short) BUT the elf in my party had 4ft something as their character height (slightly taller than Santa elves) so one thing led to another and now... Elves ears are half of their body height and they measure from the top of their ears, where they have a second pair of eyeballs attached like snails.

Not a day goes by where I don’t wait for Thranduil to drop his hair and skincare routine

arondir is the elfiest elf to ever elf.
Starting of slow
Okay I got a concept of what to write for and about.
So I have a list of movies and shows and some video games I can write for.
The Umbrella Academy ☔
The maze runner 🏃
Ready player one 1⃣
Pirate of the Caribbean 🧭
Lord of the rings 💍
The Hobbits 🧙♂️
The house of wax
Jeepers creepers
Texas chainsaw massacre
Halloween 🦇
Friday the 13th
The lost boys
Silent hill
Dracula ( all kinds of sorts) ( sort of)
God's of Egypt
Bill and Ten Excellent Adventure
Tank girl
Stray game
If anyone has other movie ideas, please share them below. Thank you! <3